2 week follow up...

Jul 29, 2006

Another update.....
Still hotter then heck here in my neck of the woods. I've gone for my two week check up and had my JP drain and stiches removed. I'd forgotten to take pain meds so I was little nervous about my appoinment. It really wasn't bad at all, the stiches burned a little when Dr. B was taking them out but that was it. My JP drain felt like it was being pulled from under my navel so I felt a little nauseous from the pull of that.

At my appointment (7/27/06) I was down 24lbs, I'm still shocked to say the least but happy none the less. I've been more then exhausted these days since about 2 or 3 days before my appointment, not sure why though. I talked to Eileen and Dr. B about it and was given a B-12 shot. I'm not feeling much relief yet so don't know what is causing the fatigue. Eileen told me maybe I'd been trying to do a little to much. I've been out trying to do some walking of some sort almost daily. This could be the culperate, I guess my mind feels like I can run a marathon but my body has other plans *LOL*.

I guess it doesn't help that the temps outside won't cooperate either....these stinkin' 100+ degree temps are just out of control. I can't wait til fall....late fall for that matter.

Getting foods in? All I can say is UUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! Yep, that bad! I get full really really quickly. I'm getting in my water (the only thing that I really like right now....good thing I'm guessing) more then enough of that. I've tried grounded up ground beef it set like a brick and I couldn't eat for a long time afterwards. I tried scrambled eggs set in my throat area for a while...marking that off the list until next week. I tried pintos and cheese...it was o.k. I tried some very, very thinly sliced smoked turkey ham chewed to bits beyond bits and it went fine until I tried it again....well it's off the list for a while also.

I ordered some Unjury unflavored protein I added it to some decaf coffee, I was able to get that down so I was pretty happy about that. So I guess I'll be adding Unjury to some liquids until I can get more protein in. I suspect my lack of protein is also part of the culperate in my extreme exhaustion. I also ordered a sample packet of STRAWBERRY SORBET protein powder from UNJURY also. I drank it last night and it made me full for hours, plus I wasn't very thrilled with the taste of it either. I put it with water but it probably would have been better with milk, blended with ice and a couple of other ingredients. Not sure I'll try it again but if I do I will make it into a frozen something.

Well I've blabbed enough for today so I'll finish up now....until the next time....

                         Take things one day at a time....
                                ~~~Triple C.~~~

Finally a loser and survived it all...

Jul 19, 2006




Well, I've been home since Tues. around 5:30 p.m. All went GRRRREEEEAAAATTTT, my doc was so pleased with my results. I saw him every morning around 8 a.m. (very punctual) and each day he told me I was doing wonderfully. Everyone at the hospital was fabulous, and of course I had several of my favorites.

My husband was the best nurse on the ward *L*. I've never seen him so nurturing before and I've been with him for almost 13yrs. He's so proud of me for taking this "brave" step as he calls it. He has been admiring my incision and he just looks at me in awe most of the time. It's kind of funny because he almost look at me in an angelic light *L*. It's amazing what makes some people's day *L*.

My surgery story is pretty typical and I'm a little drowsy from pain meds so I'll go into more detail later.

Summary.....We arrived in JC, KS as scheduled on 7/12. Dh and I had dinner at Chinese, my most favorite food *L*. But before that, I went to Walmart for some last minute needs. Plus I had to make sure I had my pic of my kiddos in my hospital room. So I had to do some last min. art work to make that happen (I'll try and post pic of the end results. I made it myself, all of the nurses raved about the photo. They thought that it and my kiddos were adorable).

My last night was a little sleepless. I got on OH around 3 or 4 a.m to say my last good byes till after surgery. We arrived at the surgery center @ 5:25 got prepped for surgery after signing the last bit of paper work. Got dressed in my gown and given a IV. Anesthisologist came in around 6:15 or so, briefed me asked if I had any questions and gave me something for my nerves. After he slipped me something into my IV I don't really remember much before surgery except I gave DH a kiss and they wheeled me into the OR. They said a couple of things to me and I was out.....

I'll have to finish up later, I'm on my way out for a quick walk. It's been hot around here these last week or so, so I'm going out now @ 9:10 p.m to see if I can make a quick stroll around the block. Any thing to beat the 100+ temps we've been having.

Here are some pics from my hospital stay:

101_0773.jpg This is day one, surgery day. I'm in the ICU and sitting upright in a chair already. Sure I look drunk and confused *LOL* but I'm upright after OPEN RNY on day one none the less. Aaaahhh the MORPHINE....*L*

101_0775.jpg Day 2 in the hospital. Everyone commented that my stitches look like a nice french braid *chuckles*

101_0777.jpg My little carry on luggage.

101_0783-1.jpg Day 4 in the hospital. Dh just didn't get that I didn't want to take anymore photos *L*.

More later.....
                                 "Live and Let Live"
                                  ~~~Triple C.~~~

Pre-op tips from: Dame Tooter...

Jul 09, 2006





{I do have my standard "post" I give to people preop - so hope this helps:

If you have to do a bowel prep, get a big jar of Vaseline and coat your crack  This will protect delicate skin from getting raw from the acids you'll expel.   Take a tube of Blistex with you to the hospital, this helps a LOT with dry lips postop when you can't have even ice!   Replace all the batteries in things you use regularly (TV control, VCR Controls, cordless phone, etc). Nothing worse than having to haul your butt of the couch 3 days postop just to change the channel. Also if you don't have a cordless phone, invest 5 bucks in a long cord for your phone so it can sit by you. Just TRY to 'run' for the phone postop lol. NOT!   Pack your bag to go to the hospital and then remove HALF of that. You won't use it all! Promise!  Take whatever will make YOU feel pretty postop.  Some lipsticks, a hair brush deodorant, etc. - I was asked to not bring hairspray or perfume.   Buy yourself a small bag of sugar-free peppermints. These are great if your queasy postop. Or peppermint tea. Hot tea is a great help in the mornings to relax the pouch.   Ok, those are my 'tidbits' and GOOD LUCK!}     

I have 3 days left and I need the above tips. I thought I'd add it to my profile so that maybe other pre-ops could use them also.

As for myself, I am about to lose my mind. My DH was off all last week from work, he helped me through my mind issues about my up and coming surgery. I have a gamut of emotions right now. I've even had a mild panic attack already this morning.

I'm sitting here trying to get all my ducks in a row before Thursday. DH and I will be taking off on Wenesday afternoon because I have to check in to the surgery center @ 5:30 am on Thursday. So we will spend the night in Junction City because we have a 3.5 hr drive ahead of us. We will drop our kiddos off on Wenesday afternoon as well. I AM SURE GONNA MISSED THEM...I'm always with my children so these 5 days will be very different for me and them. I've never been away from them for 5 days in a row before.

I have been sharing with my kiddos whats going to go on during surgery. I have not given them all the gorey details, just enough to know that mom will have her stomach reduced to about the size of an egg, sugars will be off limits for me (they just love to share there treats with me) and I will need some help when I get home and I answer questions that they have about my surgery. My family is being pretty helpful about preparing the house for me for when I get home. We still have a lot more to do but I know we will get it done. I'm so happy to have my family's support it truly means a lot to me.

Though I'm on a emotional rollercoaster, I am being reminded daily why I need to have this surgery. Over the weekend I struggled with everything I had to do. Grocery shopping was more then a chore for me. My weight is to the point of keeping me beyond sedentary. I've never been this bad off in my life. It's like I can't believe that this IS my life. The entire time I was shopping my lower back hurt just standing for a few minutes...not even 5 mins. with out pain. The pain then radiates through to my legs, it's like a balancing act. Not to mention trying to use a public restroom, it is becoming almost impossible. I can't even get dressed without sweating buckets....walking through stores causes excessive sweating and gets me winded. I know there is no other way to help me through this BUT weight loss surgery. I only see myself getting worse and worse, I just couldn't live if I got any worse then this.

I've always been a really mobile independent person. My weight as an adult has always been over 300lbs except when I lost the last 80lbs. I reached a all time low of 285lbs which is the lowest weight that I've been since I was about 16 yrs old I believe.

I often wonder how I made it like this for most of my life. I've never been limited as to what I could really do as far as activities go. I guess since I have been bigger then most people in my age group, grade and other situations my entire life, I've just learned to live with it. It really was like a normal thing to me to be big and I didn't see myself as being any different then anybody else. Plus my father was a very large framed man. I was always told that I was big boned because I have really taken after my father, bone structure wise. My hands are really large (I've never been able to have a wedding ring set because my ring finger is over  size 12). My shoe size is a 12 or 13 depending upon the shoe. My shoe size in 5th grade was a size 10, so I've always been a really big girl. I'm not sure what it will be like to be NORMAL size as far as clothes. I haven't been under plus sizes since about the 6th or 7th grade, I'm almost afraid of this part of my journey.

Well, I guess I'm rambling because it's helping a tad with my nerves. I really need to keep myself busy as I just want to get over the hump...the surgery part. I fear relearning to eat the most. I know I will be fine just pre surgery gitters I guess.

Until my next update....

                                  Take special care of you!
                                     ~~~Triple C.~~~


Late night ponderings....

Jul 05, 2006



Well it's about 12:54 am cst. I am normally not awake at this hour but since I am, I thought I'd make a entry.

So I celebrated my 31st b-day 4 days ago. My Dh tried to make it as special as he knew how. My children went out and bought me a couple of things also. My eldest DS bought me a stuffed dog, it sort of reminds me of the pound puppies from when I was little. My DD bought me a b-day card and a key chain (I have always been fond of key chains). Dh bought me a massager pillow with foam beads in it. He is thinking about things I can use post op (such a sweet heart). He also bbq'ed for me as my special meals. Something we do for everyone in the family b-day, we each get to chose our favorite meal and this yr. I wanted BBQ.

Of course that got me to thinking how my "fav meaL" will look next yr (post-op). I have been having the worst remorseful feelings lately. It's amazing how you think you are so prepared and you think won't get those famous "is WLS for me" thoughts or "am I doing the right thing?". "Is there one more diet left in me" thoughts. In my heart of hearts, I know that I have tried and failed numerous times. I just wish my all my thoughts would coincide. O' well, wishful thinking I guess *L*

The 4 of July was uneventful for us. I couldn't help but think that it ended up that way because of me. You see, I just don't want to be around anyone. When I am around people, I can't help but think they are only focused on my weight. I realize that this might not be the case all the time but it sure feels that way to me all the time. That plus other factors include: I sweat like the dickens trying to get dressed, I'm winded whenever I try and walk somewhere,  I only have a few pair of clothing that I can fit anymore. This list could go on for miles but those are the main points.

Everyday I can't help but focus on how hard it is to move my body around. It is truly UNBELIEVABLE! I've never felt so handicapped in my life when it comes to being mobile. I've never felt so miserable in my life then I am when dealing with my own body. All of the above tells me WHAT I have to do.

                                  7 more days left....
                             ~~~Triple C.~~~


For future referrences....YA JUST NEVER NO ;-)

Jun 27, 2006



How to break a plateau

#1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau

#2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day

#3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day

#4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day

low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?)
peanut butter

You may also have:

sugar free popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free jello
broths/bullion (sp?)
crystal light drinks

#5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!

#6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily


Begin living as a post-op....

Jun 26, 2006



Well nothing new these days. Except my mind appears to be going wacky on me. I'm suppose to be following the pouch rules, using my spirometer, taking Vitron/C and being as active as possible. I'm not doing to well with the pouch rules (not drinking with my food). I never realized how hard this would be. I often wonder if I will make it afterwards.

I just got the Vitron/C today. I had the worst time trying to find the product. Then when I ordered it (from Walgreens) they forgot to order it when I asked them to so I had to wait again for them to order it. I'm also having trouble trying to get active. I have some good days with this but not as great as I would like.

I had a really rough mental day yesterday. I got to wondering if I will be successful since I'm having a rough time following the rules right now. I'm eating waaaaayyyyy to much. I know that people on the boards say this is normal but I hate that I'm having these issues right now. I can attribute most of my over eating to the fact that my period is due in a week or so. I'm just happy it will be here before surgery.

I'm trying really hard not to stress over much right now. No matter what it is I'm taking the approach of staying as calm as possible. I tell everyone around me that I have to stay really focused right now. It's weird because I've never given myself this much of MY own time...it takes some getting used to.

My husband and I are trying to figure out if he will stay with me while I'm in the hospital or not. On one hand, I've never done anything like this before. So of course I'll be lonely in the hospital alone. But since I have sooooo far to go to get to my surgeon, I'd like for DH to keep some vacation open in the event I have some sort of complications (knocking on wood right now) after surgery he can take off to help me get back to my surgeon.

I have zero trust in the local hospital and will go to them ONLY if it is an emergency. I feel pretty good knowing that I have my surgeon's hm phone #, that helps my mental a lot.

Well only 16 days left.....

                     Keep postive thoughts and do away with...
                                  "STINKIN' THINKIN'"
                                      ~~~Triple C.~~~


Yessss....it really is going to HAPPEN!

Jun 18, 2006


6/19/06 update.....


Well I got the call from Eileen (Dr. B's nurse) THAT ALL IS A GO!!! My test results were all good. I'm ecstatic and less nervous now. I guess I'm a bit of a hypochondriac in my own mind. I just knew something would go wrong....I don't know why. I'm a pretty healthy "obese" person.If there is a such thing which I don't think it is but on paper via my labs it certainnly appears that way. My main reasoning for having WLS is so that I will avoid the numerous health issues that my Mother deal with and to live a longer life. I've never really seen any 80+ yr old obese people.

In my letter of medical neccessity from my PCP, she stated that I would die young if I didn't get this chance to lose the weight. Pretty scary stuff huh?

So what I need to do before the big day ala Eileens instructions:
1) Start on Vitron/C (iron prep)
2)Start on a mulit vitamin w/minerals (I've been taking walmart's brand of One A Day's for a while now)
3)Get Lovanax (blood thinner) script filled
4)Increase my protein now (to help allieviate hair loss later, not fool proof but can't hurt to get this on board)
5)Began to follow pouch rules
6)Get as active as possible
7)Advise to not gain any more weight between now and surgery (this to help not make the liver any larger then what it could possibly be now).

It's real now....I'm actually going to get a chance to live a new life!

                       ON MY WAY TO A THINNER ME......
                                ~~~Triple C.~~~


Happy Father's Day!

Jun 17, 2006




First I'd like to say:
                            HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

 I have to dedicate this entry to my dear husband and the father of my children.

We've been through so much together and our love grows stronger everyday. I love you POOKIE! 


And of course our precious trio:


they are truly the loves of my life! They have been there with me through thick and thin.

My husband has been my biggest cheerleader and for that I will always be grateful. When I was ready to give up on this journey to weightloss, my husband encouraged me to continue on. When I found out I was approved he was so excited for me. He has maintained that he will always be here for me throughout this journey and I sooo look forward to taking this journey with him by my side. I thank him for taking care of our family, for going to work everyday so that I may be able to homeschool our children.

I also treasure him for OUR PRECIOUS TRIO...each of my children has added more love to my life. I live, breathe and dream them. They mean the world to me. And although often times I don't think highly of myself, my kiddos make me feel like the most precious and most important person in the world. My children and my husband are part of the reason I'm taking this journey to better health. They deserve that person who's healthy, active and happy so that I may be the best mother and wife I can be.

                               Triple C.


About those lab results..... ;-)

Jun 12, 2006


Technically 30 days to go on my "tentative" date.


First, had another moment of depression. There was a carnival in town for Heritage Days. Of course in the state that I'm in I didn't want to go. My dh took the children and they had a blast but for me it just reaffirm why I HAVE to have this surgery.

I'm so disgusted with the idea that my children are growing up w/o a mobile mother. I want the memories of me "not" joining in the fun with my family to be a brief memory.

Well I waited for a whole week and a day for my lab results back so that my "tentative" date would be a "CONFIRMED" date. Well Eileen called me, Dr. Bollman's nurse. I was excited to hear from her but apprehensive because I was hoping all was well with the labs. She told me that there were two labs that were still needed. I asked her why they didn't get it when I was there (3 hr drive to get this completed), she said they just didn't do enough draws for it. So on one hand I'm o.k. but on the other hand more NAIL BITING waiting to endure.

Eileen set me up with a lab to get the draws done which I will do probably tomorrow. The test are: CBC and the Comp Panel, I decided I would go and look up what the blood test were for and my mind was put at ease. Just for your pleasure here are a couple of links (one for each) :

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/complete-blood-count/AN00362..this is the CBC blood test info.

http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/cmp/cmp.html...I think this is the Comp. Panel blood test info.

I will confirm later and change it if needed. I hope to at some point get a complete list of pre-op testing to add to my profile. I figured it might help someone someday. I know I would have loved to know...I have to know what everything is when it comes to stuff like this. I'm the same way with my kiddos.

Any who, I will update once I get the result back from Eileen....

Good Day Mate!

~~~Triple C.~~~

All about my Consult and Pre-Op testing....

Jun 02, 2006



Another update.....

O.k so on June 1, I went to JC, K to have an orientation, dietitian consult, surgeon's consult and pre-op testing.

My visit started with an orientation with Patty. She went over the package that Liv-Lite sends about their program. She also explained in more detail what all is involved in the surgery and what measures Dr. Bollman takes to avoid as much possible complications as possible. This part was very enlightning and really did reassure me more that I was dealing with the right surgeon and surgeon's program. Patty was very thorough and I thank her for being very thorough in explaining everything. She did so well that my mom was very impressed (she went with me) that she has decided to turn in her paper work for the Liv-Lite program.

Next we visited with Jennifer the dietitian. I'd already spoken with Jennifer over the phone so this was basically just to go over everything again (which I thought was great, it shows me how and why this program is so successful. Mostly because they go over things until you fully understand). I asked her more questions and she was happy to answer all the questions that I  had. Jennifer seems to really want to help the patients that goes through this program and she has made herself available for any and all question at anytime she is needed....YET ANOTHER LOVELY FEATURE OF THIS PROGRAM!

After the visit with Jennifer, it was a bit to early for me to meet with the surgeon so Patty (Patty actually called the hotel after she found out that we were going to be paying almost 80.00 for the night. Usually Motel 6 gives a discount to people who comes from out of town for surgery at Geary Hospital) called Motel 6 to see if they had any rooms available. We were booked at the Best Western JC INN because that was the only room we could find. So when I finished up with Jennifer, Patty had the info so that we could go get the cheaper room. We check in get settled a bit and then of to my consult with Dr. Bollman @ 12:30.

Dr. Bollman's nurse Eileen was great. She was really nice and just has a happy go lucky spirit. You can tell she is just so happy about the possibilites of someone having a chance to change their lives via this surgery.

I'd read up a lot about Dr. Bollman along with other surgeons. He was definitely in my top picks, but of course I wanted to pick someone closer to where I live. I was even more impressed with him in person. He appears to be such a gentle man, very mild spoken. He explained the whole procedure with me including what to expect after surgery. He also had a diagram on a paper that he was able to show me in great detail what was going to go on inside and what he was going to be doing while performing my surgery. Lot of things that Patty had explained but with a pic visual. All I can say is that I KNOW THAT I'M WITH THE RIGHT SURGEON NOW! Patty told me that Dr. Bollman really like to be very hands on with after care and instead of going to my pcp with different issues, that Dr. Bollman would want to be more in control. I like that idea because that is what I'm looking for. My PCP is very supportive of my wanting to have surgery but I doubt she has much knowledge on possible complications. I'm to be able to contact him personally about my concerns, problems and all my after care needs.

The next day I had to be at the Surgical Center @ 7:30 a.m. So I arrived at the building @ 7:19 a.m. I had to sign a couple of papers and then I was off to weigh in and put on the dreaded hopital gown. I was very impressed with the size of the gown and I was shocked that it was actually big on me considering my current size ( this also spoke volumes about this hospital and it's care for the obese). I'm so use to going to the doc's and having to hold my robe closed, this was refreshing!

Well after I put on my robe I got into my bed and the Nurse came in to collect more info from me and to make sure that I was aware of what was going to happen to me that day. Let me just say, Linda (I hope that was her name) was the nicest nurse. She was wonderful and speedy throughout my whole visit. After she collected more info, she started my IV and then gave me a TV to watch while I waited. Meanwhile I had a nice nurse we will call her Nurse B. come in to talk to me several times...nurse B. deserves her own paragraph so I will just say, she made my visit more then pleasant.

About 10 or so mins after 9am the Anesethiologist came in to brief me and told me he'd be back soon. They finally came in shortly after that and wheeled me in to the OR to have a SCOPE done. That took approximately 15 mins and then I had to go to recovery for about 30 mins. I was out for the scope so I felt nothing and it really didn't seem like a long process. I get back to my room in the surgery center and stay there until the cardio/pumunoligist came to get me. His man was Rito ( I know I spelled that wrong *L*), he was very efficient and speedy. I tell you he doesn't play around, he get the job done really quick. He also seems to be very caring about the patient ( especially when he is doing the BLOOD GAS test. He knows it's uncomfortable, so he tries to be as gentle as possible.). He had to poke me 3 times and still didn't get the blood draw from my arteries so he called in back up. I can not think of the ladies name but she was a very sweet lady. She only had to stick me once, it hurt, but she finally got the draw (Thank goodness for that. That Blood Gas test is definitely something left to be desired).  I had to have four test done. I had a EKG, a Blood Gas test done. I had a breathing test and one other test done. After that I was off to X-ray to have chest X-rays done.

After the X-rays, that would be the end of my test I was elated about that. O' I forgot to mention, before going for my scope I had a very good phelbotomist do all my blood draws. His name was Phil and he'd only been doing it for 4 months now. He was excellent and you'd never know that he's not been at it very long.

Now on to my girl Nurse B. She was more than wonderful, very knowledgeable and was able to inform me on a lot of things I can't thank her enough for all that she said and did during my pre-op visit. She made the time go faster for me because she spent a lot of time speaking with me and giving me various tips. She seems like a very pleasant lady. I can't wait to go back and see her, I hope to see if she has email so we can keep in touch. Did I forget to mention that she is a very beautiful lady...well she is and she looks so young too. Hope I'm that lucky when I grow up *L*....THANKS NURSE B. for all you said and did for me....I wish you lots of luck and with every endeavour you embark on in life...in the mean time, keep on keeping on!

All and all, I think things went well. Of course time will tell when they call me in a week to let me know how my labs turned out. All the other things that I did that produce instant results turned out pretty good, at least no one told me other wise *LOL*!

So now I sit and wait until 7/13, my "RE-BIRTHDAY". I will have had another "Birthday" on July 2nd, I will be 31 yrs. (I'm still in disbelief about this though *L*). But as we all know, you are only as old as you feel, I still feel about 22 yrs *wink*. Now wouldn't it be something if I had the body to match *L*.

Well, obviously I've blabbed enough so I'm off now. I will try and journal as to vent all of my feelings (which I know will be on a rollercoaster ride from now until July, I'm already feeling it.).

~~~Triple C.~~~


About Me
windy city native living -n-, MO
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 51

Latest Blog 46
Menus, exercise, fluids and vits...changes
Yesterday was my 17th month post operversary *L*
Menu, exercise, fluids, vits...NOT A GOOD DAY...BUUUUUTTTTT
Happy Tuesday, OH...Here is my regimen for today...
I'm baaaaccckkkk!
Today's menu/exercise/fluids/vit check
My menu today/exercise/fluid intake..
My Virtual Model...
