The Journey of a Thousand Pounds...

Jul 28, 2009

Well, not quite a thousand, but it sure feels like it.

I am starting my journey because I am ready to reclaim who I am. 

You know, I thought I knew who I was.  I am a Mom and a great middle school Language Arts teacher (nominated for Teacher of the Year after only being in the classroom for 2.5 years!).  I am a force to be reckoned with--just ask anyone who knows me.  I am a loyal friend, great listener, and advice guru.  I am passionate, compassionate, "obsessed with detail", and am widely known and respected as a go-to person in a crisis.  I am lovable and able to love in return.  I'm even told I'm beautiful.

I am also fat.  I didn't realize the last trait until I took a hard look at myself and hated what I saw in the mirror each morning.  All of the good feeling, mantra-type sayings instantly became null and void the minute I saw my round face, big arms, bulging belly, and log-like legs.

I didn't start off this way.  I was always a bit chubby after high school due to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but I  didn't let it affect me.  I could always lose some weight through medication, harsh diets, and cigarettes as replacements for meals.  I even met and married the man of my dreams.  I was positively blissful, and I didn't even have to be thin!

Then, our marriage fell apart too soon, and I was left alone.  I lost my Mom shortly afterward to cancer.  I started to fill the holes in my life with cigarettes and food, foregoing doctor's visits, medication, and medical advice.  I grew exponentially over the next 10 years, with times in between where I would lose some weight, but gain it all back , and then some.

No one ever told me I was fat; when I became huge, people started to avoid looking me in the eye or paying much attention to me.  I became the invisible elephant in the room.  I developed an outgoing and gregarious personality to offset the hurt and rejection I felt whenever someone would say, however well-meaning, "You'd be so pretty if you lost a LITTLE weight..."  I'd say things like, "Diet is just DIE with a -T on the end!"  Making people laugh and forget about how heavy I was became easier and easier over the years.

About 6 years ago, I met a man who loved me for me.  He and I shared a love-hate relationship with food.  We loved it, and we hated ourselves afterwards for eating it.  We both ballooned in our weight, blaming it on "happiness". 
We adopted a child during one of my "thin phases".  Then, I developed MS.  Steroid treatments and such left me bloated, tired, and heavier than ever.  The depression was bad enough, but the weight wouldn't budge anymore.  I was now a wife and Mommy, too busy and sick to worry about a diet.   I really quit caring about myself when my best friend was murdered in 2007.  She and I were closer than sisters, and now, I was left alone again.  Food became my best friend instead.  I was the second heaviest teacher at school.  I would go shopping, dreading the looks on the faces of the sales people when I would approach.  I hated dropping my son off at school, knowing I was "The Fat Mommy". 

To this day, and I don't know how, there was a Heavenly intervention that happened in my life.  I was brought  a special someone who cared enough to say, "Rene, I love you, and I am worried.  I want you to be healthy again.  I want you to be happy.  I want you to have a better life."  I had already begun taking off some weight, but now, I was motivated to get moving.   I was motivated to LIVE and want the best possible life for myself!!! 
I was motivated to be beautiful again. He gave me this website address, and gently encouraged me to join.  I am glad that I listened. 

So here I am, starting my journey.  I am working out each and every day with my Wii Fit and my EA Active.  I eat much smaller portions of protein and veggies, limit my carbs, and avoid sugar, fast food, and large amounts of fat.  I am already seeing results!  As of this date (July 29, 2009), I have dropped over 26 pounds and am more focused on the future than ever!  

I know I can do this.  This time, I'm changing my life, not just my diet.  I am ready.


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Jul 25, 2009
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