Surgery and other stuff...

May 27, 2010

I've had to stop going to the gym for a while due to having surgery on my legs.  I had surgery last week on the left, Tuesday was the right.  I've been having issues with blood flow and circulation from when I was morbidly obese.  The surgery was VERY painful--only used a local anesthetic to numb the area, but then the doctor dug 4 inches deep into my legs!!  He said they were the smallest veins he's ever seen in an adult, and that they were extremely deep.  He had to work for his fees!

Once I'm able to resume normal activity, I'm going to do a 60 day bootcamp training.  Yes, a bootcamp!  I want to get leaner and increase my endurance for running.  I really enjoy the personal challenge of running, and training for my first 10K run has been fun.  I would eventually like to run a marathon (26 miles!) but that's at least a year away! 

I really hate not being able to work out right now, but the way I see it, it will only help me to rest and relax a bit.  If I push my training too hard, I'll end up back in surgery and worse.  I haven't gained anything, but I can tell my muscles are going slack.  

My Zumba instructor called me to check on me, and my Pilate's instructor saw my ex-husband at the gym.  He's still over 400 pounds, but that's his issue, not mine.  When our divorce became final, I washed my hands of his life, unless it concerns our son.

I'm also headed back to school for a double Master's Degree/Ph.D., program.  I'll be a Doctor of Education in about 36-42 months.  I'm so excited!!

I did go back to the school that I taught at last year with my friend to pick up her daughter.  No one recognized me!  I had to tell all of my former colleagues that it's ME!!  They couldn't believe it!  I am 11 sizes smaller than I was last year, and in shape.  They told me that the kids miss me terribly and that they credit me with their success in writing.  I'm so proud of them and their accomplishments.  Many are attending the collegiate high school that opened last year.  Getting accepted was tough enough, but then they tested the students on their Math, English, and Writing accumen.  If they were my students, they passed with flying colors!  That made me feel GREAT!!

So, life goes on, the weight continues to come off, and I stay on my path to success.


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