Thursday, April 3, 2008, Updated Pics

Apr 03, 2008

I updated my pics. I see no changebut I know in time I will. I hope everyone is doing great! Until next time.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008....Spoke to the Nutritionist

Apr 02, 2008

Hello All, 

I spoke with the nutrionist and she told me not to worry about the protien supplements. Since I can't tolerate  it she said don't force it. That I will be fine getting protien through food. I do love my chicken! Lol. However she did give me a laundry list of things to buy: 

iron -29mg daily
calicum citrate- 3x daily

So I been just taking my multivitiman all this time. I'm glad I called. So I will be off to the store. Hopefully I will feel even better and keep some hair. I have been trying to keep up w/ the gym. Went today to Water Aerobics for 1 hour and did eleptical for 15 min. Right now I am at 2-3x a week. I want to step it up but my schedule makes it tough. I am offically 6 weeks post-op. Im down to 211. About 4 pounds lower than I was when I was preganant with my first. A total loss of  38 lbs. My goal for April will be 10 lbs. I don't wanna lose it all in one month. I want to tone and not be all sagging skin. I need to lose 61 more lbs to reach my goal of 150 and at 10lbs per month I could be there in 6-7 months. So I am gonna pace myself. I have lost 38lbs in a little over 1 month and I couldn't be way I could have done this on my own. As some would say. I am still happy about my decision. 

By they way I still can't tell the difference( i know i need to update my pics). But I guess others can. I have been getting compliements from my friends, co-workers, and boyfriend! Things I haven't heard in a while. I think it has a lot to do with me. I feel better, I dress up, put make up on, smile more. In my head I know I lost 38lbs and see the scale moving in the right direction. Can't wait to see me at 150! LOL


NEW GOAL: Lose 10lbs by April 30, 2008

Friday, March 29, 2008, Protein question

Mar 29, 2008

Okay I am trying to do the protein thing, But whenever I take it , It makes me feel sick and gaggy. So far I tried the shakes, Atkins Advantage, EAS, Slim Fast Low Carb, protein water, Bars. All of which make feel horrible. Any suggestions, maybe I could try pills or some other form, I just dont want to keep wasting money. It's the weekend so I will contact Dr. Patel on  Monday. I know this is around the time my hair will probaly start falling out so I wanna do as much as I can to keep my body healthy and some hair. Let me know if you have issues with protein and any solutions to my problem. Thanx.....Kim

Wednesday, March 26, 2008..Journal..Size 22 no more!

Mar 26, 2008

Okay, so I tried a journal and to be honest I don't know where it is. I was never good a keeping a written journal unless i was mad about something...Lol! I have been really busy at work and with the kids. Thank God for this tool, cuz in my not so distant past I would be eating fast food everyday with this hectic schedule. Im still trying to get in a groove with eating and drinking all my water, I think I am doing okay. Last week only made it to the gym once. Everybody in the house got sick, my 11 month old had bronchitis, then I got sick, then my 6 yr old had strep throat. I did manage to go today. I worked out for an hour and it felt great. I want to get a personal trainer, but they are so expensive. I had one trainer trying to sell himself....come up to me talking bout, I bet you used to look like Beyonce and I can get you there again.....I'm like N%&*^ please how much? Lol, It seems my weightloss has slowed, probally cuz im actually eating food unlike the liquid diet. Ima have to post my 1 month post op pic, not that i can see any difference, but what the heck. Today I weighed in at 215lbs down a total of 34lbs, oh yeah how could I forget tried to put on my size 20 jeans and they just slipped right off. I am now in a really lose 18!!! yea!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008....Starting a Journal

Mar 20, 2008

Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I decided to start a personal journal to keep up with my water and food intake, exercise....etc. I have been having a hard time trying to drink all the water I need and eat 3 small meals a day. Which is probally why I am constipated (TMI I know) and cant' get rid of this foamy mouth crap. If anyone has a solution for mouth foam let me know. I have been going to the gym. I really like the water aerobics class and the eliptical glider thing. Doing great there! But can not get in any protein. I am going to buy that kind you cant taste, because Atkins, EAS Advantage, SlimFast, and all them others make me gag and leave the worst taste in my mouth any suggestions for protein let me know. It's tough tryna juggle all this, but Ima do it. I made it this far no turning back. The good news is I am still losing weight. I have passed my goal for 30lbs in a month. I am down 32lbs and weighing in at 217lbs. Now if I can only get the hang of everything else  I will be in business.

Friday, March 14, 2008.....3 week post-op check up

Mar 14, 2008

I am back from check up......Drumroll please......I am down 28 lbs. I still can't really tell but the scale doesn't lie. I am now able to take a bath, step up my exercise routine, and EAT! I am offically on phase 3 of the diet plan. 1 bite of food every 3 minutes up to 6-8 bites. Then hopefully this horrible taste in my mouth will go away. I aske him why does my mouth taste like trash on fire, he said it's the first sign of starvation and it will go away once I start eating. Now I gotta do the protien thing, try to get in all my water, and eat. I did talk to alot of the ladies in the doctors office who had the surgery and got reciepes and asked a ton of questions. I bought the old $40 vitmans for the store in the office, Those Centrum chewables are horrid, and from what I hear don't work that good. I am 2lbs away from my goal of losing 30lbs in a month. My month will be on march 22, so I will have to update.......Kim

Friday, March 07, 2008.....Back to Work

Mar 07, 2008

Hello all, yesterday was my first day back to work. I wish I would have taken more time. I came back late in the week so I wouldn't overwhelm myself and boy am I glad, I've worked 2 days and feel like I worked all week. I had my 26th birthday on Wednesday, didn't have any cake or drinks and you know what I didnt miss it. I am down 18lbs since my weigh-in at 249, now I'm down to 231. I am doing well with my 6 week liquid diet, hey only 4 more weeks to go I have been going to the gym. I have been walking and biking, and can't wait to do more once I get the okay from the doctor. I have my 3 week post-op check up on March 14. My goal is to lose 30lbs in my first month. Once I get to step up the exercise I am sure the weight will come off, plus I am half way there. The pain from surgery is gone, although I get an occasional headache, which tells me I need to drink more and occasional side ache from doing to much and needed to sit down, I mean they tell no lifting over 15lbs, but I can't go no 4 weeks without having to pick up my 1 yr old who is about 25lbs.....chunky butt. But over all I take it easy aint trying bust a gut. LOL!  I am so happy I did this, I ain't gonna lie on surgery day I was having second thoughts, can you believe that....after all this time wanting and dreaming. I havent gone down in a clothing size but I my shoes are fitting so loose, I can see a difference in my face, I am glowing, and smiling, and happy and I have just gottem started. Thank you Jesus for blessing me. I won't let you down. I am on going to use my tool to the fullest. I hope you are all doing well. I will update and let you know how the follow up visit goes. God Bless......Kim

Thursday, February 28,2008....Post-op.

Feb 28, 2008

Hello all. I am back from the hospital. I am at home doing well. The surgery went well. My BF did show up and has done a wonderful job taking care of the kids. Now he see how hard my job is. I am on a clear liquid diet, which isnt so bad still, not really hungry. The hardest thing for me was getting outta bed at the hospital, I mean the gas they pumped in me was worse than child birth/labor....but they were right walking around helped alot. Also you have to use this breathing  thing so that your lungs dont colaspes or you get pnemonia. Which makes you cough and you dont wanna cough with incisions.Taking those deep breaths were hard. I am so happy I have done this, now for the results!!!!! I am still in a little pain but I know each day will get better. The doctor was great, the hospital staff was nice, I have to have tough love, cause if I am inpain I can be mean. They were very understanding. I got there at 5am, was changed and wieghed, Guys I was down to 240 from 249 in 3days of clear liquids, any who they put me to sleep and the surgery took about 30 minutes, I was in my suite when I woke up.  I was on iv, meds, etc so i didnt have to move much the day of the surgery, on the day after it was time to get moving, I had to have a litle push , but got up, and got outta there.  I spent 2.5 days in the hospital. I don't have to go back to work until March 6,  so that should give me time to recover.  Thanks for all your prayer ans support. I am gonna nap before the kids get home from daycare and school,  I will be sure and update w/ new pictures and weighin's..........Love you all.........Kim

Saturday, February 23, 2008....Pre-Op

Feb 23, 2008

Yesterday I had my pre-op doctor's visit. I was told that it would be a short visit consisting of getting my current weight and some bloodwork, so I just went during my lunch break at work, I got there at 2:00 pm and left at 6:00 much for short visit. I sat in the office waiting to be called back for about a hour. They call me back and weigh me. My current weight is 249 (my heighest), the last time I weighed myself was in August 2007 when I went to the seminar, there I was 239, a gain of 10lbs, I am so glad I am getting this over with, can't stand to gain one more pound. Anyways, After being weighed I had to speak w/ the doctor ensuring nothing changed healthwise, if i had questions, and the good ole pre-op diet. The diet is not so bad....Clear liquids, so far I have lost 4lbs, down to 245, two days in. Also haven't been really hungry, little under the weather, which is good cuz the kids had pizza and there Dad had chinese (my favorite next to italian) he also told me to take a bottle of Mag Citrate aka laxative to clean me all out on Sunday at noon. NeedIess to say I got all my shopping and errands run today. I also had to do an EKG no issues there, A U/A I know I aint preganant...Im done with having babies, they did blood work, I registered at the hospital, and I had to pay my $300 co-pay. my out of pocket expense will probally be around $2800, but I'll deal with that when I get the bill! I am all set for Monday. I have to be there at 5:30 am and surgery is scheduled for 7:00 am. Being so close I feel so good right now. Even got a DAMMMN!!!! from a man in Target, that was sorta inapprpriate, but itmade me smile. When I left the house I dressed up, put makeup on, had a smile on my face because  I am only days away from taking back control of this weight thing. I'm not nervous, I have prayed about and I will be sure and post and let you all know how things go. Oh yea, I finally bought me a scale, a must have

Thursday, February 20, 2008...just a little vent

Feb 21, 2008

As the whole world probally knows by now, I am having WLS on Monday February 25, 2008. But on my special date the one I love so much will not be there to support me. He says he can't get off work. I'm like excuse me... I'm practically your wife, I'm the mother of your children, have given you my all, have forgiven you for all the stupid things you have done, and been there for you since day one....and you can't tell them fools you WILL be there for me on my day. The day I have waited so long for. It ain't like he has this big job that wouldn't function if wasn't there. And it's also the way he said it. " I aint gone be there" all like no big deal. I have alot of hater's ya'll. In a nutshell God has blessed me. But the one person I thought would have my back is him. I honestly think he does not want me to do this for selfish reasons, he knows that my weight is the only thing holding me back from being happy with me. If I'm happy then the focus will no longer be on him....and that's a shame. Its seems like he is doing this to hurt me, like I ain't gonna do it if he aint there. Pleeeassse!!!! My theme song is INDEPENDENT by Lil Boosie or whoever.  But you know what, I am doing this for me, not him. I want to live a long time, I wanna be healthy, happy, improve my inner beauty as well as outter. I do have support, my parents will be there and my close issues with work might I add. My life is going to change for ther better with or without him no question. I know God has a plan for me and nobody is going to interfere with that. Well I have 5 days and I can't wait now more than ever. I am so ready to get this show on the road. 

Stay Blessed!!!

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 116

Latest Blog 41
Thursday, November 27, 2008...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008......I made it!!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008....Booked a date!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008.....Got the go ahead!
Wednesday, Septmber 3, 2008.....A blessing!
Saturday, August 30, 2008, I am ready for plastics
Thursday, August 7, 2008......Stressed but Happy????
