Wednesday, February 20, 2008......OMG!!! My date has changed.

Feb 20, 2008

.....I call the doctors office to ask a few questions, like when do I need to do pre-op, is there a special diet or not, you know stuff like that. The lady tells me my date is February 25, and I need to do pre-op on Friday...this Friday. What happened to March 19th. Oh well....I'll take it! I wanted to wait until March so I could party on my birthday, but this will be an early present to me. I wasn't nervous because the date was so far away, now I'm like. Pray for me ya'll. I am so nervous and excited. I don't know what else to say.  I guess I will post on Friday to let ya'll know how pre-op goes.

Thursday, February 14, 2008 I HAVE A DATE!!!! THANK YOU JESUS

Feb 14, 2008

I have finally got a date! It will be March 19, 2008. A couple weeks after my birthday. What an awesome gift. I feel like getting on stage and thanking GOD, my Mom....etc. Lol. I am serious. I mean I have been approved for awhile, but it feels good to get a date! Something I can look forward towards, marking the days off my calender. They were able to do the surgery this month, but I need time to notify my employer and since I work in commission mostly stack as much paper as possible. They did say that I do not have to be on any special diet. I will do pre-op, surgery, recover, and be on my damn way!!!! Happy Valetines Day! Sho' my old raggedy guy ain't say or get me nothing, but it's all good cuz I have a date.

Monday, February 11, 2008, Still waiting on my date....

Feb 11, 2008

However, I was told that I would have a surgery date very soon. Don't really know what the heck is taking so long, but I am approved as of Febuary 1, 2008 and am so close I can taste it! Hopefully, I can get it sometime is March. That would be one heck of a birthday present! My next post better be.....I HAVE A SURGERY DATE!!! lol.

So What Now? Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan 24, 2008

Okay I have the approval, so what now? I am trying to be patient knowing that the doctor's office is probally swamped with everyone trying to get in at the first of the year. I just want a date. Something I can look forward and start counting down the days. Atleast I have the approval and for the I am truly blessed. I sent Dr. Patel's assistant an email today, so I'll be waiting to hear what she says.


Jan 18, 2008

Yep that's right. I contacted United HealthCare yesterday and thats exactly what they said. Praise God!!!!! Now I am waiting to hear back from the doctors office to get the pre-cert out of the way. And then ya'll I am on my way to be a LOSER, finally. I am so excited. It feels so good to have some good news with all the drama I have going on in my life. Prayer works! I can't wait to update with a date. Touch base very soon!

Here we Go Again: January 07, 2008

Jan 07, 2008

Hello All

Here we go again:
Well the doctors office called me today letting me know that this surgery is covered by my insurance, (which I already knew) but does means the ball is rolling. I  completed all my test when I submitted with AETNA and they will be submitting the info  to UnitedHealthcare tommorrow morning. I am praying that I will be approved, praying so hard. This insurance doesn't require as much like that stupid 5 yr weight history. So we shall see.  I feel nervous I don't want to be denied/dissappointed again. She says it can take up to 30 days to get a response, so time for me to work on my patience again. So hopefully my next post will be the one I have been waiting for. 

God Bless, keep me in your prayers as you are in mine!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Jan 04, 2008

Update.......Well I was denied by Aetna. They said I was not fat enough long enough, so have been waiting for my new insurance to kick in. I switched to United Healthcare which I hear is easier to get an approval. It is effective this month. I contacted the doctors office on January 2, letting them know I am ready to try again. They took my new insurance info and are in the process of verification of benefits. I understand they may be a little behind with the holidays and all so I will be patient. Especially since all my tests were completed and they have all my records etc. 

My resolution for this New Years is to lose weight. I hope I can have the surgery, but if not I will lose this weight. I am determined. With my weight loss will bring so many other positive things. I will be healthier, love myself more, and have an overall better quality of life. With that happiness I expect better preformance at work, which means more money, higher self esteem, I will be able and want to shop ( can't tell you the last time I really did something for my self) really got dressed up. I will feel comfortable dating. Right now I am allowing myself to settle, which goes back to self esteem. I know looks are everything blah blah, but I am a realist and I wouldn't date me. I know that sounds bad, but I gives me the fuel to do what I have to do. 

Since my last post in September 2007 so many of you have been blessed and have gotten the surgery and are on your way to weight loss and a better life. I wanna say congrats to all of you and keep me posted. I am so happy for you. And to all of you that are pursing this, you too will be in my prayers. In due timewe will get there. 

God bless you all. I will update on my progress and be sure and keep me posted.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sep 29, 2007

I am so irrate........I called Aetna yesterday to check the status. Guess what they said this time. MY FILE IS ON HOLD BECAUSE THE DOCTOR IS AN OUT OF NETWORK DOCTOR, AND I HAVE TO USE AN IN NETWORK DOCTOR. Okay first of all that should have been established at the seminar. They told me I was good to go, so I sat through the seminar, saw the dr., did the psych eval, saw the dietican, which took 3-4 hours. So if I'm doing all this they better know I'm covered. It takes me about a month to get all my info together. Since they require so freaking much. I give teh office all my info. I have invested alot of time and money in this process. And I may have to do it again with some other doctor. A freaking total waste of time. It's been 3 weeks I have waited to get an answer, and to find out just know he is not in the network is BS. I call the doctors office and speak with coordinator, and she states they were told he was in the network covered 100%. She couldn't get through to confirm whether he was or not and will have to call Aetna on Monday. I am going to speak with the doctor. It's apperent that the coordinator can't get it right. I am going be like either you can or can't. Pray for me ya'll. This process shouldn't be that hard.

3 hours later!

Okay, so ya'll know I said I was gonna talk to the doctor. I sent him an email today at 11:30 am and he responded at 2:15 pm. This is the reason I want him to preform my surgery. Today is Saturday and he had the time to write little ole me back, and ensure this would be resolved. I knew I wanted him as my surgeon about 10 minutes after he introduced his self. He basically told me it would be taken care and this is not something uncommon........BASICALLY CHILL YA BUTT OUT, WE GOT THIS. I respect that. So like I have been saying I am gonna leave it Gods hands. I can't let waiting on WLS consume my life. I have so much going on right now. But dont stop praying for me.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sep 25, 2007

I got some slightly good news....I called the insurance company today to make sure my paperwork was received and being reviewed. The customer service person did tell me that my paperwork was received on 9/21/07 and is being reviewed. I asked her how long it takes and she said 7 business days. Much better than 30. WOW! 7 business days I can live with that....but if they would have been faxed on 9/14/07 like I was told they  did then I would know already. So I should know something by 10/02/07....I'm praying that it's an approval. It just makes me nervous that they asked for so much, I fear if one thing isn't correct they will deny it. I'm not trying to be negative and I'm not doubting my God. I just want to know. 

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sep 24, 2007

Okay....I contacted the doctors office and guess what....they had re-fax the paperwork! A whole freaking week passed. If I wouldn't have called I would have just been sitting here waiting, thinking it takes time and to be patient. Why is this process so hard? I did my part, turned in all the paperwork, and spent money I didn't have. I need the approval as soon as possible. I want to leave my current employer and since I already started the process I'm trying to hang in there. This is crazy! I called the doctors office she said they should have the paperwork. Well why the hell did I just called Aetna again to see if they received the paperwork....they have not! I called the doctors office again and she says"let me call them". The doctors office has been great up until this point. Give the stuff to me I will hand carry it to Aetna. I mean come on get it together, now 30 days max wait time has turned into 45 days wait time. I'm not giving up though. I'm will call them every day twice a day until they get it right. I will go up to wherever I have to. Ya'll just keep praying for me.

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 116

Latest Blog 41
Thursday, November 27, 2008...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008......I made it!!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008....Booked a date!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008.....Got the go ahead!
Wednesday, Septmber 3, 2008.....A blessing!
Saturday, August 30, 2008, I am ready for plastics
Thursday, August 7, 2008......Stressed but Happy????
