Support group

Apr 15, 2007

you must attend one support group before doctor will see you. I missed the one in Springfield so I went to one in Rogers AR.
not much difference drive time and very easy peasy to find...poor me...nothing in Springfield is easy for me to find...I am always lost when I go there. so this worked out well for me.
 I met some wonderful people there and heard some truely inspirational stories and saw the greatest photos. 
 Tomorrow I find out if the PCP faxed all my work ups to the Dr office.
if not I will go collect them and fax them myself.  Im hoping that just maybe I can get an appointment next week for my consult...I hope that isnt asking too much. I am soo ready for this.
 I had quit thinking outside my house when I thought of my future
now I think of walking the Beach in Pensecola with my sweet hubby and friends. of working out in my with my daughter and giving pony rides(on my back) to my granddaughter....
  I am feeling some better after the crying jag of friday but still scared that something will happen and I wont get my surgery!
   Im too young to be stuck in my house!

roller coaster

Apr 13, 2007

Today has been a roller coaster of emotions.
I have been playing phone tag with the Doctors office...I finally got someone today. I was checking in with a live person to see if all of my paperwork and labs and sleep study have been faxed from the PCP
 of course they havent been. and than the bombshell
seems as though medicare has not been paying for some of the surgeries. and Dr is getting ticked off about it. he spent so much time and effort to be approved as Center of excellence so they would pay for the surgeries only to have them now being denied....she told ne that although he hasnt said he is not going to take medicare or medicade anymore she thinks its comming.  she told me get my paperwork in ASAP and she would do her best  to get me soon.
 she said they also have been denying the consult charge saying it is a routine office call and the pt should be responsible for it.or it be included in the surgical bill....of which they do not want to pay.
 What a mess! after getting off the phone with them I called the PCP
hmmmm...I was told...I dont think we have a fax number...HELLOOOOO its been almost 3 weeks why didnt they get it or call me and ask me what it is. I gave the fax number...if not faxed by monday Im picking it all up and go find a fax machine and do it myself.
 than I called the shink and he was just getting to my evaluation and he promised me he would fax it in tonight or monday at the latest.
soo after my crying jag...I feel better....but now Im freaked out it isnt going to happen AGAIN
for the 3rd time. I knew I shouldnt get my hopes up...glad I havet told very many people about having it done. 
who do we write to? this is insane.

another step

Apr 12, 2007

Last night was the dietary conference call that is required before your consult. another step completed.
all my paperwork is finished, I have had my psychological evaluation...of course the family has to make their jokes that Im only going to be confirmed a nut job...LOL
and lab work is done. next step is the support group. which I go to on sunday night.  although I have not had my consult  as of yet I do feel like things are moving in the right direction...Im trying very hard not to get to excited that it may happen this time. but each step forward makes that harder to do. the only thing this time I wont be totally devestaded by being turned down...I have the full support of my  PCP and my OBGYN. and I have found this board and have learned about other doctors. so if I have to I will start over...crossing my fingers.
 I still havent told my mother yet. I cant take the dissapointment in her eyes if it doesnt work out for me. she is not alone in her worry about my general health but she likes to act as if she is.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2007
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What else can go wrong?
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6 months check up
nannie again!
