Mar 28, 2008

I finally got the call that I've been approved!  My date is April 21st and it appears I will have doctors appointments of one kind or another until that day!  Cardiologist, some EDG test, nutritionist, exercise, regular physical, blood work and bone density. The bone density was previously scheduled and not required for this but I'm keeping the appt.  Can you say EXCITED!!!???

Psych Eval

Mar 25, 2008

The Dr. office called me yesterday saying that the insurance company had called and wanted a psych eval prior to submitting the paperwork to the medical director.  They were worried that it would be denied without it.  I was scheduled to meet with the psychologist last night.  I have been nervous about this one but it was not bad at all. That will probably be the easiest part of the process.  Now it's back to wait mode to see if it's approved.  Still have everything crossed!


Mar 12, 2008

Well my paperwork was finally faxed to the insurance company yesterday morning.  I'm hoping for a speedy approval!

Day 5 on the CPAP

Mar 12, 2008

Well I started using my CPAP on Friday.  Both Friday and Saturday nights I woke up several times with my throat bone dry and sticking together when I tried to swallow.  Sunday and Monday I cranked the humidifier up and was awakened to the machine popping or snorting. Turns out a 6 setting on the humidifier is "Rain Forrest" mode.  Who knew?  Cranked it to a 4 and only woke once last night and was a little dry but not miserable.  Hopefully just a little higher (almost at 4) and a full night sleep tonight.  I'm really tired of always being tired!


Mar 02, 2008

Well the second sleep study went pretty well.  They put the cpap machine on me and checked out the different settings to see where I should be.  While I did wake up several times during the night (that's normal for me), I had lots of dreams and was very alert the next morning.  The thing is uncomfortable and I'm wondering how it will affect my stomach sleeping but maybe just sleeping better will stop all the tossing and turning from front to side to back to front.....

We'll see!


Feb 28, 2008

Woohoo!  I finally got my letter from the doctor for the 6 month supervised diet requirement.  It was a well written letter and appears to cover the bases.  We'll see if the insurance co will accept it.

Sleep study (Part 2):

Well I thought I was good on this but got a call last night that I have to go back in and use the cpap.  My oxygen level dropped too low or something.  I scheduled it for Saturday.  I just can't wait; the first one was such a joy.  Now I will have all those wires plus a darth vador mask.  EEEEE HAAWWW.

I just talked to the Dr. office staff and she has everything she needs except the letter of medical necessity which Dr. Ganta will provide.  She thinks she'll be able to get everything out Monday to the insurance company.  Wish me luck!


Feb 21, 2008

I was signed up for a 2 night sleep study.  The first night I was to be hooked up to all the electrodes and monitored thru the night.  The results will be sent to the doctor and if he feels it's needed a second night will be scheduled where they will hook me up to the CPAP machine.  

I arrived at 10 pm and signed my life over then he proceeded to hook me up.  OMG I've never seen so many wires and gizmos.   I was finally put to bed around 11.  They expect you to sleep on your back and I'm not a back sleeper.  I struggled to go to sleep until around 1:30 when I just sat up in the bed. I was tired and just couldn't do it anymore.  She came in and made some adjustments, got another blanket and walked out once again.  I finally dozed off after that visit only to be awakened what seemed like seconds later.  It was actually 5 and the wake up call time.  

It sounds like I did well and didn't have any episodes of stopping breathing so hopefully I won't have to go in for a second session.   I don't worry about needing this particular problem since I have so many others that qualify me for the surgery.

I guess this means my sleep problems are either my mattress or the dog being glued to me all night. 

I'm one step closer.  NEXT!

Dietician Visit - 6 month supervised diet requirement

Feb 20, 2008

Had my visit with the dietician yesterday to get the 6 month supervised diet business started just in case the insurance won't accept the last 15 years worth of diets.  Very interesting.  She has me eating MORE.  Not sure how to get it all in with the current meds I'm on.  Eating can be a chore.  I take meds for diabetes that make me throw up if I eat too much or eat out of the range of when I take the shot.  On a positive note the added sick spells should make me a seasoned veteran for "PB" incidents though.  Breakfast was 2 slices of toast and yogurt and I am sickly full.  I was supposed to add a fat in there too but that's not happening.

While there I did speak with the PA I normally see who is getting the blood sugars in line.  She mentioned that she was about to dictate a letter of recommendation and I brought up that I wanted her to mention n the letter that she logged when I started LAWL, charted my weight/loss, and counseled me on making the diet work with my meds.  She said she would so I'm hoping that will be enough for the insurance co. 

I have my sleep study scheduled for tonight so I'll blog on that after it's over.  I hope these blogs can help other new people who are a step behind me.  A little knowledge going into something certainly helps!

Let's get this ball rolling

Feb 15, 2008

Well I have been on the phone for 2 days now trying to get the "6 month diet" things hashed out.  My endo did note in my charts when I started LAWL and she also charted my weight and weight loss with each visit.  I have an appt for next week to start supervised diet just in case!  While there I will talk to them about writing a letter stating that it is reflected in my chart when I started and my progress over the year. 

While at my appt Dr. Ganta suggested I do a sleep study so I've called today and got that ball rolling.  I also spoke to a friend of my son's and have some personal training sessions set up.  He's recommended what equipment I need to get to start.  I will call him back to get some sessions started now so I'll be stronger for the surgery and better able to recouperate quickly and have a good start on fitness.

I also have a call in to my insurance company to find out EXACTLY what kind of documentation they need for the 6 month diet just in case my lawl is dissapproved.

This is turning out to be a good deal of work but I know it will be worth it.

Let the games begin - First Appointment went well

Feb 14, 2008

I couldn't have asked for more.  The office staff is wonderful.  Very friendly and very helpful.  Dr Ganta is not at all what I expected.  He was very personable.  He smiled often but was professional throughout..  He was very nice.  He answered all my questions and then some.    I was very comfortable with him and I think this was a good decision.  I had checked into this once before with a different doctor and felt like one cow in a herd.  Completely different vib here.

The news was not all good.  The 6 month supervised diet might bite me.  I've been on one diet for a year now (and about a million others before that) and my endo has been tracking my weight all this time but they don't think it will do.  I'm going to keep my fingers crossed anyway.  On a positive note, if I have to wait 6 months maybe I can get a little more weight off so when the time comes I might end up closer to my goal weight.
