Losing strides

Dec 19, 2010

Almost Christmas....I have lost my will to move forward with weight loss...have quit wearing my pedometer, not keeping track of my food, not going to aquasize anymore, still going to hooping, well....forgot to go tonight and it was the last class until the new year.  I have signed up for bellydancing again in Jan, but the class might get cancelled for not enough ppl interested.  This is not good.  (small changes I've stuck with though, walking down the 6 flights of stairs at work, making better eating choices, taking my lunches to work)

New Year's Resolution?  Get back on track....

Start with - writing foods down,
 wearing pedometer,

Still Going

Oct 03, 2010

Can't believe it's October already.  Time sure flys by.  Have been good about aquasize, but a couple of weeks of a cold made me only go once a week or not at all.  I joined the Belly Dancing and having a hoot with the girls.  Just found out that everyone in the class (yesterday) was on the same journey for gastric or had it except Corrie.  Lots to learn from these girls. 

My weight loss has skidded to a stop, but I'm not too worried.  As long as I know I'm making better choices and getting in my exercise, all will work out in the end.  It's not a race right?

1 week ago I had an appt with my dietician and my nurse, I have now been signed off and on the list for the actual Weight Wise program, I heard it might take up to 10 months to get in, so that takes me to next summer, like I say, it's not a race.  I have an appt now with the mental health nurse (in 2 weeks) and I'm in my 4th module "Craving Change".  Everything is coming together....slowly but surely.  I have not been quiet about my journey...I've told just about everyone what I'm doing....talk about committment.  But I know that if I choose, I can back out up to the last minute, but I don't see myself doing this. 

Feelin Good

Sep 27, 2010

Had an appt with the dietician (Carrissa) and Nurse (Lori) today.  Both were pleased with my progress.  I've been doing aquasize 2 x a week, (except when not feeling good with colds) and just started the belly dancing...lol  At least I'm moving lots.  Doing the modules and she is setting up appt for the mental health specialist.  She is going to put through the request for the "Weight Wise" program, but thinks it might actually take up to 10 months to get in.  Oh well, I guess I'm not in a hurry.  10 months would take me to next July. 

I'm keeping my food journal, wearing my pedometer and on the right track....all is well....

Still at it

Sep 15, 2010

Ok, down 16 lbs now....slow, slow, slow, but in the right direction.  Still at the aquasize, but missed a couple of weeks because of having a cold at first, then a sore back...but back at it too....

Start Belly Dancing in a week and a half...that should be fun, or will kill me...lol

No real bad obstacles, having a few things here and there that I likely shouldn't but nothing real bad. 

Wearing the pedometer, keeping the journal (forget sometimes) bought some thera-bands, but have not used them YET!!

Still feeling pretty positive....

Not great

Aug 02, 2010

It's the August long weekend and way too much food around.  I did not tooooo badly at the Susan's Summer Sizzler, but...had a whole bottle of wine on Sat night and then potato salad and other horrible foods on Sunday.  I'm great with the sweet foods, but the carbs...wow....
It's Monday now and I'm back on track.  This WILL happen!!!


The scales are moving again

Jul 28, 2010

Wondered what was going on, I've been pretty good with my eating, although I know I need to add more water to my diet.  Eww, hate that word....anyway, been faithful with my aquasize 2 times a week, but with Monday being a holiday, I'll miss that day and generally being a good girl, but the scales were "stuck on stupid"...until today.  Not sure how this happens, but it dropped 3 pounds all at once...weird.  But good weird.....

Going to have a tuff few days ahead of me.  We are going to the Mayfield Dinner Theatre tonight - I'll do my very best to stick to salads, veggies and fruit and add in some cheese, but I know it's very tempting there. and the weekend is a camp out with about 30 of my closest friends...It's potluck Sat and my usual is potato salad and deviled eggs.  I'll stay away from the potato salad and keep a few hard boiled (not deviled) eggs for myself. 

Having friends from out of the country for dinner on Tuesday....wow, talk about eating being the social center of attention.  I'll just have to make the best choices I can and see where the scales are on Wednesday.  Although this will be a challenge, this is life and none of it will go away even after the surgery.....Keeping this journal / blog will help me reflect on my journey.



Jul 25, 2010

I'm finding myself not necessarily "dieting" this last week, but I am way more concious of my choices.  The scales have not showed a huge change, but I know that the choices will eventually show somewhere, sometime.  I'll just keep at it...bit by bit....
Worked in the garden again today.  It's nice to get out and "move".  Aquasize Mon and Wed again this week.  Looking forward to my new life...one day!!!

I started

Jul 20, 2010

Yup, went to an hour session of aquasize.  Ok, it's just a beginning, but a step in the right direction.  I even bought a 10 session pass to make me commit to at least that many classes.  I'll go again tomorrow.  Doing good with the food journaling and the pedometer.  Eating breakfast when I get up rather than at my desk at work.  Taking my lunch instead of buying something on the fly. 

Probably a little too excited for just over a week into this, but what the heck. 

Saturday Journaling

Jul 17, 2010

My 2nd Module - Hunger & Appetite, went well.  The classes are very small and lots of interaction.  Not everyone is there for the bypass, but I sure am.  Again, lots of good information put in a great way.  I bought a pedometer at the meeting.

Looking at how to put together meals from the Canada's Food Guide.  I'm becoming more aware of things around me.

I have spent the day wearing my new pedometer, but have no idea how it's going yet, cause I can't see it...lol

I spent 2 hours in the garden and that was enough for one day.  My knee is feeling a bit better, so hopefully I will be able to keep it up... :)

Bit by bit

Jul 15, 2010

So the first module of Weight Wise went well.  Very casual and presented in a way I had never thought of before.  Always good to learn things over in a different way.  I was pleased.

My first appointment with the dietician was immediately after.  More information.  I feel as though the process has started.

I had wanted to start walking on my treadmill, but my knee will not allow me to right now.  I have now looked into aquasize (anything to start moving) and will start on Monday with that.  It's my goal to go Mondays and Wednesdays for the summer.  I love the water, so this is good!!

I am booked for tomorrow (Friday) for my 2nd module.  Module 3.

I have finally bought some multi vitamins.  I have never taken vitamins before and was overwhelmed with the variety.  After talking with the pharmacist (who suggested I had no need for a vitamin) I settled on Centrum.  I still need to get a pedometer.

I started to journal my food intake.  I decided that this week I would just keep track of everything and next week I would start to plan more meals and watch calories more.  I'm finding that just keeping the journal is keeping the food out of my mouth....I'm not writing as much as I thought I would, but I do know I need to start making better choices.


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Jul 06, 2010
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