1 yr out

Oct 02, 2009

wow, I haven't posted on here in ages.  So a yr ago today I was pacing the hallways with my new friends in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.  So much has happened in a yr.  I am a completely new person.  Life is incredible.  I smile more every day, I am not grumpy nor do I get angry anymore.  (well, once in a while I do).  Work is alot less stressful, and my relationship is growing stronger every day.  I have confidence that I thought I had lost for good. 

I have discovered so many things about my body.  I have COLLAR BONES!!!   how kewl is that?  yesterday my son was tapping on them like he was playing drums.  lol.  I discovered my sternum and my ribs.  They have been hidden under layers of fat for so many yrs.  Yesterday I weighed in at 163.5 lbs.  That is half a pound away from 120 lbs lost and only 3.5 lbs from my goal of 160.  Never in my life would I have imagined I could weight 160 lbs.  I can shop in normal stores now and I am no longer restricted to the same iteam of clothing in several different colors.  No more buying my clothes at "Joes tent and awning".  My clothes are now smaller than my 22 yr old daughter's.  She is not overly thrilled with that fact, but she supports me completely.  I want to try on her prom dress so bad, but I think it will be to big for me and that would upset her very much.  Just once, I'd like to feel like a princess in a big puffy gown.  lol

I have started jogging.  Even when I was in highschool I got out of running because I have asthma.  Since the surgery, my asthma is almost non existant.  My blood pressure has gone from high, to extremely low. 

Now the next step in the physical and mental transformation.  I am scheduled for plastic surgery with Dr. Sauceda in December.  the waiting is the hardest part.  I was more comfortable in my fat body than I am in this droopy and saggy body.  My NGB's (National Geographic Boobs) are the worst.  (sorry if that is to graphic for some).  Every day I manipulate my saggy skin and day dream about what Dr. Sauceda will do to me.  I can't wait to be "normal" again.  I am excited and terrified all in the same breath. 

This past year has been incredible.  The physical changes still amaze me.  So many people don't recognize me.  I am convinced that I have found the fountain of youth.  I am 45 yrs old but I feel like I am about 30.  I have met some wonderful people.  Emilie will be a friend forever.  She was a day after me in surgery.  I truly believe that we were meant to be friends.  She has helped me thru some difficult situations just by listening and praying for me.  The only bad thing about meeting Emilie is that she lives so far away.  Emilie has taught me so much.  I don't think she realizes that.  She taught me to take pride in my appearance, even when I feel like crap.  She has helped me understand who I am.  

And then there is Linda  :)....  She is a lil closer but still so far away.  Linda has made the same journey as I am taking with her surgery in Mexico as well as plastic surgery with Dr. Sauceda.  She is the reason I decided to have my plastics with Dr. S.  I met Linda in Vancouver a few weeks ago for the first time and we connected completely.  It amazes me how the internet and these common directions have connected me with two incredible people.  I am sure there will be many more before it is all over.

Life is wonderful.  The decision to have WLS was the best decision I have ever made for myself.  I'd do it again in a heart beat and I encourage anyone who is overweight to consider the same direction.


26 inches gone on 3 months

Apr 09, 2009

OMG.  I can't believe it.  I lost my original presurgery measurements so I only have my 3 month measurements to go by.  I was really upspet that I lost the original measurements.  ANYWAY....  I am just a few days past 6 months out and I weighed and measured my bod this morning.  I now weigh 185.5 lbs  :)  and the measurements are as follows compared to 3 months ago.

                                                Jan 1          April 9

Neck                                      14 1/2          14                          -.5
Upper chest
(right under arm pits)          42                 38 1/2                  - 3.5
Under breast
(rib cage)                               38 1/2           37                       -1.5
Full breast                             45                  41                       -4
upper tummy                         41                  36                      -5
belly button                            41                  37 1/2                -3.5
lower tummy                         49                  43                       -6
thigh                                       24                   22 1/2               -1.5

TOTAL LOSS                   25.5 inches

It is really strange because some days I liked my body more when I was fat.  I don't like the jiggly skin.  

I feel incredible. 
1 comment

Almost 5 months out.

Feb 22, 2009

I'm finally in onederland!!!  For the first time in 22 yrs since I was pregnant with my daughter, I am below 200 lbs.  It feels incredible!.  I have lost a total of 86 lbs this morning.  One thing that has really taken me by surprise is my lack of physical strength.  My son has put me on a weight training program.  I can only lift 1/2 of what I used to be able to lift.  When I use free weights my arms shake so much.  He has me doing push ups.  I do girl push ups and can barely manage 3 sets of 6 but he growled at me the other day because I am not going all the way down.  I told him if I did, I would collapse on the floor and not be able to get up.  So now I have to concentrate on form.  He wants me to do 2 complete pushups rather than 6 sorta pushups.  My legs and arms are jiggly and I hate it.  But I am working on it.  4 days a week I work out at the pool with him for about 2 hours and I walk with my daughter for 45 min. almost every day (except when I work my 2 night shifts)

People don't recognize me now.  I love that.  My brother in law says I look like I did in Highschool (well, my face anyway)

Life is good. 

I love my RNY

4 months out today

Feb 01, 2009

Feb 1st is 4 months.  I am bouncing between 203 and 205 which is between 78 and 80 lbs lost.  I just wanna get below 200.  I still struggle with the foamies on a VERY regular basis.  I eat with a small cocktail fork and a lil demi spoon but sometimes it just doesn't seem to matter.  But, I've figured out that if I excuse myself from pleasant company and burp ALOT! and almost make myself dry heave, the foamies go away and I am good for round two.  I'm not throwing up.  It is just foam and saliva that come out.

I work out 4 or 5 days a week.  My usual routine is 40-60 min. on Elliptical, 20 min. of weights, 20 min. in the pool (40 laps = 1 km in 20 min) and then 15 min. of extreme eggbeater drills from my water polo days.  I also walk with my daughter for about 45 min. on the nights that I am not working night shifts.  On thedailyplate, I am usually in the negative side with regards to calories.  

I am eating between 600 and 800 calories a day.  I am not afraid to try any foods now except anything with sugar or alcohol.  Those I am staying completely away from.  I have donated all my big clothes to the skating club for a garage sale and it feels wonderful to get rid of them.  I used to be a size 22 and now I can wear a pair of size 15 jeans.... NOT PLUS SIZED!!!  That is so exciting for me.  I wore my daughters down vest the other day on our walk and it actually zipped up.   HOLY CRAP!

I feel incredible.  Why did I wait so long to do this?  I only hope that I can continue to lose at a decent rate and get to my goal sooner than later.  I won a trip to Vegas.  Gord and I will prob. go in October for bike week.  I am looking forward to being able to wear dresses and skirts and a stylish bathig suit in the pool. 

Hmmm  I wonder what 5 months out will bring.

3 months out today

Dec 31, 2008

Three months ago today I was a nervous wreck.  I was waiting for lab results and for surgery to start and be over as fast as possible.  that day changed my life.  I am down 69.5 lbs today.  I have updated pics comparing pre-surgery to now.  I feel incredible.  Unfortunately I have misplaced my measurements from before surgery.  I would love to have been able see the inches lost as well as pounds.  (I'm still hoping they turn up somewhere).  My face has lost alot, along with my "spare tire" area.  My bum is most definitely smaller and I love it.  Sometimes I wonder how anyone could have ever loved me the way I used to look.  I guess that is because I didn't love myself.

2009 is going to be an incredible year for me, I'm sure. 

Moving on Down :)

Nov 24, 2008

Hmmm...  it's that a lil backasswards?   lol.  The Jefferson's (on TV) were "Moving on up, to the east side"  lol.

I hit 50 lbs this morning.  I put on some of my old bras and they aren't too bad :)  That's a good thing considering I was 42 H.  I have noticed that my butt is shrinking and I like that.  (I hope my partner does too)   I still have a way to go but I feel incredible.  I got my swim pass yesterday.  I plan on getting my ass back into the pool on my days off.  But when I look at the calendar I am thinking it will be more after my visit to Medicine Hat.  So I'll aim for the 2nd week in December to get back into the pool.  I used to live in the water.  I worked there, played water polo 3 times a week and swam with my kids.  *sigh*... now I am embarrased to get into a bathing suit.  But it is getting better.

Almost 2 months out.

Nov 20, 2008

LIFE IS INCREDIBLE.  I feel like I am on an emotional high and it just isn't going to end.  I am down 49 lbs today.  I bought a pair of size 16 pants yesterday and they actually fit.  My biggest pants were 22.  I have noticed most of the weight coming from my face but apparently it is coming off my ass as well  lol. 

Eating really isn't a problem.  I am starting to experiement with real foods now.  Tracking everything I eat on www.thedailyplate.com is so easy and such a great tool.  I've had my first stall and I got frustrated, just like everyone does.  But I have come out the other side and I feel great.  My daughter tells me that my eyes sparkle now.  No more depression, no more bladder issues, no more asthma (except allergy enduced). 

I got my blood work back from my 1 month check up.  Everything was great.  My b12 was a lil high but only marginally so the Dr. told me to keep up what I am doing and we will check it again in Feb.  I have energy and enthusiasm. 

I love my RNY

Random thoughts about my Mexico experience

Oct 24, 2008

These are just some random thoughts about my trip to Puerto Vallarta for surgery with Dr. Joya.

I was alone when I went to PV.  I was nervous and worried and feeling so far away from home.  I had the flights from HELL on the way down there, missing connections due to late departures in Vancouver and then having to literally run thru LA and Mexico City airports in order to make connections.  Mexico City is huge, but I found that the employees in the airport were not overly willing to speak English to help a woman who was confused and stressed.  Finally I found a guy and he scooped me up in a wheel chair and he ran the entire length of the airport, checked me in and then ran me right back to where I had to go thru security.  I had to pay him $30 but it was well worth it as he enabled me to make my last connection.  I arrived in PV about 6 hrs later than scheduled but the prepaid taxi service was right there waiting for me.  It was the first time I had seen my name on a board at an airport.  I felt kinda important. 

I entered the hospital at 10:30am the next day.  After paperwork etc. and meeting with Natalie (who is a gift from God) I was in a downstairs hospital room by noon.  Natalie arranged that the other surgery patients came down stairs to visit me because she could see I was nervous and alone.  Blood work was done, IV installed and then I had to wait.  There was a TV in the room so it was ok.  I had to wait for the blood work results before they would take me into surgery.  I met Dr. Joya, Dr. Espinosa and Dr. Leal.  Each of them was happy to answer any questions I had and Dr. Leal suggested I have something to help me relax.  Somewhere in there, they put something in my IV because I don't really remember much else.  I guess around 4pm I went into surgery.  I remember getting out of my bed and into a wheel chair but I have no idea where they took me  lol.  Surgery was over by around 6:30 I think and I was back in my room by 9:30pm.  The ONLY pain I felt was when I woke up after surgery, in recovery.  They warn you that you may feel a heavy chest or some shoulder pain but HOLY CRAP!  When you are still 1/2 stoned and all you can feel is the air bubble floating around in your shoulder, I was in agony.  I think they gave me something else (Dr. Leal is a wonderful man)  because it all of a sudden seemed to go away, or I fell asleep.  I was in my hospital room by 9:30pm because my mother phoned and I remember feeling all dizzy getting up and to the phone in my room.  I slept perdy well :).  I was up at 3:30am to go pee and again at 5:30am for my first lap down the hallway.  Everything was totally unassisted.  From there on it was a piece of cake.  I felt better every day.  The nurses kept me very well medicated so there was no pain, just a lil stiffness.  The Joya and Dr. Leal came in to see me at least once a day in the hospital.  My room was right across the hall from the nurse station.  It was a lil noisy in the night but otherwise it was wonderful.  When I pressed the help button, they were in my room in less than 30 seconds.  There were 3 people who had surgery the days before me so they and their spouses helped me out and made me feel very much NOT alone.  Emilie had surgery the day after me.  She was alone as well.  I honestly believe that Emilie and I were meant to be friends.  She was the company I missed.  We laughed and teased and soaked and shopped together.  She has been so good for me since the day I met her in hospital.

Things I would have brought with me if I knew.....

Large bottle of water to leave in the bathroom.  You are not allowed to drink anything until day 4 when you have the blue die test but OMG, to be able to rinse your mouth and spit it in the sink was glorious.  Ya get rather pastey.  When you pass the blue die test, they will give you a big cup of ice chips.  DON'T CRUNCH THE ENTIRE CUP IN THE FIRST 1/2 HR. lol.  Everything needs to be slow, but one thing that isn't slow is the after affect of the blue die.  Beware, it goes right thru you within about 30 min so you want to make sure you are relatively close to the bathroom.  Each hospital room has a bathroom and a shower.  The shower is great, just the end of the bathroom cubicle that has a shower door.  No stepping up or down or over anything other than the door runner.  The shower feels incredible.  I didn't need any assistance.  The floors are beautiful marble and they sparkle they are so clean.  The wonderful cleaning lady was around somewhere all day, mopping and cleaning constantly.  If you go to Cornerstones, I think there are about 12 -14 rooms on the floor.  The WLS people took up 4 or 5 on any given day. 

BANDAIDS!!!!  I had to make a trip to Wal-Mart my first day out which I would rather have avoided.  I had 5 small holes which were covered well with regular waterproof band aids but the big drain hole needs a large waterproof bandage.  Emilie and I bought Tegaderm patches by 3M.  The band aid part is 1"X 2 1/4" but the entire patch which is water proof is 2 3/8" X 4".  I come from the land of perdy much no sun (Northern BC) and I was not going to forgo a lil frolic in the pool.  I was very thankful that I had bought them but I had to go back to Wal-Mart another time because each box only has 5 and you will prolly want to change the dressing 2 or 3 times a day depending on how much it is still draining.  I would have bought 3 boxes if I had known and between Emilie and me, we unstocked their shelves.  BANDAIDS ARE REALLY IMPORTANT!!!! 

We also bought bottled water at Wal-Mart, crystal lite and some sf jello but to be honest, out of six small bottles of water, I barely drank 3.  It was very hard for me to get water in.  Not because I hurt or anything, but more because I just didn't feel hungry or thirsty.  It was a head game from pre-op time. 

I was concerned about getting in the protein while I was in the hotel and on my long trip home.  No need.  I packed 3 cans of protein shake (ready made) and on day two in the hotel I barely took 3 sips.  It took me a very long time to sip one when I was overnight in the Vancouver airport.  The most important thing is fluids.  You can start to concentrate on your protein when you get home. 

I would have brought my hairdryer to the hospital if I had known we were permitted to shower the day after surgery.  I looked like hell!!   Emilie was a breath of fresh air.  She was always made up and her hair was perdy decent even the day after surgery.

I would suggest that only your partner stay in the hospital with you if anyone does.  I didn't have anyone and I didn't need anyone at any point.  In the hospital room there is a leather couch.  Someone can sleep on that, but unless you get one of the bigger rooms there will not be much room for more people for any length of time. 

When you go back to the hotel, (Emilie and I were sprung from the hospital a day early) make sure you ask for an Egg Crate for the mattress.  I'm sure the beds are barely more than a sheet of plywood and sheets.  lol.  Also, if you can afford it, pay for the upgrade into an ocean front room.  There is some construction on both sides of the hotel property but you don't even know it is there if you have an ocean front room.  I was on the 2nd floor, ocean front and it was glorious. 

They have a continental breakfast in the hotel lobby every morning.  The Krystal Resort is made up of several buildings of all sorts of shapes on a big property.  Dr. Joya's patients usually go into building #9, I think.  It is 4 floors and on the beach.  It is just a 2 min. walk to the restaurant and main pool.  I can't begin to tell you how incredible it was.   They didn't have apple juice while I was there so we watered down the OJ for the first 2 days.  The chicken broth at the restaurant is wonderful but by the end of 4 days you will be looking for something different.  You can't have it, but if you take a spoon full of the fresh salsa that they bring to each table and put it in your soup, it gives it a lil kick.  Just don't eat the bits.  You will find that you abuse your family members for the smell of their food  lol.

Everyone talks about getting a wheel chair at the airport.  For me, I didn't need it, didn't want it.  I made sure I left for the airport in plenty of time to take my time walking thru the airport and to where I needed to be.  Even when I got into LA for my connector, I walked.  It's good for you, just take it slow.  You will find that you have energy in lil spurts.  Emilie and I walked around the open market the day before I was scheduled to come home.  We were out for about 3 hrs, just walking and we were both totally exhausted.  Afternoon naps are to die for lol. 

I feel like a million bucks.  I am back to work this week which is not easy because I work 12 hr shifts, days and nights.  But my skin has never been so soft and clear from all the fluids I am drinking.  I lost 26 lbs on the pre-op diet.  Day of surgery I weighed 256. I am only now just starting to see the weight drop on the scale.  I retained a HUGE amount of fluids from the trip so don't be upset if you don't lose.  I am down to 248 now.  Highest was 283.  I can feel it in my clothes and see it already.  It is so exciting. 

I don't believe there is a better way to recoup after major surgery than to be sitting pool side in a beautiful Mexican resort.  They have large cement loungers right in the pool that you can lay in without getting your stomach wet. 

I believe the best way that I can say thank you to Dr. Joya and his incredible staff is by telling everyone about my experience and hopefully some of them will go to him as well.  He is an incredible man.  So gentle and soft spoken and always smiling.  The nurses are fantastic, not alot of English is spoken, but with a smile and a giggle and fumbling with words and hand signals, they always understood what I was saying.  They laffed at my Canadian accent eh!.  You will love it. 

Time standing still

Sep 13, 2008

I honestly believe that the earth has stopped turning on it's axis because time is dragging something crazy.  I start my two week liquid diet on Wed.  I did a trial run for a day shift at work yesterday with only drinking water and protein shakes.  It was...  ok.....  I guess.  Until the end of my shift when I was just so tired and cranky that I came home and ate a steak with my son.  I can see that being tired is going to be one of my challenges.  The need to eat something easy at the end of a long shift has proven to be an obstacle.  

Can't sleep

Sep 02, 2008

it is 2:15am.  I can't sleep.  My stomach is all upset.  I was stupid and ordered chinese food for dinner tonight.  I am still pre-op and still before my 2 week pre-op diet.  Also I think I was so dehydrated that I drank over 1/2 of a big 1.5 l bottle of white grape juice and when that didn't work I topped it off with a big glass of milk.  I'm paying for it all now.  Oh well, I guess the good thing is that I don't have to worry about sleeping thru the 4:30am alarm clock to get up for work.

About Me
Prince Rupert, BC
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 12
Moving on Down :)
Almost 2 months out.
Random thoughts about my Mexico experience
Time standing still
Can't sleep
