My name is Brenda, and i'm 37 years old.  I have 3 sons, 18, 16 and 10.  I can't say that i've been some huge person my entire life, because that wasn't the case.  My parents made sure my brother and I were always active as our family is incredibly sports oriented.  I figure skated competitively for 12 years, participated in volleyball, basketball, soccer, track and every other school sport you can imagine, and in the summertime, it was speed swimming.  Weight wasn't a big issue back then, but I was very short.  I think i've been this height since I was in grade 5, when I was one of the tallest kids in my class.  I didn't really start to gain an abundance of weight until after I had my first son.  But I didn't stop there, I had 2 more, and continued to pack on the excess baggage.  Soon being 150lbs was long gone and 300lbs wasn't far from sight.  I'm very self conscious of the way I look.  I always have been, so my weight plays a huge part in my social status as well.  I make friends easily, but I don't seek people out.  I hate being judged, it makes me nuts!  But this is the real world and it happens every single day. 

I met my husband online a few years ago, and we got married last year in Pennsylvania.  I know he tells me he loves me no matter how I look, but this life changing decision isn't about him, its about me.  It took me a long time to come to the decision to have WLS.  I could finally admit defeat when it came to diets and exercise.  Not only that, but understanding the Obesity is actually a disease.

My weightloss journey has begun, and I refuse to look back.  This new life, this opportunity I have been given has been a gift from God, and I am thankful everyday.

About Me
Fayette County, PA
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2008
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Wowzers .. Nervous
Consult With Dr.Graber
