Now we play the waiting game...

Feb 22, 2008

So, yesterday I had my las weigh in at Dr. Birhanu's office. I must say I am gonna miss seeing Kim, Renee, and Dr. Birhanu. My experience at their office has been so nice. They really are a great team. But anyway, now Tony is getting all my stuff and sending it off to insurance. All I can do now is wait to see If I have been approved. I am trying to be patient but it is sooo hard. I have waited a long time for this. I cannot wait to get my surgery and begin losing weight. This summer I want to go bike riding, roller blading, swimming and and take my son everywhere! I think this is going to be mine and my son's best summer ever! I really cannot wait to do everything with him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I thank God everyday that I have such an amazing son. I am hoping and praying that an approval comes quickly. But I also got some other bummer news. Tony called me and told me that from the scope I had with Dr. Cahill I tested positive for H-Pylori. That sucks! So now I have to take antibiotics for two weeks. But it is ok, I am determined to get rid of it. I kind of suspected that something was going on because I had a lot of sores in my mouth and I had gas like a grown man! Anyway, I am gonna go for now. But next time I post hopefully I will be posting with a date! Thank you so much to everyone who has been here supporting me! ~Sarah

Wow, what a craptacular week this has been!

Feb 17, 2008

Alright so this week has been kinda crappy.  Well, first off I have been having some of the most insane dreams you can ever think of.  One of them involved being mad at my mom, which is odd because my mom is my best friend and I am not mad at her.  However, she did tell me this week that she is mad at me.  More about this in a few.  Then I had a dream that my husband, dad, and sister (Megan) were all trapped by snakes somehow and I had to save them.  It was like I was the only one that had the strength to save them.  Then besides the wierd dreams I have the stomach flu! This has been going on since Valentine's night.  And last but not least with me being so sick my mind has been playing games with me...I wonder if this the right choice? Should I do this seriously? I have been checking into this surgery for 5 years already and now that it is so close things are getting a little complicated.

So I had a dream that my mom was mad at me and I was on the phone with her and hung up on her (i can't recall why) then I showed up at her house and the child star that just died (Brad Renfro, who is my age) was at her house and I was yelling at my mom telling her I didn't want to talk to her.  So, I was like ooooook.  Well, anyway my mom has been a little snappy with me lately and not as friendly as she usually is and she finally told me that she was sorry but she is mad that I am going to go through with this, and now she realizes that I actually am going to get this surgery.  But she told me she understands that it is something that I need to do but she just can't help but worry.

I don't know.  I guess I am just kind of bummed because this week is my last weigh in with Dr. Birhanu and of course I get the flu!  Seriously, I cannot wait to be healthier and be able to do things with my son with no problems but the suspense is playing with my mind.

I forogt how much I hate I.V'S!!!

Feb 09, 2008

So today I had my scope done.  The actual scope down the throat part was not that bad.  Actually it was over before I even realized it.  This is what sucked.... Okay, I forgot how much I hate having an I.V in and then they put in the anesthesia through that.  However, they spray the most horrible tasting chemical in your mouth to numb your throat.  They tell you it takes like bananas but it actually tastes like the bananas are on crack!  It is sooo gross when you swallow it and bubbles down your throat and tasts like it has acid or something in it.  So the Doctor was late to that so I had to get that nasty shit twice.  It was freakin gross.  I didn't mind that the doctor was late though.  And then after the gave me the anesthesia I felt soooo tired and nauscious.  They gave me a little time to unwind and then wheel charied me to the car.  After I get in and my dad started driving I had to have him open the door so I could throw up.  Of course while I throw up the light turns green.  But no one beeped their horns cause I'm sure they saw me throwing up.  Then it got ok enough for him to start driving again but then I had to have him pull over so I could throw up again.  I was sooooo nauscious.  It sucked.  So that was the worst part of all of this for me.  The nasty banana spray and being nauscious from anesthesia.  But it's done i'm home and im one more step closer to getting my surgery!

My First Pre-Surgery Test

Feb 03, 2008

Well, tomorrow I go for a Respiratory test.  I have no idea what that entails but I am sooooo excited because that just brings me one more step closer.  I wish I had more to write but I really don't.  Things have been kind of slow and boring lately. So wish me luck with my test tomorrow!

God Bless!

My back hurts sooooooo bad!

Jan 26, 2008

OWWWW!!!!  My back hurts soooo bad right now.  I don't know what I did to it last night but I sneezed and then all of a sudden it felt like my back snapped in half.  Ouch! And to make matters worse when I stand up I can feel my "fat back" making it 248 pounds worse!!! This sucks so bad.  I wish that I never sneezed.  I can barely walk sit or lay down.  Every position I have been in has been completely uncomfortable!  And as my previous blog states...time is still going by sooo slowly.  I wish February was over already and it isn't even here yet.  The only thing that I am happy about this is that I did get to meet Dr. Cahill this month and meeting him made alot of my worrying go away. He made me feel sooo comfortable.  I will write more though after I have had my surgery.  Well someone drop me a line.  I'm getting extremely bored over here!!!!

"Time Goes By So Slowly"

Jan 23, 2008

Seriously, I feel like time is going by so unnecessarily slow!  I don't have my final weigh in till February 20th!  I try to keep myself occupied with other things but I can't help but think about how getting a surgery date seems so far away.  I constantly have this surgery on my mind.  If someone has any advice on how they dealt with the passing time please let me know!  I would totally appreciate it!

Well this is it! My first blog!

Jan 21, 2008

This is going to be a long blog!  For the longest time I could not figure out how to use this site.  But now that I can nothing can stop me now! MWAHAHAHA!!!  Anyway, here it goes.  Last year in February I made an appointment at Day One Health to get started on the Lap Band procedure.  I met with them and their surgeon.  Their surgeon rushed through my consultation and did not answer any of my questions.  I did not like him at all.  I feel that Day One Health is only concerned with quick insurance approvals and that is it.  If you get denied once, you can just forget you even ever had a consultation with them until you get your consult bill in the mail.  Then you best believe they care about who you are again.  Anyway, after messing around with them for about 7 months I finally ran into a patient of Dr. Gerald A. Cahill's.  She gave me their number and told me to give them a call that they are great and they will help me get approved.  So far, THEY HAVE BEEN GREAT! Tony, constantly gets back to my emails and phone messages within the same day.  (I have not even had this procedure yet, and they still stay connected by the hip)  Donna is such a sweet woman.  She is very polite on the phone and does not sound rushed at all, when I know she is probably up to her eyeballs in work.  Anyway, I called Tony and he got me started on a six month program to get the folks at BCBS to approve me.  I am confident that I will get approved by my insurance company.  So here I am my last weigh in with Dr. Birhanu (an excellent diet Dr. I would recommend them to any one as well) is on February 20th.  I am sooo excited.  After that Tony will gather all of my information and send it off the wonderful wizards of BCBS.  I have a few tests I have to go for in February per Dr. Cahill.  He is making sure that I am good to go for surgery.  I cannot wait. I am so excited about this procedure!

About Me
New Lenox, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 17
Wow! It's been a while...
This is it!
This may suck?
I'm Getting More and More Excited!!!
Raining on my parade!
April 17, 2008, I get a second chance at life!
I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!
