May 21, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 230.0
Total Weight Lost: 70.7
Time Since Surgery: 20 weeks
New BMI: 35

230! That's what I said! I've now lost 50% of my excess weight! Now let's make sure I continue on the losing streak!

I have to confess that I really goofed up last week. Monday I weighed myself at the surgeon's office, and it was 233. I weighed myself on Tuesday at the gym, and it was 237. I was quite upset! Especially since my new home scale also said 237 (or thereabouts). Two scales wouldn't be wrong, right? I pretty much starved myself all week. I complained (whined) to the nurse about the situation... until Saturday, that is. On Saturday, I weighed myself again - this time on a nice, digital, ACCURATE scale. It was 231. So what in the world happened? Well, here goes...

I got a new scale for at home. The first time I used it was to verify the weight "gain" last Tuesday. I should probably figure out how to read it, because I majorly screwed it up! The entire week was spent worrying about the four pounds I supposedly "gained", but in reality, I was basing that number on a broken scale at the gym and my own scale that I read incorrectly. That'll teach me to be a scale junky!

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

May 15, 2007

I know - I totally skipped a post! I just didn't have anything to say (go figure). I was also mad at myself for only losing one pound. I wasn't as faithful the previous week as I should have been. Not that I was bad, it's just that I'm usually more careful! Anyways, I'm back on track, and happy!

I'm down to 233! That's 67 pounds that I never would have lost without this surgery! I'm pretty happy with that. Of course there are parts of me that wish the number was higher, but I've become much more patient with myself over the past few weeks. I know that I simply lose at a different rate than others, and that's OK. It's just a matter of relearning my body and figuring out how to eat in a way that is satisfying (so I don't go crazy) and healthy - a menu that will promote weight loss.

One of the things that has made this an extra good week was a student finally noticing a change. My favorite from last year, Erica, said, "You are looking skinnier!" Kids usually aren't that observant, so that really meant a lot to me. I've also noticed that kids can give me hugs and their arms connect on the other side! What an odd - but nice - feeling!

Happy Four-Month Anniversary to Me!

May 01, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 238.5
Total Weight Lost: 62.2
Time Since Surgery: 17 weeks

I'm pretty happy about my four-month results! I think I've finally learned what works and what doesn't, which makes eating much easier and much less stressful! For me, it's about give and take. There are things I'll let myself have (within reason), but then I watch the rest of the day very closely. I'll go light on the next meal, or exercise a bit longer - something to make up for the treat. This has definitely been a learning experience!

Lame Update!

Apr 24, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 242.5
Total Weight Lost: 58.2
Time Since Surgery: 16 weeks

Shame on Me!

Apr 18, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 245.0
Total Weight Lost: 55.7
Time Since Surgery: 15 weeks
New BMI: 37

I'm a day late! I have religiously updated this journal every week on Tuesdays - the day of my surgery. Definitely my bad! I thought about it, but by the time I got home last night (working out with cutie pie trainer Elliott), I was just too tired!

Things have been going fairly well. I've been sore lately, but I think it's Elliott's fault. He's the trainer I work with two days a week. The program is great! It's sponsored through the Bariatric Center, and the only members are bariatric patients from the same program I went through. I've really developed some close friendships with people in my class. It's nice to be around people who understand!

Still under 250...

Apr 09, 2007

But only down one pound. Oh, well. I've had a week like that before. Never fear! It'll get going again.

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 248.0
Total Weight Lost: 52.7
Time Since Surgery: 14 weeks

I Survived Spring Break!

Apr 03, 2007

Barely, that is... I have to say that being off of school was extremely difficult. I lost all sense of a schedule. My liquids and protein were low most days, and I definitely ate the wrong things. Not totally out of control - no cookies, cake, soda, or anything. It just wasn't what I would have chosen had I had to pack a lunch. I did have some Cheetoes once at a party, but that was in place of supper. I can pretty much justify anything!

Anyways, I'm back on track now. It didn't mess me up too much. I still lost! And, to top it all off, I'm below 250 for the first time in quite a while! Yippee!

Gotta run!

Mar 27, 2007

It's spring break. There is lounging and TV watching I have to get done, so here's a quick update!

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 252.0
Total Weight Lost: 48.7
Time Since Surgery: 12 weeks

First Day of Spring!

Mar 20, 2007

YEAH! I am so happy that winter is finally over. I understand that we still could have a snow shower or two, but I am hoping that those days are over! It looks like a spring day today, but it's really quite cold. The rest of this week is supposed to be nice - into the 50s and beyond! Maybe I'll be able to switch from baggy long pants to baggy capris?

I'm down another 4 pounds. I'm thrilled to be safely in the 250s, but I really need to keep myself in check. I haven't been eating poorly, but I have been more, well, comfortable. There MAY have been Girl Scout cookies in the lounge, and I MAY have had a couple... I've also been getting off the breakfast schedule. Breakfast has always been hard for me, though. I'd rather start my three meals at lunch, and end with a snack before bed. As long as they are healthy choices, and not those silly cookies.

I've been going to Curves since my third week out, but I've stopped now. Tonight I am starting an exercise program sponsored through my surgeon's office that is designed specifically for WLS patients. I'm looking forward to that. Curves was nice, but I think there is little accountability there. You only work out as hard as you want to because the machines are resistance based. When you work on regular machines, you are forced to exert! Plus, the instructor is cute, and he works one-on-one with you throughout the evening. We'll see how it goes!

Is it spring break yet?

Mar 13, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 259.0
Total Weight Lost: 41.7
Time Since Surgery: 10 weeks
New BMI: 39.4

Wow, can I tell that my kids need a break! They are off the wall! I could use some time, too. Only 8 days until spring break. I am hoping that everything will calm down afterwards. It will be a long stretch, though, from break until the end of the year!

I am PLEASED to announce that I am finally able to say I'm under 260! Not by much - 259 was my weight this morning, but that's such a huge difference from where I was almost two months ago. I have come to terms with the fact that I'm just a slow loser. I have jumps every once and a while (like 5 or so pounds last week), but for the most part I only lose 2 or 3 each week. As long as it's something, I'll be OK with that. Although, I'm not sure what I'd do if I wasn't OK - it's not like I can change the way my body reacts to this process or anything!

The fact that very few of my clothes fit nicely anymore is definitely a motivator! It's nice to be on the other side of that problem. Rather than things being too tight, they are far too loose! It's frustrating in some ways, though, because I don't have the cash to buy new things at this point. I think I'll make a trip to Goodwill or to Walmart this weekend. A few shirts would be great right now!

About Me
Sheboygan, WI
Surgery Date
Dec 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 34
Five More Pounds!
I've Won!
Guess What?
Happy 6-Month Anniversary To Me!
Back on Track?
Holy Food Cravings!
Another Lame Post... At Least for Now!
Physical vs. Emotional
Shopping ALWAYS Makes You Happy!
