Just a Quick Update!

Mar 06, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 262.0
Total Weight Lost: 38.7
Time Since Surgery: 9 weeks

Yeah, I know... that was lame. I'll try to add more later this week, or maybe it will be a bonus entry next Tuesday!

Yeah for ME!

Feb 27, 2007

I was about to get pretty bucky if the scale didn't move at least more than one pound this week. Much to my surprise, it moved a lot! It was down to 260 (but that may have been pre-shower with a definite lack of, well, CLOTHES)! As soon as I was dressed, the scale said 265, which I'll take. That's 4 pounds less than last week.

So here's what I noticed. This jump came the day after I ate almost 45 grams of protein. I always get my 60+ grams of protein in, but usually through shakes. Yesterday, I had one shake (with 46 grams of protein), and then an additional 42 grams of protein from chicken (at lunch and supper), and then a few odd grams here and there. Maybe I am better off when I get the protein from food rather than the powders? I shall experiment this week and see what happens. For now, I'm happy, happy, happy that I'm further away from that 270 mark, and 35 pounds down!

Seven Weeks Out and Counting!

Feb 20, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 269.0
Total Weight Lost: 31.7
Time Since Surgery: 7 weeks
New BMI: 41

It seems like it's been so much longer since my surgery. All in all I feel pretty good, but there are definitely days when I feel pretty crappy. Yesterday and today are two of those days. I was very pukey last night, and still don't feel quite right today. It's hard for me to tell, though, if it's because of something I ate or just a bug I picked up at school. I also seem to get the worst stomach cramps everytime I need to use the bathroom (#2, thank you). I don't know what that's all about. I should probably call the surgeon's office and just check it out, but I don't want to be a pest.

Other than that, things have been good. I'm not a fast loser, but at least I lost one pound this past week. I was going to be very bummed if the scale read the same as it did last Tuesday. Thank God for one pound! I'd like two or three, though... Is that really asking too much? Hmmm?

Will I be one of those people?

Feb 16, 2007

I am so scared of being a statistic. You know - one of the people for whom WLS doesn't work. I've lost 30 pounds. I desperately wish I was losing pounds more consistently and more quickly. Thirteen of those 30 pounds were from the first week after surgery. It's now been six weeks, and to drop two or so pounds a week just isn't that big of a deal. Any other person on any diet could do that! I find myself wondering why I went through this ordeal if I'm not any better off than someone on Weight Watchers.

Don't get me wrong. I am happy about the 30 pounds being gone. I know that I wouldn't have stuck to a diet in order to lose that much weight. In that respect, the surgery was a good choice. I am doing everything by the book. I eat what I'm supposed to, I exercise, I get my protein and liquids in each day... What's the deal? I see so many other people who are also six weeks out (or fewer) who have lost more weight. It's not always a matter of having more to lose, either.

The more days that pass since my surgery, the more I worry about not making the most of the "glory period" - that first 6-12 months after the surgery when the weight just falls off. What if I'm part of the 10% of people who don't benefit fully from the surgery. I just don't want to fail at something again.

Holy Crap!

Feb 07, 2007

I put the lining back in my winter coat, and I didn't look like a marshmallow! Well, maybe still a marshmallow, but a smaller one than last year... I couldn't believe it closed with all that extra padding! If it weren't so damn cold, I'd leave the lining out. I kind of liked the too-big winter coat.

One day late!

Feb 07, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7
Current Weight: 272.0
Total Weight Lost: 28.7
Time Since Surgery: 5 weeks

It's not my fault that I'm late with this post, though... We didn't have school for the last two days because of the cold, and somehow I found so many other things to do with my free time! It seems posting my weekly update wasn't the first thing I remembered to do. Oh, well!

I'm down to 272! That's 28 pounds lost! I was really getting bummed last week. The scale didn't seem to move at all. And then came Auntie Flo! Crap. Things moved along a bit nicer once she left town. I was still hoping I'd have more weight loss than that, tough. I'm at five weeks now. I see all these other numbers that are so much higher than my own, and that gets frustrating. I know - worry about myself!

I've also noticed that I am not very good at getting my protein or my liquids in on the weekends. When I'm at school, I've got a set recess and lunch schedule. I know that I have to have my protein drink gone by recess, and that works well. It seems I need to install a bell system at my house in order to get myself on track!

Two Posts in One Day!

Jan 30, 2007

It's a miracle! I just didn't want to forget this thought...

Being adventurous is not necessarily a good thing. It's not like I've been trying hot and spicy foods. It was just a piece of pork, but GOODNESS was I feeling awful. I think the problem is just that I need to SLOW down and chew, chew, chew. That is still the hardest part of this for me. I tend to be the poster child for ritalin, so slowing down has never been part of my vocabulary. It's either take my time or feel sick. Poo.

Crappy Exercise!

Jan 30, 2007

Well, I'm back at Curves. It has only been three-years since I was last there. That's not THAT long! It's actually nice to be back. It helps to have a group that you exercise with, though. I'm not sure I could do it alone! That's one of the reasons I quit years ago... I know these people won't leave on me. One is Lisa, who had WLS in July of 2006, so she's definitely motivated to keep working out! The others are people who teach with both of us. It really is a fun group! For me, the social aspect of Curves is just as important as the exercise.

I have also been able to keep up the walking thing. Last night, my dad's wife and I went to the mall to walk. It's really quite sad... There are virtually no stores left in the Sheboygan mall. I'd say 90% of the people in the building were walkers. It's a good place to walk, though! Four times around is one mile, and we try to get at least a mile and a half in each time. So far so good!

Two things I've noticed since my surgery... #1 - I'm FREEZING! I know it's common for people to get a bit chilly afterwards, but I'm going broke on heating bills and long underwear. I turned my heat up to 72 degrees last night. First time EVER! #2 - I'm so TIRED! I should have more energy with the surgery and exercise, but these students have been giving me a run for my money. Plus, it's parent/teacher conferences this week, which makes for extra long days. I will survive, right Gloria?

I take it ALL back!

Jan 23, 2007

Start Weight: 300.7 
Current Weight: 279.5 
Total Weight Lost: 21.2 
Time Since Surgery: 3 weeks 

It's my first day back to work, and the first time I've seen my students since December 22nd! I'm not sure I want to be at work! I think I want to be bored at home, where all I had to worry about was which movie I was going to watch next, or where I was going to walk! Now I have what seems like hundreds of 4th graders after me, and I don't have a break! Not to mention that today I have received two birthday treats, a box of homemade chocolate truffles, and many "welcome back" cookies for myself and the class. Grrr.....

I'm also a little bummed that I'm not losing faster. It's now been three weeks, and I've lost only 21 pounds - and that's on my scale at home. Who knows what the office scale will say on Thursday? I know that the WORST thing I can do is compare myself to other people, but it's hard not to do. I just feel like others are dropping numbers and sizes, and I'm stuck. Poop. I did get, however, a nice comment from one of my students. This dear child (who is usually not the most "with it" kid) said "Boy, Miss Loewen. You look thinner than before!" For her to make that observation is quite the miracle. Maybe I'm missing things that others are seeing. I think she's now my favorite student!

Back to Schooooool!

Jan 21, 2007

My weeks of lounging and movie watching are now over. Tomorrow it's back to work. I can't decide if that's a good thing or not. I just hope I'm not making a mistake and going back too early...

About Me
Sheboygan, WI
Surgery Date
Dec 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 34
Five More Pounds!
I've Won!
Guess What?
Happy 6-Month Anniversary To Me!
Back on Track?
Holy Food Cravings!
Another Lame Post... At Least for Now!
Physical vs. Emotional
Shopping ALWAYS Makes You Happy!
