Slow down

Aug 04, 2009

So I went on vacation last week and got off track in regards to walking and the water.  I still lost five pounds that week but I think that I am paying for it this week.  I have not lost a single pound since Thursday of last week.  I am getting back on track in regards to the water and walking this week as of yesterday.  It's hard to maintain a specific regimen like that when you are out of town and on other people's time schedules.  I am a little frustrated with the scale not moving but am trying out this new patience thing.  What am I saying...I always have to work on patience.  This is nothing new.  My goal is to be below 200 pounds by my 39th birthday on September 17th.  That would be the first time in almost 20 years that I have been below 200 pounds if I can reach the goal. 

I also saw all of my family so they all know about the surgery at this point.  Everyone was very supportive and told me how proud they were of me.  My mom (who I was most concerned about finding out after the fact) actually told me in the first 30 seconds of finding out that she was glad that she did not know that I had the surgery.  What a relief!!  They all had a lot of questions and I was patient with those and answered them.  I know that my mom will continue to have questions and I have told her that she was more than willing to ask them as I was more than willing to talk about it.  Everyone was very positive and uplifting.  It felt good to buy a few clothes before going that would fit so that they could see the difference in me.

I was talking with some people at work yesterday about it and they were shocked that I weighed 214 right now.  They stated that I didn't look like I weighed that much.  I had forgotten that people always think I weigh less than I do when I start to get toward that 200 and below range.  For some reason, I carry the weight differently at that size and people think I am smaller than I am.  That is a good feeilng to know that people don't see me as large.  I've gotten smaller!  It's still hard to fathom my own body image.  I always think that I am bigger than I am.  When I pick up one of the shirts that fits, I always look at it and say it must have shrunk...I can't wear this.  Then when I try it on, it fits.  It is so weird.  I think this will all take some time getting used to.  It is surprising to me that it is just over two months since the surgery.  At times that feels like such a short time and at other times I feel like it was forever ago.  I am glad that I am passed the stage where I felt like throwing up every day.  I am feeling better overall and feel like things are headed in a great long as I have patience.


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2009
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