Looking Back on my Hospital Stay

Dec 16, 2008

I decided to write a few words about what I remember of my hospital stay before I forget. If there's a chance anything I blog helps even one person, it's worth it.

I was told to arrive at 6:45 a.m. at the ambulatory surgery entrance. Told no valuables or jewelry.  In my bag I brought pajamas (useless), small clock (didn't need it - had one in the room on the wall), Vaseline jar for lips (used it), sleep mask (used it) foam earplugs (used them), book and reading glasses (used during the last hour of my stay), squeezy stress toy shaped like a little cow (used it during IV flushes) moisturizer, toner and cotton pads (used to freshen up to go home) bathrobe (didn't use it).

A nurse took me to a prep area where I stripped naked and put all my clothes in a hospital plastic bag and put on a gown, little booties and a hair net/cap thing. Iooked sterile. I climbed up on the gurney. My husband and child came in to say goodbye. I was all smiles. Then my surgeons came by and anesthesiologist.  After a few words, I went under.

I woke up in recovery. Very groggy from the anesthesia, but glad to have survived it and have all my faculties. It seemed like a very short time that my husband and child came in to check on me.  I was in alot of pain and asked them to go.

It took forever to get a room for me. Finally, at 4 PM, I was moved to a room.  My roommate was a woman who didn't stop talking. I used the sleepmask alot, pretending to be asleep so she wouldn't talk to me. She also had the TV on all the time. But she has Muscular Dystrophy and I feel sorry for her, so I can't say bad things about her.

Anyway, I didn't want to watch anything. I couldn't read.  All I did mostly was lie there and sleep and just think.  I had issues with nausea with pain medication. The only thing that really worked was morphine, but it made me nauseous. Demerol and Dilaudin didn't make me nauseous, but did nothing for the pain. So my catch 22 for 2 days was that I was nauseous and lightheaded most of the time I was awake.  I walked the first evening to the nurses station and back. I remember feeling surprised that my legs were just fine. It was my midsection only that hurt.  I had good slippers with me to shuffle around in.
The catheter feeling was weird.  I'm glad they removed it in the morning.  That also forced me to walk to the bathroom to pee, which required buzzing for a nurse to come in and unhook my IV. Luckily, I never timed it too close to have a problem. The nurses were all mostly very nice, even when my IV came out and they had to re-stick me 2x. That was really painful and I was glad I had my squishy squeeze stress cow toy that Sasha had given me. Also, every time an IV "flushed", it was painful. So glad this whole part is over. I have a new respect for my mother in law who has IV's all the time with her health problems and numerous hospital stays.

Everyone who came to check on me said I was "textbook" and everything looked fine. I sent Steven & Sasha home in the evening and just rested.I did call my parents and tell them not to come out and visit me. It was dark and cold out and I was tired - what was the point? They promised to visit in the morning.  I had to eat a cup full of blue dye ice chips which were nasty and got blue all over my lips and hands.  I think the dye is supposed to tell the Drs. if there are any leaks in your system. Luckily, I had no leaks.

The next day, my parents did visit. It was great to see them, but I was very nauseous through the visit. I hope that didn't scare them.  I tried to be as normal as possible.  With all the nausea however, I never vomited or heaved.  I had visits from Peggy from the Bariatric Center and Tamara, the nutritionist. Peggy changed my dressing and instructed me on how to empty my drain and change my own dressing.  Both are such nice women and very caring.
I found sleep very difficult. I am not a back sleeper, and it was hard for me. I was smart to have my own squishy pillow from home - it helped to hug that.  I told Steven not to visit me on Day 2 - the economy is bad and I'm doing fine. He should work a full day and not make his boss mad.  He doesn't need to come up. But he surprised me anyway visiting after work.  Peggy wrote me a prescription for Atenelol 25 mg (instead ofthe 50 mg I had been taking) and Tylenol with codeine for the pain.

I walked 2x that day, and even spent some time in the visitor's lounge where there is a nice couch and TV.  Steven visited me for about 45 minutes in the late afternoon and I read a newspaper. He kept commented how good I looked and how well I was doing, considering I had only had the surgery yesterday.  He reminded me how he just laid in the bed all day the day after his Surgery on June 3, 2008. I remember - he's right.  Today, he looks thin and trim and feels really good. I hope I am as successfull eventually as he is. Anyway, once Steven left, I shuffled back to the room. By the evening, I had a watery chicken broth, Crystal light and a can of Glucerna. Couldn't finish all of it, but it went down just fine.  In the evening, I watched most of "Private Practice" from 9 - 10 PM in the visitor's lounge sitting up straight. Good for me!

By Thursday morning, I was ready to go home.  My IV was unhooked and I was given breakfast - the same as dinner the night before.  With no fluids or meds going into me, there was nothing left to do but leave.  I called Steven and asked him to come get me at 12:30 PM and he agreed. He and Sasha showed up right on time. I changed into comfy stretch pants and a button down shirt. Slip in moccasin shoes and I was ready to go.  I cleansed and moisturized my face and brushed my teeth. I walked around and I read some of my book as I waited for them to get me. Packed up my bag and before I knew it, I was being pushed in a wheelchair to the front entrance and was discharged.

And THAT, my readers, is my story of my time in the hospital.


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Surgery Date
Sep 29, 2008
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