WTF??? Gain?

Mar 27, 2011

I can't believe I've gained almost 5 pounds in a week.  I am trying to tell myself there is no way I have gained 5 pounds in a week.  It's just my body adjusting but dang.  I weighed 230 a week ago, and now I am weighin 234.6.  I figured I might gain some since I'm not walking as much as I was last week when we were on vacation but, 5 pounds????  Come on!!!!!  I went to the gym 3 times last week, did the runner/stepper machine, which is different for me, did it for at least 15 minutes each time and finished with the bike.  Anyway, just had to come here and vent my frustrations of the stupid scale.  I weigh myself daily and this past week I had put on 2 pounds but then this morning an additional 2 pounds????? 

Hopefully next week will be better.

Almost 4 months out and 75 pounds lost!

Mar 22, 2011

Well I am almost 4 months out and have hit my 75 pounds lost.  I can't believe I've lost that much.  We went to San Diego last week for spring break and I was looking forward to riding on the airplane.  That hasn't happened in years.  The actual seatbelt fit, I didn't have to pretend that I was wearing it when I couldn't.  I was always too embaressed to ask for an extender.  I felt great on vacation, except for being tired.  The constant walking around at the theme parks and the zoo really put a strain on me.  But the good news is, I lost 5 pounds in 1 week.  Which put me at 75 pounds loss.  I weigh 230 now.  I haven't seen that numbers for years.  I think when I got married I weighed 240 which was 12 years ago.   

We did go to the gym yesterday and I  soooo did not want to go.  Once there I felt better but I need to keep reminding myself that going to the gym is how I got to this place of losing weight and it is something I have to continue to do.  Also, a huge NSV was doing the elipitical machine.  When I started at the gym this past January they put me on this elipitical/running machine for 5 minutes which I could not do, I could do it for maybe 2 minutes but before the trip I decided to try it again to change up my cardio a bit and was surprised that I did it for 15 minutes.  I could hardly believe it and still can hardly believe it. 

I'm feeling great and trying to get all of my protein in first, which is hard.  I'm getting bored with eating protein first.  I'm trying to find ways to mix it up.

My parents saw me for the first time since Christmas and were very happy with the weight loss so far.  It's a great feeling to be complimented on what I've worked so hard on. 
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3 month Anniversary

Feb 28, 2011

Well today is my 3 month surgiversary.  I am down to 239.4, the past 3 days it was 237 and boom today up 2 doesn't bother me that much I know it's just my body adjusting and making changes.  I have lost 66 pounds in this time and 33.5 inches.  I am so happy to be where I am at today.  I never thought it would come off like this.  I work out 3 times a week at the gym and eating much smaller portions.  I am trying so hard to learn the right things to do for when it gets easier to eat more, protein, protein, protein.  I am  having a hard time keeping food down again, I've been throwing up a lot the past 4 days, chicken and such is not staying down.  High protein cereal stays down really well. 

My small clothes I had in my closet for years are now getting to be too big.  That is such an awesome feeling.  We are going to San Diego in 2 weeks and I have nothing to wear.  I bought some cheap shirts at walmart to get me by but it's a great feeling to buy smaller sizes.
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57 pounds off!

Feb 06, 2011

I finally broke my plateau and lost 7 pounds last week.  That puts me at a total of 57 pounds lost!!!!!  I didn't think I would ever break the 255 weight.  I am now down to 248.  I have noticed one big difference, I cleaned the entire house this weekend and prior to this weight loss I would have been really sore after.  My back and knees would really be hurting me a lot and they didn't this time.  I was a little sore but nothing like what it used to be like.  I've also noticed it is easier going up my stairs in the house.  My jeans that I wear now were snug when I could finally wear them and now they are getting very baggy on me.  Things are looking really good.  I tried to up my protein last week and I think that really helped with breaking my plateau.  I also read the book exodus from obesity by Paula Peck.  I thought it was really good.  I am very concerned about regain and am striving to learn the right things to eat during this "honeymoon" period.  So, when my appetite does come back I will know what to eat and how to eat.  This book really pounded in the thought of eating protein first, veggies and then fruit.  I am really trying to instill that in my life now.  I've been eating a lot of grapes lately, thanks to my little girl!  I am struggling with it because in my mind it's a healthy food, but I know it's not filling me up and I've noticed if I have too many I get nauseous.  But they taste soooo good. 

We went to McDonald's this weekend and I could only eat half a snack wrap.  That totally blew me away, before surgery I would eat 2 big macs or 2 double cheese burgers with fries.  It's amazing that I get full off of a grilled snack wrap.  I do miss my old usuals at McDonald's.  I struggle with it everyday.  I miss the bread and the meat of those sandwiches. 

I am 10 weeks post op today and 12 weeks total from starting this journey with the liquid diet.
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7 weeks postop!

Jan 18, 2011

Well yesterday I was 7 weeks postop.  I haven't lost any weight in a week.  Still at 261.  It's so frustrating, going to the gym 3 times a week and I haven't lost anymore weight.  Russell keeps telling me it's not about the numbers...I wish I could believe that.  Had a bad food day today, had a bunch of mini rice cakes today and goldfish crackers, total carbs and didn't fill me up.  I am getting bored with this.  I have found some new recipes to try out, hopefully I will get on that tomorrow.  I bought the stuff to make these mini egg crustless egg quiches.  That sound delicious.  My jeans which were snug when I originally put them on about  a month ago were snug and now they are getting very loose.  So I know it's working and I am losing inches I just wish the scale would show it too.  I am finding out that I get very anxious to eat when we go out, I get so excited that I don't chew my food very well.  Almost every time we have been out I have gotten sick afterwards, and I know its from not chewing well.  I rush when we go out, partly due to the kids and the other part is just excited to be going out to eat.  Prior to the surgery Russell and I would go out to eat all the time, it's what we did.  It's been a big adjustment for both of us to not do it as much anymore.  Hopefully this week will be better and I can move on from today.  AND I HOPE the scale moves too! 

6 weeks postop

Jan 10, 2011

Wow, can't believe it's been 6 weeks since my surgery.  In the beginning I felt like time was dragging.  Things seem to be going quicker now.  I've joined a gym and have comitted to going 3 times a week.  I started this journey at 305 on November 15th, the day my preop diet started.  I went into the surgery weighing 286 on November 29th.  Today I weigh 261.8, January 10th, 2011.  It is great to know that I have dropped 43 pounds in 8 weeks.  Things are going well for me.  I bought a Pandora type bracelet off of Etsy today and plan on adding a charm for every major milestone.  I bought a charm to signify the day of the surgery, it is a flower with a pearl dangling from it, my birthstone. 

I took my measurements today and am surprised at how many inches I have lost total.  I am so glad I measured myself prior to surgery. 

Food is going well, trying whole wheat toast and ground hamburger have been wonderful.  I did get sick today as I pushed myself with trying to eat a sandwich.  I used 2 slices of bread instead of 1.  Don't know why I did that.  I am satisfied with 1 but in my head I told myself I needed 2, that's what I used to eat.  I dunno.  My stupid head....I will be trying lettuce tomorrow and am looking forward to it.


Wow, 41 pounds!!!!

Jan 04, 2011

Well I finally broke through 39 pounds and when I finally did I hit 41 pound loss.  Didn't think I ever would.  I can hardly believe it.  I had given up on myself prior to this surgery.  I didn't see the point in dieting because I knew I would regain the weight.  It feels so good to know that I have lost this weight for good.  I will NEVER be at this weight again.  The past couple of days have been really good for me.  My depression has subsided some and I actually feel good.  I feel motivated to do stuff.  I have been to the gym once this week, Russell and I are going tonight after dinner.  I am looking forward to going.  I am not looking forward to seeing the trainer who helped me the first day.  She was a young skinny little twit who didn't know good manners.  She kept saying how weird it was to have bypass, she had never even heard of it.  Once I explained it to her she wouldn't stop talking about how weird it was and how she would never do it.  I am not one to get involved in confrontation so I didn't say much to her, but she finally got the point that I was not happy and shut up about it.  I should've said, "well looks like you don't need to worry about it anyway."  But I didn't.  Anyway, things are going really great for me right now, hopefully they will stay that way, mentally speaking.  I had pasta last night and was very happy that it stayed down.  It was white pasta and not the whole grain so I was expecting to get sick but did not.   

New Year, new me!

Jan 02, 2011

Well the holidays are over.  They were harder than I thought it would be.  Having the surgery right after Thanksgiving, I didn't think it would be a big deal to deal with all the food at Christmas time.  Boy was I wrong.  All I wanted was the food I couldn't have.  Which in some cases I did have.  I found out what my dumping limit was on sugar.  Which is nice to know that I do dump on sugar.  It's not fun though. 

We joined a gym yesterday.  I had been planning this since the surgery, so it is nice to have it done.  I meet with a personal trainer tomorrow morning hopefully to get going on a program.  I am excited to get started hoping it will speed up my weightloss.  I feel like it is coming off slowly.  Since the day of surgery I have lost 19 pounds.  Total with preop diet and loss since surgery I have lost 39 pounds, so not bad for 7 weeks. 

It's nice to think that this time next year I will be a different person.  All of my family that I only see once a year will be seeing a new me next year! 

I meet with the surgeon tomorrow and my nut for my 1 month checkup.  I am anxious to see how he thinks I am doing.

Also I had a 1/4 glass of wine on New Years Eve.  That was enough to do me in.  When they say, "you'll be a cheap date", they mean it.
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2 Weeks postop

Dec 13, 2010

Well today is 2 weeks postop.  Recovery physically was fine, hardly had any pain.  My mental recovery was not so good, I don't know if it was a cross between my prescriptions I am on and the anesthesia but I had some major anxiety issues.  After reading everything I had read on this web page I was paranoid about anything and everything going wrong.  I started this process at 305 and entered the surgery at 286 and weight today at 274. 

It's been slow going though, drinking protein drinks and finally starting to eat normal things like soup, and tuna fish with crackers.  I did get sick once, I had some sugar free hot coco and 30 minutes later I had the dry heeves. 

My energy is very low, with not having any diet coke (which I really miss) and lack of food, I am just exhausted all of the time. 

Things are going well though.

Day Before Surgery

Nov 28, 2010

Well the time has finally come.  My surgery is tomorrow morning at 7:00.  I am so excited and scared at the same time.  Thanksgiving was hard, I went shopping while everyone else ate the feast.  It's just knowing that the food is there and if I want it I can go out to the fridge and get some.  I did well though, didn't have any thanksgiving food.  So, 3 things I want to do after I lose this weight are:

1.  Yoga
2.  Zip-Line (maybe)
3.  Horseback riding with the family

I've been reading all these posts on here about how some people have terrible pain and some it's a breeze.  I hope it's a breeze for me! 

Also, I've had this bruise on my stomach for the past month and wouldn't you know it' turned into some sort of blood blister that popped and got infected.  I wound up going to Urgent Care in KC and they looked at it and they decided to drain it with a needle instead of a blade, since I was having surgery.  It was more painful that way but it looks a heck of a lot better and I got tons of antibiotics.  I called the doctor on call for surgery and he said we should be okay, will have to wait and see it though.  So there is a teeny tiny chance I may not have surgery.  I think I will though.  My parents are bringing the kids back from KC today and they said both kids have been throwing up...lovely.  Anyway, I am positive that everything will go well tomorrow and I am anxious to start my new life and get this thing going on!


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Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
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