Getting It Back

Feb 20, 2011

So many cool things are happening for me that go far beyond just weight loss.  But, I'll start with my progress so far.  I am down 180 pounds from my highest weight, and about 87 since sugery.  I feel great.  I'm still obese and have a ways to go, but it's all good.

I'm still recovering from my last surgery (getting rid of ovaries and fallopian tubes).  But, I feel good.  Energy levels are not what I would want, but better than they use to be after surgery.  Despite that, I've been training to work with children with Autism and boy does that charge my batteries!  I've had some wonderful experiences with some awesome kids and learning how to help them.

I feel like I'm getting, not just my life back, not just my body back, I feel like I'm getting me.  I missed me.  I feel like I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be.  It helps that the package is getting easier to manage.  My body fits in places it didn't in years past.  Since I'm not lugging 180 extra pounds, it's easier to pick a kid up and play with him. 

I love the feeling of having limitations removed.  My future is bright and I feel great.

Some downsides... I have laughably loose skin.  Seriously, until I get plastic surgery, it's 3/4 length sleeves for me.  If not for the looks, I need to be concerned my own safety and that of others.  I don't want to slap folks with my batwing arms.  I need to get serious about support hose and spanx, but just having had my gut cut into, I've been putting that off.  I'm still a bit uncomfortable with the extra compression. 

Blessings to everyone who shares my journey and reads my blog posts. 


About Me
Surgery Date
May 28, 2010
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