drama, drama, drama

Sep 14, 2010

well, last thursday (sept 9th) my coordinator told me she was submitting my paperwork to insurance.  she found the dictation from the dr. while we were talking and she was going to fax it within 5 mins from hanging up with me.  i was so ecstatic!!   i called  my insurance broker and explained what was going on. she's my back door to the insurance company.  so friday she calls insurance co., haven't seen it....hmmm maybe it just hasn't been logged in yet.  okay, fine we will wait til we come back from the weekend. 

monday (9/13) comes, and my insurance broker calls to check on status of approval.  they still haven't seen it.  so, i call my coordinator and l/m on her v/m.  she calls me back saying that she hasn't received the dictation yet from the dr and has all my other paperwork together.  she's just waiting on the dr.  what do you mean you don't have it, i asked her NICELY. when we spoke on thursday, you said you had it in your hand and you were going to fax it within 5 mins (i casually laughed).  she apologized and said that she didn't do it, and she was going to do it right away.  OMG!!!! this is becoming a nightmare.....now my insurance broker is going to wait til weds to call company to ck on the status.  wish me luck!


Sep 09, 2010

Call my surgeon office and spoke w/the coordinator. She received the dictation and is going to fax all my information to then insurance company for approval.  Could take 7-14 business days to hear  something back. 
I asked when she would be able to schedule my date, if i get approved.  APRIL 2011  I am so disappointed. My company might change insurance companies at the end of the year.  I feel that this may be for nothing.  I know, I know, i''m being pessimistic.  I will be on a cancellation list though.  She told me that if i can talk to her supervisor and explain my situation to see if there MAY be something that can be done.  So, I left a message on her voicemail.  I should take it one step at a time, but I want to be sure that i have all my ducks in a row. 

Patience is not my best quality.  April is 7 months away.  I love to eat.  Willpower will be hard. I'm heavy for a reason...i love to eat.  I'm going to try my hardest not to gain any more weight...

thanks for letting me vent..

consult appt today

Sep 01, 2010

well, i had my consult appt w/my surgeon this morning.  so happy it finally happened.  i feel as though things are starting to move forward.  he said i was a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery.  he will have all my paperwork submitted to the insurance company, which may take 2 weeks to do. at least it's getting done.  i should hear something soon.  talk about being patient!! something i'm learning to do.

i was told to do more walking and to stop w/carbonated drinks, carbs, sugars.  now, i want chocolate more than ever!!!   i know, i know...

i'm just so happy!!!

next week is consult appt

Aug 24, 2010

next week is my consult appointment and for the first time, i'm not too excited about it.  since it feels like it has taken forever to finally get to see the surgeon, i have eaten alot.  no, i haven't weighed myself, but i do notice the double chin coming back.  i'm hungry all the time, and i wonder why....i'm scared that this surgery will not be approved.  worried the dr will say that i don't need it.  worried that i'll have to lose 50 lbs in order to have surgery...i guess i'm just anxious to get this appt over with. 

i had to vent..thanks for letting me!

i need a timeout chair..

Jul 29, 2010

i don't know what happened this morning.  i didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  didn't go to bed angry...  for some reason, i'm just pissed off at the world.  maybe this is what started it...
yesterday i called surgeon's office and asked if i could speak to the scheduler.  receptionist asked me name, etc. and puts me on hold.  comes back on the phone and asks what its regarding, it's about cking on cancellations so far for august & would like to confirm that i'm still on the cancellation list..  puts me on hold again, comes back and says that there are no cancellations yet for august, and they don't keep cancellation lists . i kind of laughed and said that brenda told me i was on one, and she says that there isn't one.  GREAT....i guess i should be happy that i have an appt for sept 1st instead of november, buy i'm the kind of person that if you tell me you're going to do something, i expect you to do it.  also, if i tell you that i'm going to do something, i'm going to do it.... this isn't happening fast enough for me

so, i'm here at work listening to a very annoying co-worker down the hall..and i swear i'm not listening by choice.  she is so loud, her voice carries...anyway, i'm getting close to taking it out on her.  i know, i know, it won't make this any better or go any faster, but venting sure would.   i guess my only other option would be is to call the surgeon's office everyday and ask if there are any cancellations..what do you think?


good results

Jul 28, 2010

Received a phone call yesterday from the nutritionalist office and was told that my bloodwork came back normal.  The microalbumin level is normal.....  I was so worried that the surgeon may find this to be a concern.  Still waiting for the consult appt. set for 9/1/10.  I want to call their office to check on cancellations, but am I being too pushy?  I was told that I would be put on the list for cancellations....

What can i expect from a consultation visit?  What does he do?  9/1 is so FAR away... Until then, I just want to eat, eat, eat...but i have to say, i do drink all my water (64oz) everyday.  I get very happy and excited for other members that are getting close to their surgery date, and look forward to ready their experiences.  Just can't wait til i get there too. 

consultation date set!

Jul 19, 2010

Well, just set my appt for the consultation! It's on Sept. 1st... So very excited!!  Don't know what to expect from this visit.  I have requested to be put on a cancellation list for August due to the fact that the company I work for may change insurance companies at the beginning of the year.  So, hopefully someone may cancel from now til Sept. 1st.  If not..i'll just wait patiently.
1 comment


Jul 13, 2010

well, my dietician called me.  she's going to get all my paperwork together and fax it to the insurance company for approval.  it looks good to her, and i should hopefully hear a response in about a week.  from there, i get to schedule an appointment for the consultation.  the surgeon's office is scheduling appts in september and surgeries are being scheduled for november.  brenda (surgeon's office) thinks that i won't be able to have surgery til the beginning of next year.  i'm so going to try hard to plead my case to have it done by the end of this year.  otherwise, my company is going to change insurance companies, and all of this may be for nothing.  once i do get to schedule for my consult, brenda will put me on a cancellation list to see if i can get in sooner.   may the waiting games begin. 


Jul 12, 2010

Weekend was great.  Went to our friend's house and had a couple of margaritas.  I know that's going to change big time if this surgery happens.  Warned my husband about it,and he's okay with it.  Told him that he's going to have a boring wife, and he laughed at me.  He loves me so much.  Came to work and guess what is on the kitchen counter!!  HUGE tray of brownies with walnuts!! AUGHH!!   I swear its a conspiracy here at the office.  So, I gave in and had a piece. I know I'm supposed to get used to not having sweets and such, but I just had one. 

Tomorrow the dietician/nutricianist is supposed to be back from vacation.  So hopefully my paperwork will be sent out for approval to see a surgeon.  I have it set for the the 19th to call my contact at the insurance co. to see if anything has been done.  Keeping my fingers crossed. 

I've been doing alot of reading on other member's blogs and enjoy them.  It's giving me a sense of what to look forward to.  I have also noticed how everyone has nice profiles. I'm still new to this...hope to get mine up to date.

Newbie to Blogging...

Jul 08, 2010

Hi there!  My name is Sara and I have lived on the weight rollercoaster all of my life.  I remember my nickname as being "Gorda" when I was very young, and wasn't too happy about it when I grew up understanding what it meant.  Well, I am who I am, no matter what, right?  I live in Sanger, CA & love it.

Started my WLS journey in Nov. 2009.  I just finished my medical exit interview on July 1, 2010.  At the same time, my nutrition evaluation was to be done.  Just found out 7/6 that my dietician is on vacation til the 13th.  So...all my paperwork (6 mos of weight mgmt classes) is sitting at her desk, waiting for her to come back...waiting to go to Sante for approval.  My employer is changing insurance company on January 1, 2011 and I feel like this surgery isn't going to happen until next year.  Maybe I'm just being a pessimest, huh? Crossing my fingers that this will be approved next week so i can see the surgeon for my 1st consultation. 

About Me
Sanger, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 08, 2010
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