Post Op Visit # 1

Jun 10, 2009

Mama had her first post op visit today. The doctor took out all of her staples--except for one. There is one incision that keeps leaking. Once the fluid has soaked through the dry gauze it has a yellow color. All of the nurses have said that incision looks good and that the color is normal.

She has now progressed to the Soft/Mushy phase of the diet. Mama is very, very happy about that!!!! Our first stop after the appointment was to KFC for some mashed potatoes. Mama says she feels more human again now that she can eat something besides soups and broths.

The nurse gave us a new set of instructions to follow for the diet and medicines. Mama, Dad and I are still learning the new rules. She will be on this diet for two weeks. Then she can progress to the regular diet until she gets to her goal weight, after that she double the size of her meals.

Here's some of the new instructions:

-- She needs to take a multivitamins supplement twice per day. She needs to take a prenatal vitamin or complete multivitamin (she's tried the Flinstones chewables, but they're nasty!).

-- Mama will need to take between 1200 and 1500 mg of calcium per day in divided doses. The doctor also recommends taking the calcium supplement with vitamin D ( this is because most adults are deficient).

-- The doctor has prescribed an iron supplement that she will need to take daily. The dosage depends on the type the doctor prescribes.

-- She will need to take a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor "stomach pill") everyday. I'm not exactly sure what this is yet.

-- A B12 supplement will be need once she is about 3 months post op. She can take it in the form of an 1000 mcg (micrograms) injection every 3 months or an OTC weekly pill that is absorbed under the tongue. She won't need that until about August.

-- Mama will need a prescription for a B12 injection.

Mama will need to take all these supplements and PPI's for the rest of her life!!!!

The new diet allows Mama to have solid proteins and vegetables. She can now add peanut butter, beans, cheese and nuts in addition to what she's already been eating. She can also have soft, leafy, green veggies that are nutrient rich and avoid starchy vegetables. It's very important for her thoroughly chew her food, she needs to chew it about 20-30 times. Starting tomorrow, we will all be eating at the kitchen table--which is something we haven't done in a long time--so she won't be distracted by other things and can focus on eating her meal. She can't drink and eat at the same time anymore. Meals should last at least 30 minutes.
We will have to keep measuring her meal portions. Mama's meal size can't exceed 60 cc (2 oz, 1/4 cup) at a time--it's all her stomach can hold at a time!!!! She can have a maximum of 3 meals per day. We are still trying to find a good protein drink or mix. We bought some Low-Carb Slim-Fast shakes last week. They are very thick and rich, they're not that good either. Protein is the absolute most important nutrient in her new diet.

Mama's first post op visit went well!!!! Thank God!!!!

I know this post was very long, but it contains almost all of the information on her new diet and medicines. I put that there for you all to read through. Please continue to keep Mama is your prayers, we are really grateful for those! Her home health care nurse comes by again on Friday. I will post an update then.


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