Soft Foods are Going Well

Jan 12, 2013

Since I am approaching the end of my first week of soft foods, I happy to say that I haven't thrown up or found that I can't tolerate anything.  That can either be a blessing or a curse. Since this is my second go round of weight loss surgery, I am very familiar with the fact that if I can tolerate everything, that just means that my self control is going to be doing a lot of the work. 

My weight loss was slow this week, which makes me a bit nervous that maybe I tried too many foods or ate too much. I am going to make an appointment with my dietician this week to talk about some of my concerns. I will post again later this week to summarize our meeting. Maybe someone reading this will benefit from the information as well. 


Promoted to Soft Foods

Jan 08, 2013

Yesterday was my first day off of all liquids and on to soft foods.  Soft foods, according to my surgeon, is canned chicken, canned tuna, eggs, and other soft proteins.  I woke up and was afraid to eat any soft foods, so I had a protein shake.  For lunch, I decided to have a can of chicken just to see how much my pouch would hold.  I had taken bites the size of pencil erasers and chewed them up very thoroughly, but I never got full.

Initially, I was upset because I thought I wasn't going to have the restriction since this was a revision and not the first time I had had weight loss surgery.  It made me very nervous to a point I did not even want to eat dinner, so I had another protein shake.  I sent an email to my dietician and she believes I had chewed the food too much to a point that my body thought it was liquid, so it went straight through and never sat in the pouch.  So this morning, I decided to put her to the test.

I woke up and made a scrambled egg.  I took slightly larger bites, chewed each bite well, but not to a point that it was liquid.  It made a tremendous difference.  I started feeling full after eating half of the egg.  When I felt the first sign of fullness, I stopped and gae the other half of my food to my daughter.  I felt the restriction today and it was absolutely amazing.  I am so glad that I had this done.  Yesterday, I didn't think so.

Today is a diet class to discuss the soft food portion of the program, so I am hoping to learn some new tricks, but I am excited about this journey again.  


Not Many Get Second Chances

Dec 29, 2012

After experiencing lots of complications and then regaining a large portion of my weight back, I decided to undergo revision surgery to redo my RXN-Y.

On December 24, 2012, I checked into the hospital and had the operation, which was very successful.  I understand when I had the RXN-Y, it was assumed that I would only have one shot, but I was very fortunate to be given a second chance.  

Today I am still in the liquid phase of the program.  I am experiencing some hunger, but know that I have to get through this in order to progress to a larger variety of food.  So far, so good.  :-)


Starting over

Feb 25, 2009

This morning I woke up feeling like it was a typical morning.  I picked out the clothes I wanted to wear today, I weighed, then I got in the shower.  I got out of the shower, I weighed again, got dressed, and then grabbed my body fat analyzer to see what percentage of body fat I was this morning.  It was 28.7%.  That percentage isn't horrible, but it's not where I want to be.  I am now going to take people's advice and not focus on what I can't eat anymore, not focus on the way things used to be, and worry about the way that I know I need to be.  I am going to focus on getting all my protein in, limit my carbs, and go back to the basics......the way things were when I first had surgery.j

I began the day by going to McDonalds and getting a scrambled egg with bacon and cheese.  It was good.  I am going to pay close attention to the amount of calories and fat that I take in, which is something I never worried about.  If it was just the issue of getting enough protein, I would still be losing weight, but I'm not, so it is time to really focus and look at sugars, carbs and calories as well. 

I am happy where I am, but my ultimate goal is and has always been 190 pounds and I am not going to quit til I get there.  It isn't far off.  I'm not sure if anyone is even going to read this, but if you are, I appreciate it all the support that you give and any tips and tricks you have or will share....

Today is the first day of the last leg of this fight......  I'm pumped.

About Me
Yukon, OK
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2008
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