no more sugar

May 27, 2010

i went through my cubbards today got rid of all the sugar content in the house it was the hardest thing to do but  i did it and im proud for doing. i kept some things that i can still eat until the surgery but for the most part got rid of it all and i only have what food i can eat after the surgery. and some food the weekend.


May 26, 2010

sorry for the confusion on profile im still learning the website yes i do know what surgery im having.. just didnt know how to work this website.and im getting better at. and ive done all the research that i had.

feel better today

May 24, 2010

today is feeling better ive went on a walk this mourning. took my daughter to the park. im thinking this is going to be the longest week for me considering my surgery is june 2. but all im doin now making sure laundry is caught up the house is clean. gonna go next week to get my hair done. going shopping for what i need after the surgery. i found this cool website that broke down what the first week is like what the second week is like for what i should have clear liquids. it was a neat site so i printed it and im gonna get alot of the stuff for the recovery process.

protien drinks

May 23, 2010

i know i need to be on clear liquids for the first week after surgery..but what protien drinks after the first week i should be drinking any suggestins. and what clear liquids are good to have after the gastric bypass???? please help me on that one

sleeping patterns

May 23, 2010

does anyone feel like when they loose the weight there sleeping better through the night? cause the reason i ask is because ive never really slept through the night and its so annoying. i sleep better during the day which im hoping when i loose the weight i wont be so tired and my energy level goes back up.  boy i cant wait for the life changing event that is about to happen. just knowing i can loose weight it smaller portion of foods not eating the same foods that love need to get recipes started.
1 comment

it well be nice

May 22, 2010

it will be nice not to feel like i cant do anything knowing i can do something. my leg hurts for some reason. it well be nice just to feel good again. sometimes i get annoyed with the friends i do have that are skinny saying there too fat. They dont know what fat is until they are like me. ive been going up and down lately on how ive been feeling tired sometimes overwhelmed i just got to think and say only one more week left. i need to stop eating out to day was my last day of eating out and over doing it. ive been doing really good the past two weeks of not eating and more so cooking at home. even if i eat out once a week why do i feel so guitly about it. im so looking forward to this surgery need to change for the better. maybe now i can find me a boyfriend in the medical field your police force haha just joking. :D anyway have a nice day


May 21, 2010

hello again! today i went to wally world bought some hair dye! im trying to stay postive and feel good whats gonna happen to me here in june 2 ! so i dyed my hair today tuesday june 1st im gonna get a perm for my hair and today i was hesitate to by an outfit today specially the shirts so i guess went smart and got pants!!! i bought a size 10 so that well be my goal after surgery is being a size 10 which i never had been before only when i was a kid it will be a huge change. im hoping im doing it right and going in with a postive outlook and change.



May 20, 2010

today i have my first pre op appoitment today kinda nervous! but not to terrible nervous! my surgery is coming up june 2 it seems like these past few weeks have been the longest days! but now that its getting near it will go by fast.

church choir concert

May 15, 2010

its weird after awhile my ankles start to swell up! because i was standing on the choir stage tonight and thinking to my self that it wont be long until my ankle wont be swallon anymore it well feel good to stand up for a period of time without my ankles doing the swellon!

its getting close

May 14, 2010

my surgery is getting close june 2! and im so excited im trying not to eat out as much trying to cut back! getting ready to do the surgery but also fighting this darn allergies. ive been struggling my weight for long time since i can remember im so thankful to have this surgery everyone at church very supported my friends are supported and im so looking for good results in the end and changing my life style! im 31 yrs old  been single for a good long while im hoping that once i start changing my life style i can go out to places and not be starred at what i eat it will be nice to fit in a booth instead of a chair! im just looking for a great new start with my kids and family

About Me
Surgery Date
May 06, 2010
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