
Surgery Date!!

Dec 10, 2012

So, I finally have my date - April 10th, 2013.  I have been waiting patiently over a year for this date.  Today I was called into the boss' office where they asked me to postpone my surgery because another person in the office was getting married the day after my surgery and that it was a busy time at work and they'd prefer if I could move the date.  OMG!  I was soooo pissed, still am.

Not only did this happen, but they've asked me to use my 2 weeks vacation from 2012 and my upcoming 2013 two weeks vacation for the recovery time.  Also stating that they didn't want me using vacation after being off work for the recovery!

Can anyone answer me - is this even legal of them? 

I told them that I didn't want to change my date, however I did send a fax to the surgeon to see if the date could be moved, but stressed to him that I am okay with the date.  I am so frustrated.  I've been on the web all night searching to see if this is crazy or am I being taken advantage of by my employer.  Yes, I had initially estimated that the surgery would be in October, and then estimated January - but the surgeon is the one that books it - NOT ME! 

Anyone?  Help?


REVISED - Date is now May 8th - I changed it for work :(



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Oct 13, 2012

Today is October 13th, 2012 and yesterday I finally received the telephone call I've been waiting for - a surgeon appointment.  YEAH!  One step closer.
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To start...

Aug 05, 2012

An introduction to myself.  Ideally, I am a 5'5" 155 pound bubbly person that is outgoing and fun to be around.  Truthfully, I am a 5'5" 305 pound person that puts on a bubbly personality to help hide the fact that I am obese. 
When I was 20 years old I was 130 lbs and realtively fit, now that I'm 43 and life has taken it's tole, I can't even look at myself in the mirror.  I get a glimpse of myself in a store window and am disgusted with what I see.
I can't keep up with my kids, I sweat doing housework, nothing fits me anymore.  I don't want to be this person.

My history...
Dated a guy when I was 16 who was insecure so he fed me fast food.  Years later it was brought to my attention that he was feeding me to make me fat, so that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him.  Then, typically, a bad marriage and children put pounds upon pounds on.  I know now that food was my comfort and the only thing that I could count on.  Years of "do you think you need a second helping?" turned into 'damn straight', just because I didn't like being told what to do.  It was a form of rebellion.  Then came an accident that prohibited me from daily activities; walking became a painful thing to do, stairs were almost impossible.  I used to hike with the kids, now I'm lucky to walk to the corner without getting winded.

My health is an issue.  I am using a CPAP machine, on meds for blood pressure and anxiety as well as anti-depressants.  Acne is an issue, which I'd never had before and skin tags are forming.  This is NOT who I want to be.

Getting help....
I went to a doctor because I was experiencing a bought of depression - he blankly told me "you need to lose weight".  Slap in the face - yes, I knew I needed to lose weight, but to be told by a 'walk-in' doctor.  That sure was a wake up call.  He suggested that I find a doctor, and have them recommend me for gastric by-pass.   

On a road....
I've gone through all the paperwork, testing, testing and more testing and am now just waiting to meet the surgeon and book the surgery.

I'm looking to find a few people that are going/have gone through Roux-en-Y surgery that I can chat with and would be a support system for me. 


About Me
Aug 05, 2012
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