Century Mark

May 01, 2010


Okay the newness has worn off

Mar 29, 2010

Milk, Broth, Jello, Water the sum total of what I "eat" these days!  and that is all I will eat for the next 3 days.  I feel so much better but I still have no stamina.  Tonight I am going to the gym to walk on the elliptical and do a little free weight work.  Patience, patience, patience - anybody got any I am seriously short!

First follow-up

Mar 26, 2010

So I had the first follow-up with my surgeon.  I have lost my first 7 lbs and achieved my 70 lb loss goal (a week late but better than never).   He was very positive about everything but my gallbladder.  It appears I already have stones and it may need to go in the next 6 months.  I just can't think about another surgery so soon. 

I am doing better on my drinking and next week is my meeting to transition to full liquids.  Go protein shake sand yogurt smootheys!  I also checked the list and it said suger free hot chocolate with skim milk ....yummm.

I am still not hungry but I have been doing the sip sip sip to get all my liquids in starting with my milk to get the protein.

Post OP Day 5

Mar 24, 2010

So, I am 5 days out and feeling a little weird.  I overdid it this am cleaning up around the house and showering and then needed to take a 2 hour nap.  Probably won't sleep tonight.  I have my first follow-up with the surgeon tomorrow and I am a little anxious.  In 5 days I have lost 3 pounds.  The little voice in the back of my head keeps saying What if we have done all of this and it doesn't work. What if I don't lose it or what if I get sick.  I am not used to being home all day.  Work is stressful but this is lonely.  I need to buck-up and have some milk.

Recovering from Surgery

Mar 22, 2010

Well, my laproscopic RNY on Friday went smoothely and I am at home recovering.  I have been taking a little pain medicine and walking around the house.  So far things are progressing well. 

21 Days and Counting

Feb 26, 2010

My surgery is scheduled for March 19th and I am counting down the days.  I started on the required 14 day diet a little early since it looks hard.  I haven't worked in exchanges for a long time so I need some time to get back in the swing. 

We got 2 foot of snow here last night and work was almost deserted.  With all the meetings canceled I actually got a ot done.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 12, 2010
Member Since

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Latest Blog 26
