Waiting, Wondering, Wishing

Sep 08, 2010

Wow, been so busy.  Moved into my new home and have so much work to do!  Lots of cleaning, painting and renovations.  I have a new kitchen going in two weeks from now and will be so glad to be using something other than an microwave and bar fridge for kitchen appliances. 

Waiting not very patiently for an answer from OHIP and an orientation date....gets so depressing when I think that I could have done this and been almost finished if I hadn't procrastinated and applied just after the new rules came into play.

I read the posts and wish I was on the bench with everyone else!

Too Hot

Jul 05, 2010

Wow it's hot, can't sleep a wink!  Sold my house in 4 days and bought a condo in town so I could walk and exercise more.  Move date is early August!  So much to do.  Trying very hard to be patient....just would like to get the orientation call at least !then I will be on my way...that's all for now.

The Journey

Jun 22, 2010

June 22nd, 2010

I have decided to journal this process to help me through the good days and the bad.  I started looking into bypass surgery two years ago and finally made the decision last fall just as the Ontario government changed their policy and increased financing for surgeries to be performed in Ontario...I had applied to go to Dr. Graber initially and was detoured by OHIP with the new reform.  So I began the waiting game, followed the procedures; referal to the Weight Management Clinic in Ottawa (rescheduled by them 3x) and finally met with Dr. Chow on June 8th, 2010.  The wait to get into the room was longer than the time required to be approved, seems all those years of diets and failures, a bmi of 45 and otherwise healthy make me a good candidate for success.  I'm sure that the photo's of the women on my mother's side also helped to show the genetic predisposition for weight gain.  I was approved and told that I would be put on the list for either Ottawa or Toronto which ever will come first.....and the wait begins.  I am emotionally ready to do this today, however, I will have to wait for the letters and go through the process at their speed. 

Not being an overly paitent person waiting sucks!  I go through the before and afters of other peoples success, read the stories, concerns, help messages and dream about being part of the After group! 

So I wait and watch for the mail person again today and maybe there will be a letter.....
