Apr 17th 2009

Apr 17, 2009

Here we go, I am back on the wagon.  After having a complete unfill two weeks ago (early stages of slippage) I went back again and paid another $100 to have floro check and yes my stomach is back to where it should be, so Adam put in 2cc's to see where that can get me.

The rest as they say is upto me, I am going to do my very best not to eat chips, crackers, chocolate etc and get this weight off.  I am already noticing that the clothes I wore all last year are feeling tight and I think I look bloody awful   10lb gain is a disaster.

Today I am on total liquids, and can go to mush tomorrow, depending how I feel I may stay on liquids tomorrow as well.  I am also going to try and come on OH daily and see if I can keep my very weak willpower.

1 comment

Feb 10th 2009

Feb 10, 2009

Here is the first update for my calorie counting week.

I am a little disappointed to announce that I have only lost 1.25lbs.  I know I should be grateful that I have lost something, byut it doesnt feel like much.   So onto this week, I ate a large lunch - 3 chicken strips and really dont want any dinner, I am sitting at anout 1000 cals for today and I need to get in another 400 (estimating that I need 1400) after being in the pool for 3 hours.

Looking forward to seeing what the numbers will look like at the end of the week,   By the way,  I may have to weight myself on Friday to see what has happened so far



Feb 06, 2009

So I have been home from work this week and decided to try and crack the problem of total/net calories for the day.  i know some people have been posting on here asking and here is what I have found out.

In order to loose weight you need to eat about 500 calories less than you need to sustain your weight per day.  If you log onto the daily plate and they say you need 1500 cals a day to loose weight you can be fairly safe in assuming that you need  2000 to maintain your weight.

If you exercise and burn an additional 400 cals for that day so your net cals for the day is now 1100 you are in starvation mode.  As far as I understand it that is OK for one day but not for a week.  So you have to increase your calories back to the 1500 in other words drink another latte, eat another small snack.   The more you burn off in a day the more you need to eat to keep loosing weight.

You can now slate me and tell me I'm wrong, but this week have been around 1000 per day and next week I will have to increase the calories because of working in the swimming pool.  I am going to be interested to see if this actually works.

Feb 4th 2009

Feb 04, 2009

So I went and saw the surgeon today and as I sat there not knowing what the scales would say I was terrified,  Anyhow, I warned him that I might have put on a couple of pounds and we weighed this body and hey I was back to 176 on his scale,  

I did say that I am eating through boredom and he said the band cant help you with that, but we will give you a tiny fill to see if we can stave off some real hunger.

Going to do a barium swallow in a couple of weeks and I am hoping to have lost some weight following my 1000 cals a day.


JAN 30TH 2009

Jan 30, 2009

OK,  So I am one year out and was happy at 50lb lost for ever.   Would I like more yes, but I havent exactly been working it.  I got on the scales at work and found that I have put on 4lbs.  WTF is that all about, so today I decided to start logging my food again - shit have I  been overeating.   My lattes even thought they are skim milk are adding to my calories, but I refuse to give them up, so I need to stop with the grazing,

I see my surgeon next week and I need to loose that 4lb or he will absolutely kill me.

So wish me luck.  

Jan 8th 2009

Jan 25, 2009

 A little afraid after the Christmas Holidays, but I had lost one whole pound - which doc was very impressed with.  We left well alone and we said we would see how it went for the next month.

DEC 15th 2008

Jan 25, 2009

So I saw my surgeon today and as the weight has crept on a little he removed half of my fluid - 2.5ccs and he said if I couldnt eat normally I was to go back within the week and have the rest removed.

According to him I had irrated the lining so much that everytime I ate anything it irrated a little more.

Feeling much better.


Nov 5th 2008

Nov 10, 2008

So I went and saw the surgeon today and the scales still read 173 - I told him perhaps my body is happy here and he replies I'm not, I think we can move it down some more.  He decided to remove some of the fluid .4 from the band as he felt my band was too tight and allowing me to eat soft stuff and not so much good stuff - I wasn't sure I agreed with him, but he is the expert and I let him take the fluid out.

I see him again in December and I will update and let you know how things are progressing.

OCT 31st 08

Oct 31, 2008

Just thought I would come in and say hi!

That 2lb I lost seems to go on and off again like a tarts drawers.  Still I can at least eat without it killing me and as I am very fond of saying, if this is where my body stops then OK,  I have to see my surgeon next week and it scares the hell out of me what he is going to say, but try telling my body not me!  I am sticking to around 1000 cals a day and get exercise on most days.  Maybe I need to up that more, but I will talk with him and if there are any great insights I will of course let you know.

On the down side my outlaws are coming next weekend - just for the weekend mind and they live in the UK - plus side to that is that we have swim practice friday night, two soccer games on saturday a swim meet and a soccer game on Sunday ..... guess I wont be seeing much of them!

OCT 16th 2008

Oct 16, 2008

I am a happy camper for the first time in ages.  I weighed myself this morning for the thanskgiving challenge and I have finally lost 2lb. 

I know that this is a direct result of being able to eat.  My band had been too tight and I was eating soft stuff,  Now that I can eat again, I am logging my food and coffee and see that I vary the calories on a daily basis.   I have one more pound to have lost 56lb which is 4stone in the uk, 

About Me
Milford, MA
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2008
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