Like Butta Baby!!! :)

Jan 25, 2010

So,  I had an amazing day..... I just have to share... first off... work sucks... teaching special ed in a private Alternative school was my dream (lol) and it just is not fun anymore.... its not the kids its the admin!!!!!! I hate the higher ups!  ANYWAYS... SO... TODAY... I WENT TO THE GYM... BEEN SLACKING BIG TIME... BUT... I went today... and I could only do 30 mins on the arc... before I was exhausted... lol so far this doesnt seem so amazing huh?   LOL BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER!!!!!!!! So... anyway I kept telling myself I have to push... i have to push... so I got off the arc trainer and said to myself... Im going to run... lol as funny as it sounds I used to be a runner in like 7th grade.  People couldnt believe I was running an avg 12 sec 100 m at my weight and with my chest... So I hopped on the tredmill... set it on weight loss and did the 2 minute warm up. After the 2 minutes, I just said Im going to run for 1 minute, see how I do.  I gradually increased speek until I was at 4.8 and did a slight jog... it wasnt so bad.. so I increased the speed to 5.1. Here I was... listening to Rihanna's "Hard" on my Ipod and actually running on the tredmill. I ran for the duration of the song and then decreased speed to a medium walk.  I smiled to myself, like YEEEEEEAH!!! I GOT THIS ....THEN... I started to run again!!!! I probaly ran for 5 minutes that time and then slowed my pace to a walk.   I decided to do 15 minutes total and ran a final 2 ins at 5.5.  SO TODAY... I RAN... WITH MY BIG CHEST LOL... I RAN TODAY!!!!! OH AND... I AM DOWN 6 MORE POUNDS SINCE THE FILL!!! Its coming off like butta baby... LIFE IS AMAZING!!!

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