I've made it.. I AM ON THE OTHER SIDE.

Mar 21, 2007

Hi guys, I came home yesterday afternoon and then slept.. Well, what I could get of sleep. Little uncomfortable with the gas. Which I will say is the worst part. I went into the OR, got a little nervous, but before u know it,you are in and out. Woke up in recovery, they gave me pain meds and some oxygen. When I sleep my o2 levels fall. The second day, I was off. I have had no naseau, no vomitting. I have been feeling great.. It is true what they say WALK WALK WALK WALK.. It helps with the gas They took away the pain pump in the morning. The dialoudid was making me itch,then the other stuff wasnt working. So, they sent me home with liquid oxycondone...a small dose goes a long way.. I am a little tired and soar..but its not that bad..I am going back to work on monday.. The liquid diet was good. I had broth, tea,crystal light. Then they pushed me to soft diet.. Eggs , mashed potatoes.. it was all right. It hurt alittle going down, but more of a pinch. The GI test wasnt bad either. I will write later on. going to go and take a nap.. This is the best thing I've ever done towards my health..

No longer waiting..

Tommorrow is the Day,,, Happy Rebirthday to Me!!!!!

Mar 18, 2007

Ok, so I am  tired, have a tummy ache, alittle headache still. Not going to eat anything though. Nina from the dr office gave me an ok to eat eggs...I had the worst hunger Migraine. Still not really nervous, like I said, it will probably hit me tomorrow morning. I have to do the bowel prep at 3pm est. I hope that my liver has shrunk enough.. I know I ate the eggs a couple of times.  I dont want dr tishler to end up having to do an open surgery.. that will not be fun. If anyone is reading this, please pray for me. I will try to enter something before I leave tomorrow morning for the hospital. If not, God Bless and keep my in your prayers for an uneventful surgery.. I will be in the hosp for at least two days. So, u probably wont here from me til Wed or Thurs. Bye for now

Waiting(i'll have tochange my name huh?)

3 days to go till surgery 3-19-07.

Mar 15, 2007

Ok, so it's getting closer and closer to the day. I went and saw my surgeon and we went over the whole process again. He gave me my scripts for pain (loratab) and prevacid. I got those filled. I have my vitamins and calcium chewables. My fiance went and got me a lot of water, and shakes. I told him that i would love for his mom to make me a big pot of chicken broth. I am really tired. I kind of cheated the other day and had something to eat. My head was hurting so bad, it turned into a migraine and I havent had those in a while.  I know I shouldnt have but it was unbearable. hunger headaches are not fun. but, I am drinking my liquids only. I really just want to sleep but I cant. If I can get thru this last day at work, I will be fine. We are expecting a snow storm starting this afternoon. Maybe they will send us all home early. That would be nice.  I guess I am ready for my rebirthday. Still not nervous right now. It will probably hit my the morning of, or when i actually walk into the OR. Thats when i usually start tearing up. But, I know this surgery is for the better. I need a tool other than diet pills and everything else that I have tried. I still dont have an angel, so if anyone is interested, please contact me. I will be staying  at Hartford Hospital which I love. There treatment of me as a patient has always been great, maybe except for this one nurse that was just plain rude. I asked for a new nurse and didnt want her anywhere near me. But, they are the best. Ok, Jami Pitt (thats me) is going to sign off for now. I will definately update later today or tomorrow, up until that day. I will post my experience, so that anyone coming up for surgery will have someone to reference. I know i am not looking forward to the bowel prep that I have to do sunday after noon. but, it has to be done. Well, talk to u guys later. if anyone has yahoo messenger, my email is [email protected].. add me as a buddy.


5 DAYS TO GO.. SX 3-19-07

Mar 14, 2007

Ok, so I am doing better today.  Still dealing with this dang pre op diet. Had my pcp appt monday and then my pre op with the surgeon. I am all set. Everything checked out fine inside and out with the pcp. My blood work is all right, blood pressure was good too. A little nervous, but not really. I think its more being anxious. The week isnt going fast enough. I have been reading a lot of peoples stories and just wondering about the excess skin. I am more think then anything. I will probably need a small tummy tuck and arms done if anything. I keep my fingers crossed. I have been having sex all this week so far. Loving every minute of it. I know TMI. I ate some chicken broth today at lunch. It tasted soooooo good. Then my tummy started hurting. So, I went to the bathroom. I am proud of myself. All the junk in my house and I dont touch any of it. Just drink my shakes and water and chill out. I am extremely tired though. Tomorrow is thursday. Week is almost over. Watch the weekend will end up dragging. I just want it to be monday. So, if anyone is reading this, please say prayers for me and keep me in your thoughts. 


Still holding on..... 9days to go.

Mar 10, 2007

So, i did pretty good yesterday. I knew that I was going to drink so I ate a chicken wing. I had this new drink at the party called a Paris Hilton. It was really good. I had like two of those and then a red death. I was good at that point. I know after the surgery I am not going to be able to drink the way I use to, or at all. Tired today, drinking my protein shake right now. I want to go and lay down but I have close to get together for laundry tomorrow. I am alittle irritated though. My daughter has over more company that I said ok to. So, they are making noise and my daughter doesnt know how to act when she has company. So, thats the end of that for a while. So, I really dont have much to say. Gonna go upstairs and drink some propel water and watch tv. 


First day of pre op diet.. 10 days to go!

Mar 09, 2007

Oh my goodness, I am soo hungry right now. Today i started my pre op liquid/protien diet. I got the atkins shakes. The vanilla is better then the chocolate. I am wondering why my pic isnt showing on my profile. I dont know what i could have done wrong. I was on the chatroom for  awhile today. Alot of supportive people. I have to remember to post more. I am always just sitting around reading. A remarkable thing happened yesterday in the nail salon. Lately, I have been getting really scared, thinking about death and the surgery and getting nervous. Praying more than I usually do. Well, I was sitting getting a pedicure and the lady asked me what I wanted painted. I told her a pretty color with designs. My feet need to be cute for surgery. So, the lady next to me getting  her feet done laughed and said thats cute. She said what are they doing to your feet, I said not my feet. I am having WLS. She then said oh my goodness. I was going to have the lap band. So, we began to talk and she ended up cancelling hers because the doctor and his office got her file mixed and couldnt even remember her name. So, to her that was a sign and she didnt go thru with it. Well, later on when I was sitting there drying, we also talked about her upcoming wedding this saturday and she could refer me to a good caterer. She was the nicest woman. Very genuine. Then she said to make sure that I give her my name and number. She will call and visit me in the hospital. I said ok. Then when she gave me hers, i realized that she is a minister. That told me that God sent her to me to ease my worries. One of his own,,, that made me feel so much better. I have a feeling that either my mom, dad and God are listening to my prayers. 

Did I say that I was hungry. Oh my goodness. I want to eat sooo bad. To add insult to injury, I have to go to a bday party tonight in a club. with food and alcohol and I cant have any of it. Thats ok., I can do this. I have been good so far since starting this journey. I can do it.. 
Post to you guys later. 



Mar 03, 2007

Well, it was within three days and I have a date. 3*19*07. I am so excited that they are oking my surgery. I dont know what to do with myself. I have recvd all the information regarding the pre op diet. yuck.. i have no idea how i am going to do that,but there's no other way to get through it. If anyone had any little tricks or products that made it easier, please feel free to give me your advice and experience. I am having lap,but I am really not sure how the pain will be. Is it the incisions that hurt or the inside of your stomach? And does everyone wake up with a tube for draining in place? That I really dont like.. 

Always looking for a buddy.... 


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 17
My Weekend with DA POUND
Worried that I have stopped losing.... 6-21-07
Yes, I am still here.
Today just alittle bit better...
two weeks post op...tired , tired and more tired
Just Checking in... six days post op 3/24
