Going forward

Dec 27, 2008

The last couple of days have been good.  Christmas day was a little hard to handle with all the food sitting around but I made it.  I have been trying to get me a eating routine and do my walking.  I am getting a little too confused.  The list of the food and how much to eat I got from Methodist Hospital Weight Management is different from other books like WLS for Dummies.  The WLS for Dummies say I can have more food than the  Methodist plan.  I have yet to feel full while or after eating. 

My incisions are looking great.  I have six incisions, five on the stomach and one in the belly button.  The hair on my chest (where they shaved me) are itching me bad.  I go back to the doctor on Monday (December 29th) for my first check up.  Hope they do something about the stitches.  Sitting has become a issue.  That's right my butt gets sore when I sit for too long.  LOL 

I am a weigh scale junkie.  Yes I look at the scales too often.  Usual before bed and first thing in the morning.  My numbers are bouncing which is what I have read from other scale junkies.  As long as I understand how it works it will be okay. 

Moving more

Dec 21, 2008

Today I went walking twice and boy was it cold and windy.  I also went with my wife to Target, the mall, and to Wal-Mart for about 1.5 hours.  Not to bad but It did tire me out.  Came home to rest and eat some more grits and to walk again.  My son had problem with his iPhone so I went with to Baybrook Mall and back.  We then went to Chili's, where three of my four kids work, and I ordered their potato soup.  The manager their took my soup and blended it.  He knows that I had surgery so he is willing to help.  That soup was the best tasting thing to hit my tongue in a long time.  To most people this sounds funny but I know some people understand.

First full day home and first dumping

Dec 20, 2008

Well today was my first whole day home.

2 - 16.9 ounces bottled water
1 - 4 ounces protein drink with FF milk
1 - 2 ounces runny grits with some FF milk
1 - 2 ounces of SF Jello Pudding (dumped on that)
2 - 2 ounces of green SF Jello
1 - 2 ounces cream of wheat with FF milk
Very shortly after eating SF Jello Pudding I was in the bathroom.  Now for the goods news.
I walked around the neighborhood four times.

Glad to be home

Dec 19, 2008

Today was my first day home.  Actually my first half day, got home around 12 noon.  Wife and son went to get something to eat and I stayed home and sip and then walked to get the mail.  By going around  the circle  of the street.  Then my wife and I took a nap and that is where my problem started.  Woke up with a bad headache.  Pillow positioned wrong under my neck and slept too hard.  I had taken pain meds before the nap, not the same stuff that work so well in the hospital.

Went back to get mail and extra walk around 5:00, son went with me because not feeling too good.  Then this evening I was tired and took another nap.  But before the nap took some liquid Tylenol.  Woke up after 2 hours and headache seems to be gone.  Live and learn.  Tomorrow I get to start Full Liquids and when I start keeping track of my protein.

I'm home

Dec 19, 2008

Well everything went great.  The last thing I remember was kissing my wife and moving toward the surgery room.  The next thing I remember was being in my room and being asked to take a walk. Half a lap.  Then it was 1.5 laps, then 3 laps, and five laps from that point on. 

Some things that happen in the hospital.  Got two shots in the arm for blood clots.  That's right shots in the arm not the I.V.  The meds for pain (orally)  worked great.  I made sure I some before I went home, for the ride home.  I only had one time with slow response and of course it was for pain meds.  I had to turn off my cell phone to get some rest.  I really like people calling and talking but after awhile I was getting slap happy.  I never used anything in the bag I packed.  I really glad I had you all told me about the chap stick it really came in handy.

I checked my weight and it is 281.0 (home scales).

Now I have to get move liquid food together for the next couple of days.

It's time....

Dec 16, 2008

I am sitting here in the family room waiting for my wife to get ready so we can drive to Houston (University General Hospital).  I have everything ready to go.  The magnesium citrate did not work like I expected it to but it did work.  Not much in my system to clean out. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped me to this point. Sometimes it was just to read your kind words.  After surgery I will still need your help and kind words and I know you will be there.  Thank you again.


December 17th - Surgery date moved up.....

Dec 15, 2008

GOT THE CALL.... My surgery has been moved up from Decembr 22nd till December 17th.  YESSSSSSSSSS.  

Now I have to get busy.....

Long day

Dec 12, 2008

Well it started with me taking my daughter to school after stopping and getting her something to eat and gasing up the car.  Then about 8:00 am my son and I left for Austin to pick up her girlfriend.  She is going to college there and is staying with us during the holidays.  After getting her we drove to College Station to see about apartment for my son.  He is going to A&M in January.  Then back home.  That is after we went thru the Houston traffic, others words known as a parking lot.  All together almost 500 miles in eleven hours  I am too tired to even think.  It has been a long time since I did something like this.  Kind of feels good.

Also had a WOW moment this morning. I have lost 16 pounds since I started the liquid diet.  4 days!!!!!!

Not a good afternoon

Dec 11, 2008

That's right it is day four of my two week liquid diet, and it is not going good today.  I am trying figure out how to cheat or should I cheat.  I went to the forum and read other people's liquid diet rules and nothing is the same.  If I understand correctly I am to have 5 protein shakes and 64 oz of water.  If I need something else I can have SF pop sickles and/or SF Jello.  This is my third time to go thru a liquid diet and this is the worse.  I think it has something to do with job and money stresses along with the liquid diet. 


I just need to find something to keep me busy.  Which is hard considering I am on vacation till my surgery on December 22nd then off 2 to 4 weeks.  Just need my surgery date to get here fast.

Lab work done, again

Dec 09, 2008

Just got back from Houston and doing my lab work again.  All I need to do again was the blood work and fill out forms again.  My son went with me and it did not take too long.  Now I am set for December 22, 2008.

About Me
Lake Jackson, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 75
