Up and down week

May 25, 2008

Last Sunday I weighed 288, (a WOW moment). Then the rest of the week I got lazy and did not exercise and ate some things I should not have. So this morning I weighed 290. I have to looked at it as a minor set back. But on a good point I passed the half way point of the 90 day supervised diet. I would like to get to 275 before surgery but not sure if that is possible with many more weeks the last week.

Which weight should I use

May 18, 2008

I have this dilemma, I have been weighing on my scales at home after I shower in the mornings nekkid. Which shows my weight at 288.4 this morning. But when I go to the doctor or work and use their scales my numbers are usually are 5 to 6 pounds higher.  Of course with all my clothes on, so what weight should I use?   I like my scales but the doctors see the higher numbers and that is depressing. I will struggle thru it, I guess. 

The secret is out...............

May 17, 2008

My wife and I have been trying to keep my journey a secret from the kids, that's a joke. "Someone once told me years ago kids are smarter than you think and know more that you think. You just have to guide them in the right direction."  And I keep forgetting that piece of advice. Well my youngest (15 years old) over heard my wife talking about it and see asked questions about it.  So my wife had me tell my son (19 years old), and he said he already knew, because of the documentation I have been reading. Now I am sure the oldest two already know but I have to make sure so they won't feel left out.

Neither one of them have a problem with it. Just the normal care free attitude that goes along with teenagers. 

Last seven days......

May 17, 2008

Well the last seven days have been interesting.  First of all my daughter is doing good but still do not know what caused the numbness.  She has done more tests.

Now for a update on my journey.  I think I need a name for my journey instead of just saying "my journey". I will work on that.  The last seven days have been interesting, I have eaten things I should not have, then got back on the diet.  Weight has gone from 291 to 293 to 295 to 293 back to 291 and this morning 292.  My carvings are getting stronger and mostly I am staying good.  My big down fall is ground beef. I have always been a meat and potato guy.  I have been getting hamburgers without the bun, just dry, with a dinner salad. But not sure how I am going to hold up after the surgery with no beef for a long time. Other elements are starting to creep onto my life again, (money issues, grown children issues, etc.) that make me think I may not be able to get to the finish line.  Any suggestions???????

First goal reached.... WOW

May 07, 2008

With all that has happened this week it almost got lost that I have reached my first goal.  That's right I am below 300 for the first time in over six years. I had to wait until I had two readings in a row that were below 300, and this morning was the day.  Can't wait until surgery so I can really shot for the 200 pound range.

Thank You Lord

May 07, 2008

Monday was the start of the of two day roller coaster ride.  It started with my wife wanting to go with me to my first Nut meeting.  It is an hour drive from our house.  So I pick her up from work and stopped and got her something to eat.  We get to the office early, (if I am not early I am late type person), and then the fun started.  Our 15 year dauhter called from school and said her whole left side was numb.  We got our oldest daughter to pick her up from school and take her to the local doctor.  He said she needed to go to a neurologist that day.  So I finished my nut meeting and we went home and my wife took our daughter back to Houston Childrens Hospital.  Ten hours later my daughter gets to see a doctor and they ruled out a stroke and other nasty issues.  Tuesday around noon I go to the hospital to releif my wife and stayed until about four pm.  Oh yea, during this time I am suffering with respiratory infection.  The numbness is about 95% gone, the doctor say the numbness was brought on by a migraine headache, but the lab work that is due Thursday will tell the truth.  So we are trying to get back to normal, what ever that is.

Almost there....

Apr 28, 2008

Well Monday I was at 302.  Almost there, but with a price.  Sunday morning I woke up, rolled over and the room started turning.  Set up and it stopped after a couple of minutes.  No problem the rest of the day.  Sunday night it started again.  It was okay as long I stayed still.  Emailed my Dietican and she called me during a Monday morning meeting.  Basically she chewed me out, see I had sent her my spreadsheet with all my data on what I am eating.  I have not been reaching the 1400 calories a day, (staying below 1000).  She told me for my height and medical condition I need to between 1200 - 1600.  Also since I am exercising 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes on the treadmill.  So I tried to eat more, Monday was 1197 calories.  Almost 1200.  I want to reach the 299 or less mark so bad I am being foolish.  My wife has been telling me to eat more, but with tunnel vision it has been hard to listen.  But now I am going to following the dietican and hope I get to the 299 mark.  Wish me luck............

Bad weekend.....

Apr 22, 2008

Well after the first week of losing a lot of weight I blew it over the past weekend. Bored, sitting around with no one home but me and food. Only a couple of bad foods but too much intake.  Started the third week with a loss but from Friday morning to Monday morning gained one pound. I still want to reach my first goal of below 300, but I guess there will be bumps in the road so I need to overcome them. I promised my dietician to exercise at least three times a week.  But this week I am shooting for SIX.  Wish me luck.  So far I am two for two.  5 pounds from my first goal.

Week one down......

Apr 13, 2008

Well after the first week of the docotor/dietician supervised diet is complete good and bad news.  First, I lost a lot of weight first two days then slowed down.  The weekend always has eating issues.  Wife is struggling with my diet and her cooking style.  But she is really trying.  The good news is I have lost 17 pounds in the first week.  So close to my first milestone I can not wait to hit it.  I have been thinking of how to celebrate when I reach it.  First thing that came to mind was a ice cream cone from Dairy Queen, but that was the old mind set.  Something without food.  Also started a multivitamin and calcium citrate today.

Day one of 90 day diet

Apr 07, 2008

Yesterday was the first day of my 90 day supervised diet for insurance qualification.  Not too bad.  I am on a 1400 calorie diet .  Yeaterday I consumed 1150 calories and 86 grams of protein.  Not bad.  But no exercise.  Grand-daughter had a softball game, more important.  lol  Had problems when I got home with hunger, that is my usual time to over eat.  Had a cheese stick and was okay until I went to softball fields.  Today is exercise day, I made a goal of 3 times a week for 30 minutes.  I know it is a slow start but it is a start.  Also I will try and stay off the scales for at least every other day.  Good luck with that.  More updates coming.

About Me
Lake Jackson, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2008
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