
May 02, 2013

It has been a long time since I have been on here. I figured I should come on and do an update. I am 17 pounds from my goal to be a healthy weight for my height. I will then once I reach that create another goal. slow and steady wins the race. I was very frustrated but have stepped back and realized what I was doing. I am trying to eat clean and its so good. I have been cooking alot and that makes me happy and keeps me away from eating out.  Not much else to report as life has been pretty good.


Pissed off

Jun 26, 2012

I am pissed off at food, losing weight, and working out....just leaving it at that

Love the Tracker

Jun 25, 2012

So, I am trying to really use the trackers on here and it really seems to help...I know some are probably thinking DUH! But I am trying to really use it and and hope that it keeps me on track. Today is a start of a brand new day. I just want to have a positive outlook on my life and instead of going for all the wrong reasons I am changing my thought process. Sure, I want to be skinny but that's not why I should be trying to just lose weight for. I need to really try for health reasons. I sort of have all along but not like this. My ultimate goal is 135 however if I make it to 150 I will be ecstatic about it. Let me rephrase when I make it to 150. Its going to happen. I am trying to get ready for my trip in Aug to California. I don't' expect to be beyond skinny but I want to feel good and comfortable in my own skin. I bought this Swim suit cover dress super cute and I can't wait to wear it when I am there. I don't know I have a great feeling things are going to finally kick in high gear and go my way...Happy Monday!

Just how bad do you want this?

Jun 21, 2012

I can do this... I CAN I CAN I CAN I CAN I CAN!!!

Getting Real!

Jun 05, 2012

I haven't been doing so bad on my diet plan but figured I better get on here and chat it up more for support and just be there for others. I always seem to get tired alot but I know once I get really going its full blast....Life is good I can't really complain much...This is short and sweet but I hope all is well!!



Mar 23, 2012

 I am becoming obessed with weightloss something I told myself I wouldn't do! I am happy with my weightloss now but get mad when the scale isn't moving. I have to keep in mind thats ok its not just about losing weight but losing inches and gaining muscle. I've been working out alot and I feel great. I get more and more energy everyday and I can't explain to you how awesome that is. It has been forever since I've felt this good. I literally had to take a step back to realize its ok that I am not dropping boo koo's of pounds because I am going to get there! Working out has many benefits like again feeling better! Anyway just had to get my thoughts down....keep on keeping on!

Welcome to Onederland!!!!!

Mar 14, 2012

It’s been four and half months since I’ve had surgery and I’ve lost 57 pounds. I am very proud of that and very happy with the progress. I am happy to report that as of this morning I am officially out of the 200’s and I have NO plans on looking back! I will reach my goal and never wanted it as much as I do now. I still struggle with working out but I am getting there. I just need to make it part of my daily routine regardless. I’ve read some of you that have lost a lot of weight and I am so happy for you all. We all deserve this and I am so grateful that we have been given a second chance to do this! I feel so much better and just happy that I don’t have to pull at my clothes. So here’s to us and keep up all the great work! I am sorry that I haven’t been on here to update or keep much in contact but you can certainly email me at [email protected] or look me up on Face Book…Kanda Smith (Cornelison). Until next time keep it up ladies and gentlemen!


Jan 23, 2012

Things are going well. I am officially with my new job title tomorrow and I am excited. I am ready for the new change. I started my best work out regime and I am so pumped to keep going. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and that this coming weekend I am going to get on and check up on all of you. I really hope that all your weight loss is coming along! until this weekend!

Ended badly...but starting good

Jan 03, 2012

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. Ours was ok I mean it could have been worse but it wasn’t exactly ideal. Let me give you the story. My son I’d say in the middle of the month of December started to complain about his tooth. It was loose so I thought time to go to dentist. I set up the appt got him in and it turned out he had an abscess tooth that he needed a root canal done on. We got him back in after that check up and they got it fixed. They gave him some antibiotics to help with the infection. Well he started dropping weight and just looked awful again we thought it was due to the tooth. I got him some Gatorade and he started looking better but just still had no energy. On Dec 23rd Matthew went with his G-Ma to hang out for the day and when she brought him back she commented on how much he was drinking, eating and going to the restroom. We were concerned but figured he was still fighting the infection and we would take him first thing Monday Morning. Christmas Eve we noticed just how much he was eating, drinking and going to the restroom as it increased and he was dropping weight still. So my husband googled the symptoms and it all pointed to diabetes. I called the children’s hospital and they said to bring him in ASAP. They took one look at him and immediately started two IV’s on him. After many tests to confirm he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. They then transported to the bigger hospital on Christmas day where we spent all day at. We have gone thru a lot of training and we have more to go to tomorrow. It’s crazy and just shocking. He is doing and looking so great and acting like his old self again. So that ended our year. So we started off great this year. Counting our blessings and looking forward. Today is my first day to work my booty off. I have to get going it’s been two months since surgery and although I have lost 45 pounds without working out I am ready to help it along and get going even more. Time to feel good about it all! So chin up and looking to the good things in life!!

Just not feeling it...

Dec 22, 2011

I have no motivation what so ever to exercise. This sucks and I know I am just going to have to force myself but in the mean time I am over it. I am tired all the time and I just blah. My Christmas spirit is gone and usually I am the bubbliest person and excited when it comes to it but I just don’t want to anymore. I am not even sure why. I just don’t feel it. I don’t know if I just stuck in a rut because my mood is I don’t care. My weight has gone up 2 pds but what do I expect when I haven’t been working out. Sighs...I am very frustrated and just too sleepy to care. Maybe it’s because I am so tired that I sound like a broken record. I am not sure what’s wrong with me. It’s snowing out and I am stuck at work when I much rather be at home. Meh I don’t ….well I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, Holiday or however you celebrate it I hope it’s great…

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About Me
Westminster, CO
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2011
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 23
