Somewhat Disappointed in OH

Oct 05, 2011

I say somewhat because I like this site for I can keep track of my information, read others stories, and I have learned a lot from information on the site. What I am disappointed in is how people really don’t respond. I have found a few that have and seem that they can be great support and vice versa. I am not sure how else to actually get to meet more and more people on this site other then commenting on their blogs and adding as a friend. I don’t know what I expected I just figured there would be more people willing than none. I will continue to try as those that do become my friends are the ones worth my time and for that I thank them! I need all the support as I am sure they do because none of us want to fail and we all want someone to relate too.    In other news I have 4 days until I go to pre-op class. I am excited and looking forward to getting more information so I can be prepared. I have lost 11 pounds so far on the diet they want me on but let me tell you…It is SO hard. I am almost always hungry and think about it constantly. I wished that I didn’t but I do. When I feel that way I try to drink more water but if that doesn’t seem to help then I eat a fruit in there as an extra snack. I have for the most part stuck strictly to what they want me to do. Yesterday when I got home I did not want to work out but I made myself and once I got going I was glad I did. I am just super exhausted from all the activity but that’s good. Well I guess that’s all for now…

Oh the joys of Dieting

Oct 04, 2011

I must say no way am I a fan of protein shakes. I have tried them before and just didn't even bother after a drink or two but now being on the strict diet that I am prior to my surgery to get some weight down…I don’t seem to mind it as much. Don’t get me wrong it is still gross and no way an awesome tasting drink but I see it as helping me. I have to admit it is really hard to stay on the good road but I am doing it. It’s been a full week with no sodas for me. This is really big I used to have 3-4 a day! That’s a crap load of sugar! That was my guilty pleasure but as I work out I realize how hard I have to work now for having that contribute to my weight issues.  I am very excited about the new me! I am closing one book and starting a brand new fresh one!  I am just nervous I won’t make my 10 pound requirement that I have to do by Oct 27. I am working hard and believe I will get there but its hard…well is to another great day!


Oct 03, 2011

So Oct 27 is the big day for me. I couldn’t be more excited. I am working really hard to lose my 10 pounds that they want me to prior to surgery.   I joined this site to hope to read others stories as well as make friends that know what I am going thru and can relate. It would be nice to have the support. I am trying to surround myself with as much as I can! So, I know this is super short but if you read this feel free to add me or tell me what your worst struggles were after surgery.

About Me
Westminster, CO
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2011
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 23
