Finally have my surgery date!!!!!

Jul 08, 2010

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!   The time has finally come and I now have a surgery date which will be August 10th at 7:30am I am so excited and scared at the same time now to know that it will be about a month from now and I will be on the loosers bench.  I have to go on July 20th to the hospital for my pre-op testing which takes a couple of hours to do and then I go on the shakes and bars for 2 weeks that should be interesting.  But it is finally here I can't believe it.   I have waited a long time for this and I am certainly ready to begin my new chapter in life.  I will try to keep my blod more up to date now with everything going on. Once I have the surgery I will try and blog each day or at least every few days.   Thank you everyone on OH that I have chatted with for being there and having so many ideas and thoughts to share and I am sure I will be asking many more questions along my journey.  Thank you everyone!!!!  


March 31st I will be signing my consent forms for my surgery !!

Mar 19, 2010

I was so excited to get an appointment for March 31st to go and sign my consent forms for my surgery.  It means I am getting closer to the end has been a long time coming but it will be well worth it in the end.

Today is a very nice day outside so I decided to go for a long walk and it made me feel good afterwards so I think I will be going for another walk later today.  I am taking it one day at a time with the walking and each day I will walk a little further, it hurts my back and hips but I know if I keep this up the pain will ease up and I will feel so much better.  I started today as well to keep track of what I am eating and when I am eating it, it is hard to give up the things that we all like each and ever day, but I know I can do this.

I am looking forward to my appointment and the secretary told me that it may still be a couple of months before I get the call from the actual hospital for the next appointment which will be for the pre op assessment and that takes about 4-5 hours.  The reason for this is because the hospital is also booking general surgeries as well and because of hospital cut backs things are behind all around.  I am sure by this summer I will have had my surgery and will be on the loosing end at that point.


Information session January 12th. woohooo

Jan 05, 2010

Dr. Beausoliel's office called me this afternoon to let me know that there is an all day information session next Tuesday January 12th from 8am until around 4 or so.  I am so excited about this as this is step 2 for me and one step closer to my lap band surgery.  I have also been behaving myself over the Christmas Holidays and trying not to get into too many treats.  I have lost 6 pounds since I was to see Dr B in December so that is a good thing.  I will keep my blog updated on things as I go along.
1 comment

Been a long time since last entry.....

Dec 07, 2009

Well here I am finally posting sorry for taking so long to write any information on here to keep everyone updated.

Where to begin, well to start off I have been so involved with my youngest son over the past year and a half with his health issues and 3 major surgeries that I have put my issues on the side burner.  I guess we as mothers tend to put our kids and family first and foremost when things arise and our issues are forgotten yet again.  But now that Brandon  (my youngest) is past his 3 surgeries and is moving on with his health problems I know it is now time for me to work on ME yes ME. 

I had been quite frustrated with being on the waiting list for Dr. B and thinking I would never get the chance to get into see him with his list being so long.  So I contacted my family doctor yet again and asked if it were possible to also send a referral to Dr Savoie in Bathurst but still keep the other with Dr. B.  So my family doctor faxed a second referral to Bathurst in the hopes that my wait would be shorter and here I was still waiting when about a month or so ago Dr Beausoleil's office called me and asked me if I was still interested in having an appointment with Dr. B and I said "I would be stupid to say no at this point"  so of course an appointment was made for November 18th 2009, I tell you I was walking on cloud 9 and so excited I couldn't contain myself.  then the H1N1 broke out and I would say a week before my appointment I received a call from Dr. B's office to say my appointment had to be cancelled (I was so upset) and that they would call me with a new date in the near future...well I thought "here we go another shut down" but low and behold the office called me back about a week or so later to give me a new date of December 3rd (woohooo) I was so happy and so ready.  So my mother and myself ventured up to Moncton for my long awaited appointment which was at 2:15 in the afternoon.  We were at the hospitalk at 12:30 if you can imagine...(lol)  I wanted to make sure I was there and no way was I going to miss this appointmet at all, considering the night before my car would not start I was in such a panic and stressed wondering how I was going to get myself to Moncton...thank goodness my mom offered her car and I was so thankful.  I sat in the waiting room with my mom and met up with Charline and very dear person and a bandster with lots of wisdom and support for everyone.  We sat and chatted and wiated for our appointment patiently.  Well when my name was finally called it was 4:15pm 2 hours later then schedule but it didn't matter to me one bit I knew this long wait was finally over.  My mom and I went in to talk with Dr. Beausoleil and we were in with him for maybe 15 minutes if that but he said to me that the hardest and longest part is over and that was just waiting to get in to see him to get approved for the surgery.  The rest is up to me to be mind set and do well.  Dr Beausoleil told me that there is an information session coming up very soon and that he will put me into this session, just don't know when the date is but I hope very soon.  Dr B told me that once I have the information session and see him again probably to sing papers and what have you then he will be able to give me a surgery date and he said that should be within 3 months from that visit.   I can't journey has started.

I will keep this post up to date as best as I can because this is my new journey and I want to keep track.

Keep smiling everyone ...and yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  We just keep reaching for the stars!!!!!


Patiently waiting

Jun 05, 2009

The fall can't come soon enough for me now.  I am patiently waiting for the Diabetic Clinic to call me to go and see Dr. Savoie for my very first consult.  I am very excited and know that my wait will get here soon enough.  I have been waiting for this day fo 4 years now and at least I can now see the light at the end of this long tunnel that I have been waiting for.  I want to be able to enjoy my summer and hope and pray for nice weather but in the same breath I want to to go by fast if that makes any sense.  Anyway as the time gets closer I will work and strive to keep loosing some weight on my own and get my walks in and learn how to chew things very tiny to practice for after.  I will try and keep this blog up to date.

Tuesday May 26th, 2009

May 26, 2009

Well today I received a call from Sharon from the Bathurst Hospital but unfortunately I was in the bath and no one answered the phone so thankfully Sharon left a message for me to call her back in the morning after 8am.  Here is to hoping it is for the very first consult.  Crossing fingers and toes and anything else I can cross.   Will post tomorrow on here to say what the call was about.

Waiting for my Family Dr to get things moving

Nov 08, 2006

Hello all just registered on here for the first time today.  Was looking for a place to chat with others that have either had the surgery or are still waiting.  I have been talking with my family doctor and she had been trying to find a surgeon who does this procedure in Moncton but she could find one so when I had called her offic this morning the secretary informed of this information and for the past 2 weeks my doctor has had my file sitting on her desk in limbo so I informed the secretary that I would locate the doctor in Moncton and give the name to them so off I went and did my google search thank god for google anyway I found Dr Sylvain Beausoleil who is in Dieppe and I then called my docotors office back to give them the information and the crazy thing was that once I gave the secretary the Surgeons name she was then able to find his phone number grrrrrrrrrrrr that makes me upset you would think that your family doctor would know the doctors who do certain surgeries anyway she will now get in contact with the doctor in Moncton and go from there...anyway I have lots of questions in regards to all this and the do's and don'ts after the surgery...any feedback and information would be awasome I am so looking forward to getting this done..thank you again for listening and good luck to all here.

