
Jun 02, 2009

I just realized it's been two and a half weeks since I posted an update. This is mainly because the days are like a roller coaster. One day up, one day down. The down days, I don't blog because I don't want to dwell on the negative and the good days...I'm just looking for a few good days in a row.

I don't know if what I'm experiencing is normal and I haven't been able to go to group in weeks because of everyone else's schedule(in my household). I keep saying I'm going to get a sitter so I can go, but I keep putting it off.

Next week, I return to work. I'm not looking forward to it at all. Not only am I enjoying the peace and quiet at home, I am also worried about how things are going to go at work. I cannot wear normal pants now because my abdomen is still painful if something touches it. So I can only wear stretchy pants and I only have a few pair. Besides that, sitting for long periods of time is painful as well.

I can't lift anything more than a couple of pounds. I can't laugh, sneeze or cough without feeling excruciating pain. Sneezing especially. I mean, we are talking pain like child birth when I sneeze!

My diet started progressing to mushy stuff. Then I started having abdominal pain so I scaled back on that. I'm not sure if it's the diet, constipation or what that is causing this intermittent problem.

I have had diarrhea intermittent with constipation. Of course, the constipation I relieve with MOM, then have diarrhea for about 24 hours afterward. But sometimes there seems to be no explanation for the diarrhea. It's not severe or anything, so maybe it's normal???

Anyway, I'm still getting tired out fairly easily. That part is getting better. But still I need a nap about every other day.

I'm getting out and walking and gardening (some-it hurts to bend over) and doing all of my housework.

I guess I'm so used to bouncing back that the recovery period from surgery has taken me by surprise.


About Me
Berkshire, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 29, 2008
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