November 17, 2007

Nov 16, 2007

I can't believe I have been up since 5:00am this morning considering how tired I was when I finally got to bed last night.  It was a long day at the hospital.  Anyway, I woke up this morning and have been trying ever since to get an answer at the nurses station to see how Dave did during the night.  I haven't been able to get an answer.  I hope it is because the employees are all out seeing to the patients needs.  One thing however that is continuing to bother me is that the nurse/aide that was assigned to get Dave's vitals regularly last night when he came up from recovery had a horific cold.  She was a blowin', snortin', hackin', etc.  Before Dave got to the room I talked to her about the fact that she was sick and I didn't wish Dave to get sick on top of the pain he was already going to be having.  I also addressed it with the head nurse.  Well, when I was leaving last night I saw a sign in the elevator asking visitors not to visit if they were sick and the obvious to that is that the same should apply to the employees.  I want to reinterate my feelings on this again today but so far haven't been able to reach anyone.  I also called and left a voice mail for the head of the bariatric wing letting him know my feelings.  Fortunately he just was the guest speaker at the support group this past Monday so I feel pretty comfortable tracking him down.  If I don't hear from him within a few hours I will make some more calls because I do not want that woman near Dave and I am assuming that second shift is her normal shift.  I need to head her off!  Other than this snafuu everything else is going well.  I am going to try to get a few things done here at the house before I go see Dave at noon when the visiting hours begin.  It has gotten very cold here and if I am not mistaken I believe they may be calling for possibility of snow fluries/showers this weekend.  Can I hear a "Yuck" please?  Yuck!  Yuck!  Yuck!  Enjoy your weekend everybody!

Thursday, November 15, 2007 "Dave's Surgery"

Nov 15, 2007

We got the call today from the hospital letting us know that Dave needs to be at the hospital at 9:30 am for a surgery time of 11:30 am.   He has to work tonight from 2 pm until 10:30 pm so we went to lunch at Taco Bell for him before he had to go to work.  (I had some spoonfuls of the inside of a bean burrito)  It is probably a good thing that he has to work tonight.  As excited as he is, I know that sitting around will cause the nerves to go haywire.  I have my survival bag to take with me to get me through a long day at the hosptial.  It has my book, water, protidiet mix and  string cheese in it.  I think I have everything covered except for a pillow so I am chancing that I can nab one!

It was raining today so I couldn't go to the park and walk.  I ended up doing ten minutes on the treadmill (the incline liked to have killed me!) and then tonight (don't you DARE laugh) 20 minutes to "Sweating to the Oldies" with Richard Simmons.  (I know you are grinning at that!)  When I told Dave he asked if I had gotten it on film.  Mental note to self to NEVER put that tape in when he is within a 30 mile radius of the house!  When I weighed in this morning I had lost another 1.6 pounds.  Thank goodness!  I was afraid because I had started on some soft foods, it would come to a stand still!

Nothing else really going on.  I will be posting Dave's progress on his OH site while he is in the hospital so tomorrow night should be my first update there.  In the meantime keep him in your prayers and we appreciate all of your words of encouragement.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Follow Up Visit

Nov 14, 2007

I had a follow up visit with Dr. Davidson today.  There is just something about talking to your doctor that helps put things back into perspective.  First matter of business was the scales so according to their scales (and what other scales REALLY matter, I ask you???!?!?!?) my weight is 273 which is a weight loss of 14 pounds.  I so wish that my home scales matched the ones in the doctor's office!  We even went out and bought new scales in an attempt to close the gap.  I weighed myself right before going to the dr's with clothes on so I could get a better idea of the variance and that variance is 4.6 pounds!  Any idea's on how I can close this gap?  I guess I will just keep plugging with the home scale and know that whatever the weight loss is, I can just also take off another 4.6 pounds.  Can you imagine that Dave thinks I am obsessed with this?!?!  You just wait and after Friday he will be singing the same tune and I will be the one that is saying what is the big deal about a mere 4.6 pounds!!!!   Anyway, the dr. was happy with my progress and said it is realistic that I could lose 30 pounds this first month.  I got the usual coaching on protein and fluids and am cleared to do 1/2 days at work next week and then returning full time the Monday after Thanksgiving.  He said give it another 2 1/2 weeks before vacuuming and lifting.  The very bestest of news was that he said I could start softs today but just be careful.  Woo-hoo!  For those that don't know, an egg...just an egg can be purchased at McDonalds for .80!  I ended up eating no more than a quarter of it.  (but it was goooood!)  That was stop number one as soon as we got out of the office.  I go back to see him the second week in December.  

I went for my one mile walk this afternoon.  It was the toughest walk yet for some reason.  Maybe it was because it was drizzling or maybe it is just catching up to me what I have done the last few days but I was a huffing and puffing til I got to the car and even after I got in the car, I had to sit before trying to close the door.  

We ran into Amanda at the WLC and got a chance to talk to her while we were waiting for our appointments.  It is just so nice to have a comraderie with folks going through the same things as yourself.  Where else do people swap stories and experiences as much as in the WL world?  Maybe I have just always been an introvert and just am now coming out of it.  When we were leaving the office, there was another woman that was there to make her final decision as to what procedure she wanted and she stopped us to ask some questions as we were heading out the door.  Get this!  Are you ready?  I actually (tell me I didn't do this....!!) yanked up my shirt and showed off my incisions!  Tell me it ain't so!  I think while I was under anesthesia I underwent a labotomy also.  I am still shaking my head wondering what in the world got into me.  The woman appeared to be ok with it but I am sure that Dave is still shell shocked at this woman that did that when I won't even show cleavage in public!   LOL!  

Well, I am off to take a short nap.  Dave is working second shift this week at work which makes it difficult for him to get in some decent "last meals" so to speak so I am going to go out and pick him up some chinese food and take it to him this evening for his dinner.  Big difference between sitting at the post office eating and eating in the restaurant but he is making the best of it.  All of his FMLA paperwork went through today so he is officially cleared to be off work for his surgery now.  Nothing like sliding in at the last minute since his surgery is day after tomorrow!  LOL!  Take care ya'll!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov 13, 2007

Last night we went to support group.  Again, it was nice to meet with others that have had WLS.  When I expressed the problem I am having getting in protein, someone suggested that I go to Vitamin World and get this bullet shaped container that has 42 grams of protein in it.  While the taste is just plain gross, knowing I can knock out 42 grams helps choke it down.  We went ahead and got a case of 12 so we have them.  Hopefully this will help me get some more protein in.  

I weighed myself this morning and was down 2 pounds.  Whew!  That was a major relief!  Apparently the walk yesterday did help as well as getting in some water.  For now until I figure out how better to post the weight loss, I will just continue to tack it onto the previous post from Saturday, November 10.  I did another mile today.  It was rainy and dreary this morning but by late morning it had cleared and the sun came out so off I headed to the park.  I really hope that I can stay committed to walking.  The main thing that got me going today was just overall feeling drab.  For some reason I am feeling pretty emotionless about just about everything.  Nothing much is eliciting any emotion.  One would think that I would be estatic to have the surgery behind me and be on the losing path.  I seem to be walking around with a tub of tears ready to burst forth at any moment.  Last night at support group for no reason at all tears just welled up and when Dave asked me why I was crying all I could say was "Cuz I can".  How pathetic I was/am.  Hopefully I will snap out of whatever this funk is before week end.  Dave is tying up loose ends and on Thursday he should get a call telling him what time we need to be at the hospital.  He is so excited, as he should be! 

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nov 12, 2007

Today we went to the park and walked  one mile.  It is nice that they have the paths marked.  There are options of paths so you don't get bored with doing the same one all of the time.  As much as I was glad to be there doing it, I realize that with winter upon us, I won't be able to do it much longer.  Additionally once I start back to work next week it will be a challenge because it will be dark til I get home with the time change, etc.  At least it was nice today and we can make the most of it for the remainder of the week.

Tonight is our support group meeting at 6:00 pm.  I do believe that I am going to have to nap in preparation!  LOL!  More later.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007

The weight is just falling off as you can see in the post below.  NOT!!!!  Ugh!  A whole half a pound!  What is with that?!?!?      I am over a week out from surgery...isn't this the magic period when the weight is suppose to be just melting off?  All of this struggling with liquids and protein and I lose a half a pound?!?!?        I told Dave that this afternoon we are going to take our dog to the local park and walk, walk, walk!  If tomorrow mornings numbers aren't better looking, at least we will have a fit and trim looking dog to show for all of this! 

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Nov 10, 2007

Today was another pretty active day although I was much more tired today than I was yesterday.  Once I settled down this evening in the recliner I fell asleep for 3 1/2 hours.  It is still a struggle being up and moving around and still getting my fluid ounces and protein all in.  I have to do better at this tomorrow.  We bought another scale this evening so starting tomorrow morning I want to weigh myself.  I haven't felt much of an urge to be doing so because of the 16 pounds I gained while in the hospital but I "think" it may have about dropped off.  I decided that I am going to base my weight loss off of my 'normal' weight that I was maintaining pre-surgery.  The night before surgery Dave and I took measurements so we would have an idea as to the inches being lost during this journey.  Dave measured me today and it appears that I have lost some weight in that regard although I was insistent that the measurements couldn't possibly be right. How could one lose an inch in an area in just a week?  Although whereas my neck was 17" pre-surgery, he couldn't find a 17" spot no matter where he measured on my neck today so maybe....just maybe...the measurements were right.  If next week it looks like the numbers are continuing to shrink I will post the measurements so I can track them as well since I hear that on the weeks that the pounds stalls the inches may keep dropping.  In the meantime, warm up the drum roll for the morning weigh in! 

Beginning Weight 287
Surgery   11/02/2007 282
Discharge11/5/2007  298
11/11/2007 278.7 -9
11/12/2007 278.2 -9
11/13/2007 276 -11
11/14/2007 275.4 -11.6 *Dr's office shows a 4.6 lb greater loss
11/15/2007 273.8 -13.2
11/16/2007 273.4 -13.6

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov 09, 2007

Wednesday was a rough day because of coughing...oh, the pain!  Yesterday I was too scared to move in fear of setting off the coughing again but today has been a great day!  Dave and I went out to run a good many errands and left early this morning and didn't get back until early afternoon.  I got some walking in while were out at various stops.  When we got home Dave headed to work and I started on miscellaneous things about the house needing done.  I impressed myself with what all I got done.  This evening however I am settling down and going to work on some things sitting down and may squeeze in a nap also before Dave gets home.  Since I can't do much lifting and Dave will be in the same boat after next Friday, this weekend he is going to bring up all of my Christmas tubs and I will have them to work on next week.  

Otherwise, today was a bad day as far as fluid intake as I was too busy to be concentrating on it.  It is 7:20 and I only have 16 ounces in and 30 grams of protein....another reason to stay sitting down so I can concentrate on improving those numbers before calling it a night.  

I have no idea how much weight I have lost this first week.  I still see some swelling around the ankles and can't really tell honestly that I have lost anything.  Let's face it, if I did lose anything it was probably from that 16 pounds of fluid intake from the hospital stay so not much to get excited about yet.  Dave looked at me today a couple of times and swears my face looks different but I can't see it and I think maybe he just wanted me to have a happy day.  LOL!

Thursday, November 8 "Post Surgery"

Nov 08, 2007

We arrived at the hospital on time at noon on Friday, Nov 2.  Thus began the waiting game.  As Dave already posted it was a long afternoon of waiting.  I did weigh in at 282, however, which was a five-pound loss from where I had been.  That was a good moment for sure!  Once the ball got rolling, I remember being in the operating room and the anesthesiologist saying he was going to give me some air to breathe and that was it…lights out!  The next thing I was aware of was the most extreme pain I have ever felt and thinking “I am in a serious mess here”.  Other than pain I don’t remember the recovery room except for when I was leaving there and they were wheeling my bed and I distinctly remember issuing a serious threat about anyone who would hit the bed against a wall, corner, etc and the plans that I would have for them.  I know it was late when I got to my room and I remember Dave being there and the fact that it was the longest night of my life.  I would doze off for what would seem like hours only to open my eyes and see it was only ten minutes.  I remember thinking where on OH were all the posts about the pain?!??!  I remember Rocco talking about pain but surely he was a fluke, right?  I remembered the upbeat news and happy progresses but where oh where had I missed the reality checks of the pain I was going to be in?  (Mental note to self to re-read some profiles and see if it was there and I just missed it or if indeed I am the only one that had pain like I did)  Anyhoo…..

Next morning I got out of bed at nine to walk.  The worse part of the walking was the getting in and out of bed.  It hurt!!!  Throughout the stay it never got much better so needless to say I am sleeping right now in the living room on a recliner.  I really had an issue breathing after surgery for some reason.  I had to breathe real shallow because of the pain and then there was a phlegm issue that plagued me.  The day of my discharge was the first remarkable day of difference with breathing. 

Speaking of the day of discharge, that morning the very thing I most dreaded occurred.  I got my period.  Two weeks early mind you!  Where is the justice I ask you?  So just a reminder to the women…due or not…take some accessories with you “just in case”!  Speaking of injustices, I asked to weigh myself before I left the hospital and (well, that may be more stupidity than an injustice but I was up to 298.7!)  I have never been that high!  Never!  Ever!  Ugh!  So now I ask you…where do I count my weight loss numbers from?  My normal weight, my day of surgery weight or the post surgery beginning weight?  Jeez…talk about confusing things!  Input appreciated, please.

Made it home the afternoon of Monday Nov. 8.  Dave got me situated and off to work he went.  He can’t miss any more work because of his own surgery being next Fri, the 16th.  It hasn’t been until today that I have felt like getting online and updating.  I am sorry it has taken me so long.  I think Dave seriously doubts if he brought the same woman home because the pre-op Robin was on OH veeeery regularly prior to surgery.  My biggest issues have been with a nagging dry tickle in my throat causing me to cough since I got home.  Each day got worse and yesterday was the worse day yet.  I think I have ripped out any and all work done in my abdomen and the pain is unspeakable.  I can’t cough and not cry.  Now on the positive side, (and please don’t let me jinx it by saying this) today I have been cough free.  I have a system down…pop the pain pill, follow it with cough syrup and then top it off with a sugar free cough drop.  Oh, and most importantly, don’t talk too much! 

I haven’t done real well with the liquids or protein yet but I think I am making progress.  Yesterday was my worst day but I was so occupied with the coughing that I wasn’t concentrating on it like I should have been.  I vow today will be better.

Has anyone noticed that you will scrub and think you have off the hospital tape from the IV’s, etc and yet the next day voila!  It reappears!  What’s with that?!?!?  My first follow up appointment with the surgeon is next Wed, Nov 14 and I certainly better have it off by then or else he will think I never shower, etc!  LOL! 

I posted some pics today and will be posting a few more in the near future.  I will try to get better with updating the blog. 

I do want to close by saying a gigantic thank you to all of you.  Dave brought to the hospital all of the well wishes from each of you and after I read them he hung them so I could see them at all times.  It was so wonderful to know that so many people that I have never met took the time to send words of encouragement!  There just aren’t words that can sum up the awesome feeling that leaves you with.  And yes, I am an official loser!  Hooray!

Robin's Surgery

Nov 02, 2007

Hello. Everyone. This is from David, Robin’s Husband. 

Today was a long day for Robin.  She was up early and doing a little last minute cleaning before her surgery today. We arrived at the hospital a couple of minutes early, our check in time was Noon and she had a 2:00 pm surgery time. It was going well, she went from admissions to the surgery waiting room and then into Pre-op in less then 30 minutes. I was able to join her about 1pm. The woman who was putting in the IV was not doing a good job but she finally got it started. We were in the Pre-op room till 4:00pm. The longer it was taking the more nervous Robin was getting. .  During that time we had a visit by the doctors, anesthesiologist, nurse and a few others. It came time for her to go to the ER so I walked her as far as I could and say our goodbyes.  She was off to the OR. I had about 2 hours till I was to see the doctor. So I ran and errand that we talked about and then came back and waited, and waited and waited.  The Doctor finally came out about 6:20pm. He told me that every thing went well. It was a text book procedure, very little bleeding and all was well. He even said that he made Robin a nice little pouch.  I was told that she was getting cleaned up and bandaged and moved to the recovery room. And some one would contact me in about 45 min. Finally about 7:30 a nurse came into the room about another patent. I asked her about Robin and she said they were trying to control her pain and get her comfortable. I asked her if I could go wait in her room, she said yes and that Robin would be up shortly.  Robin made it to her room about 8:35pm. A long time from the 12 noon we got there.  She was still groggy and was not alert yet. She was in a good amount of pain but tolerating it. They got her settled into her room, hooked up and I stayed with her till about 10:30pm. Y the time I left she was alert and talking, but dosing in and out of sleep. She did have some ice chips. The doctor told her she will be in the hospital till early Monday afternoon.

About Me
Enola, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2007
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December 12, 2008
