Has anyone taken a plane trip 1 week after Lap RNY ?

What do I need to do to prepare for a trip so soon after surgery? I want to go home for Christmas and be with my family. The trip requires 1 stop and 2 hrs flight time. My date is 12-12-01 and the ticket prices require me to leave 12-19-01. I would return 12-27-01.    — Dottie C. B. (posted on November 4, 2001)

November 4, 2001
Dottie - I can't relate EXACTLY, but I can tell you that I had to fly three days after a laprscopic gall-bladder removal. (I actually had an emergency gall-bladder removal while on a layover in Dallas, TX. Scary!)It was not the most comfortable flight I've ever taken, but it was tolerable. The thing that made it tolerable was a very understanding stewardess that allowed me to change my seat. I was originally seated on the window, with a person next to me (with bad elbow etiquette). I talked with the stewardess, explained that I'd just had surgery and she moved me into a seat that did not have anyone next to me. That really made it tolerable. Best of luck!
   — Tanya R.

November 4, 2001
I flew from San Diego to Kansas less than 2 weeks after an open RNY and gallbladder removal. I made sure I got plenty of rest before hand - and brought my pain meds. It was fine. Best to you. Open RNY 7/17/01
   — blee01

November 4, 2001
Make sure you tell the airline you are recovering from surgery and they will allow you to preboard and help you make your connection if needed. I had to fly to Montana for my mother-in-law's funeral two weeks after arthroscopic knee surgery. This involved changing planes in Seattle and I knew I couldn't walk that far so they helped me. Don't be afraid to ask - that's what they're there for - to serve you.
   — georgiacarol

November 4, 2001
Check with your surgeon and make sure your destination has a knowledgable WLS in case tou get a complication. My surgeon will not let anyone travel futher than 2 hours away untill the 10 day check up appointment. Good oluck and I hope your trip turns out fine.
   — bob-haller

November 5, 2001
Dottie, I flew home to NJ after having my lap RNY in Atlanta only 3 days after surgery. I made sure I had my water bottle and my pain meds. My flight was 2 hours and I made it just fine. However, I did get taken from the check in desk to the gate by wheelchair because it was such a long distance to walk so soon after surgery. Good luck with your surgery and your trip, Sandy
   — Sandy 2.

November 5, 2001
Although I'm still pre-op, I can tell you that a person can become very dehydrated on flights, especially longer ones. You will need to drink more than your usual amount of water to make up for this. Being a WLS patient makes you ven more susceptible, and the results of dehydration can be more drastic. So make sure you drink lots of water!!!!
   — Deborah W.

November 5, 2001
While the flight itself shouldn't be a problem, be sure to get help with your baggage! I am sure you will have lifting restrictions. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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