How well will I do????

Saturday night I'm going to my first cocktail party since I've had WLS. I'm almost 4 months out, and down 66 lbs. I'm just concerned about all the little finger foods they have at cocktail parties. Do I eat before I go.. so I'm not tempted. Or do I just go, and try to use common sense when choosing what to eat?? I just don't want to get into a "grazing" mode. I've been doing very well with my choices. I'm just afraid when I get around that much food I'll be tempted. Make sense?? TY :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 4, 2003
I'm of the mind that when we go to a party it is to have FUN, and that includes participating in the activities offered. Although we had different WLS and the rules are different, I always sample whatever looks good at parties see no reason why you can't do the same. What I used to do was either not go, or go and not talk to people much and hang out by the food, hoping no on noticed how much I ate! Enough of that "life"! Don't worry about grazing. That applies to a typical daily pattern, not an occasional thing like this. Relax and have fun and graciously accept all the compliments you get! :-) Chris, DS 6/02
   — Chris T.

September 4, 2003
I went to a bridle shower a few weeks ago, I was about 7 weeks out at the time. I ate some protein before I went so that I would not have to worry about whether they had anything that I could eat. As it turns out, the only thing they had that I could eat was fresh fruit. I had 1-1/2 strawberries, ate them very slowly, and had no problem. I stuck with ice water to drink. Everyone there knew I had the surgery so they understood why I did not load my plate up. Good luck! You will do fine.
   — DebT

September 4, 2003
Makes perfect sense to me! I would eat before you go. You could get there hungry and find that there is nothing appropriate to eat and there may be nothing that will agree with you depending on how sensitive you are to different foods. Also if carbs or grazing for one night might set you off for a few day like it has the tendency to do with me than I would avoid the munching. I usually can find something to eat anywhere I go but always feel bad if I make poor choices and little finger foods are too easy to justify as little nothings. I am very strict with myself but I also have learned not to tempt fate by kidding myself into thinking that I am somehow just a normal gal eating party food like it is no big deal. Go and enjoy the atmosphere and the conversation and realize that if you do drink the tendency to munch could be stronger. That does not happen to me but I know that it does for others. Good luck and have fun.
   — Carol S.

September 5, 2003
I'd eat a little something before hand just in case. Most of the time at these sorts of things they have a cheese tray and fruit. Just nibble on that. Good luck to you and have fun. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 115
   — Siddy I.

September 5, 2003
Another idea, call the hostess and ask if you can bring something. Then bring something you can easily eat. I like to bring deviled eggs (cheap) or cold shrimp (not cheap). Also I frequently carry a protein bar in my purse for "emergencies". I have found that if i go too long with out eating I am Like a starving wolf and would gnaw on a horses hind leg if he would hold still long enough.
   — **willow**

September 5, 2003
Go and enjoy the party and the food. Your pouch will keep you in line. Make decent choices of the things available and realize that you won't be able to taste everything without getting sick so choose wisely. Even if you graze for one night it's not going to kill your weight loss. I think I would take whatever items I wanted on a small plate and try to eat them in the same amount of time it does to eat a meal, rather than pick all night. Then I would be full and would get the feedback that if I eat one more thing I'm gonna throw up. You will be scared of getting sick in public that I suspect you will be careful and surprise yourself. Enjoy!
   — zoedogcbr

September 5, 2003
Most cocktail parties have something that you can eat, like cheese and crackers or fresh fruit. I'd stay away from some the puff balls though or anything that looks too greasy. A way to not be too tempted is to stay out of the room where the food is displayed. Its the outta sight, outta mind concept. I would also have a protein bar with me. I have on a few occasions, excused myself and gone to the bathroom to woof down 1/2 a protein bar when tempted by bad foods-once I eat the protein bar, its amazing how much "control" comes back to resist bad choices.
   — Cindy R.

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