can any general surgeon do my hernia repair and tummy tuck

I was hoping I wouldnt have to have 2 seperate surgeries but dont want the surgeon that did my GBS to operate on me anymore.. Can anyone answer this??    — loisph (posted on September 5, 2004)

September 5, 2004
I'm certainly not an expert on this, but I would imagine any general surgeon could do the hernia repair, but you would need a plastic surgeon to do the tummy tuck. This can be done at the same time, as they would work together in the operating room. I would certainly NOT want any other kind of doctor other than a plastic surgeon to perform a tummy tuck on me, just as I would not want Gynecological surgeon to perform heart surgery on me. They are specialists for a reason; i.e., that is what they are trained and educated to do. Talk with a surgeon and see who he/she would recommend for a plastic surgeon. Something like a hernia repair would be a procedure that many people would do in conjunction with plastic surgery, so they could probably recommend someone to you. I'm all for the "2 in 1" surgery in the same area. Good luck to you for continued success.
   — DorrieB

September 5, 2004
See a plastic surgeon. If you want an abdomenoplasty then the plastic surgeon would routinely tighten your muscles and thus repair your hernia.I had a lower body lift and Dr Jones tightened my muscles and fixed my hernia. He said it is common practice to do this. If you are planning a panni then there would not be any work done on your muscles or hernia. Good luck.
   — dianne E.

September 5, 2004
any general surgeon can do the hernia repair. I wouldnt have a general surgeon do your tummy tuck - I would have a plastic surgeon do THAT. you can have two different ones tho. I had one do my hernia repair, and when he was done the plastic surgeon took over for the abdominoplasty. I wouldnt let the surgeon who does your weight loss to the abdominosplasy. They are qualified to do panniectomies; but why let them... Use a specialitst.
   — star .

September 5, 2004
I highly recommend having a plastic surgeon do your tummy tuck. Like any specialty, the more experienced a surgeon is with the procedure, the better your outcome is likely to be. I had a hernia repair with my abdominoplasty, but my plastic surgeon also happens to be certified in general surgery, so he was able to do all of my procedures. However, even if your plastic surgeon can't do the hernia repair, it can all be done in the same surgical event, just two surgeons, one doing the plastics, the other the hernia. Not a big deal. Best wishes.
   — Vespa R.

September 5, 2004
Check with a plastic surgeon, Im having my hernias repaired plus a complete abdominal plasty done on sept 23 by a plastic surgeon.
   — Amy Hoffman

September 5, 2004
I think it can be handled several ways. You can, like others have mentioned, have 2 surgeons in the OR at the same time, each doing their thing. Most often, plastic surgeons will be willing and able to repair your hernia along with the abdominoplasty. My PS was planning to do so, but when he went in, he saw that the hernia he thought was there, was simply super laxed muscles. I was confident though, as he started his career as a surgeon in the Navy, and I am sure, that eventhough he is board certified as a PS and ENT surgeon, he must have seen and done it all in the service. I am now 3 weeks post-op and so far so good.
   — Fixnmyself

September 6, 2004
I did a ton of research regarding this, as I also had a huge hernia in my upper abdomen. I use military Tricare Prime Ins. So I wanted the TT PAID for. I couldn't find a ps that was willing to do the hernia repair, even though all ps's start out as general surgeons:( I finally decided to use my doctor that did my RNY, he fixed my hernia and did the panniculectomy, HOWEVER he did do the muscle repair for me also. Now, it is not all fancy like a ps would do, he did use staples, but it is tight, and looks good so far. I lost 6lbs of tissue. I had it done Sept 1st, so still in recouperation mode :) Best wishes, the skin and fat PLUS the hernia being gone is worth it! Besides my dh and me, who is gonna see my scars?? LOL
   — PhyllisM

September 6, 2004
Every plastic surgeon has gone through general surgery, and should be able to fix a hernia. The PS's comfort level may vary on this, especially large hernias. General surgeons are versed at panniculectomies, but the refinement needed to do a nice TT coems only with speciality training (i.e. plastic surgery). A combined procedure by one doc is in my opinion best.
   — DrL

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