Return of Libido ?

At a support meeting they talked about the drop in the libido (sexual desire). Does anyone know how long it usually takes for the libido to return? I saw an add in the O magazine about a pill called Avlimil. Has any one tried it? Our Dr said that they were just beginning to realize that is was a common problem (for women, not men),even though he's been doing the surgery for 20 years, so there isn't a lot of research yet, so without getting too personal, how long, some of you "surgery old timers" will it take to get the desire back? I asked this question once at a support group where the dr did the proximal RNY and they all said it wasn't a problem, so I am wondering if it is a problem with the distal surgery and is part of the malnutrition/malabsorbtion adjustment? I hope to have surgery soon, so I don't have the foggiest.    — sissie S. (posted on August 2, 2003)

August 2, 2003
I am hoping that as soon as the weight loss stops and the hormones adjust that things will go back to normal! It must have something to do with the release of estrogen that we store in our fat cells. I will love seeing what others have to say about this.
   — Carol S.

August 2, 2003
We "resumed" at 4 weeks but it did cause pain so the we tried again at 5 weeks. It is really what you are comfortable with and my problem wasn't libido, I was "interested" at 3 weeks--but pain of his weight cause me pain. LOL.
   — who A.

August 2, 2003
I have had to take Testosterone since 1988, and I still don't have a libido since wls. So... who knows.
   — Danmark

August 2, 2003
one year out, down 175 pounds (about 50 or less from "goal") and still very darned little interest on my part - much to my husbands dismay! Doc swear it will get better when my hormones level off, but then I had interest pre-op so it's not like a continuing problem from then. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 2, 2003
I am 5 months post op and my Libido is SUPER!! I do believe it is due to the fact I take Wellburtin. I have known a lot of people that this drug has done wonders for there Libido!!! :)
   — Stephanieleighanner

August 2, 2003
I had a distal RNY on June 26th and my libido is just fine, I had the urge 4 days out, but was in too much pain, but 2 weeks later thing were just fine...and still going strong :-) So I guess everyone is different.
   — jane O.

August 2, 2003
Welbutrin has'nt helped my libido nor has testosterone since wls.
   — Danmark

August 2, 2003
Hi. I haven't had the surgery yet but I wanted to reply about the Avlimil. All Avlimil is a herbal hormone. I worked in a OB/GYN office and we talked about this with several patients. You don't have to have a prescription for it, well actually you can't get a prescription for it. All you do is call the 800# on the ad and they will send it to you. I have heard the docs say that Viagra does better for women than the Avlimil does. I know women can't get Viagra but there has to be some alternative. I do know that sometime in the near future they will be marketing a women's form of Viagra. I hope this helps.
   — Jamie L.

August 2, 2003
Just a thought - maybe the decrease in libido is part of the majority of WLS postops going through depression as they adjust to their new lifestyle and hormonal changes. Lack of libido is certainly a recognized part of depression, and that gets mentioned plenty as a postop effect. I personally haven't had this, almost the opposite, but it is because I am so aware at this stage (1 week postop) of how wonderful the life I have is ahead of me, and as a celebration of life, and celebration of my husband, making love is just the best when you're in love.
   — bethybb

August 2, 2003
Beth, that may be true for some, but the ONLY time I get depressed is when I don't feel in the mood, but kind of want to BE in the mood - if that makes <i>any</i> sense at all lol.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 2, 2003
Beth, I am right there with you. before surgery I had a very strong sex drive and thought it would get even better after losing wieght. Yeah Right I am never in the mood. I called about the Avlimil myself it is a little expensive.3 months post op down 75lbs.
   — Angie H.

August 2, 2003
Thanks guys, for all your input. It seems that hormones adjusting or depression are consistant factors. And Ruth, your comments make perfect sense to me! It did seem like the group from Dr. Fobi didn't seem to have the problem and I wonder if the depression etc isn't enhanced by the malabsorbtion.
   — sissie S.

August 3, 2003
At 14 months out, I have no idea where my libido went or how to get it back. I have questioned both my surgeon and my PCP and neither of them were really helpful as far as answers are concerned.
   — Dawn M.

August 4, 2003
I don't know if Avlimil works or not, but right now you can get a free sample if you pay the shipping and handling only. There was a phone number on a commercial on the tv. S & H seemed to be about $6-8. Hope this helps if anybody is interested.
   — bufordslipstick

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