Anyone having frequent and very painful leg cramps?

I have leg cramps OFTEN. I've had them in my thighs the most, but also in my shins, top of my feet and ankles, side of my leg..the weirdest places I didn't even know you could have leg cramps in. Some friends say i'm low on Potassium, others calcium others magnesium..anyone really know first hand what the deal is? My last bloodwork 3 weeks ago was fine. HELP.    — FaithMills (posted on November 20, 2004)

November 20, 2004
   — Loriann J.

November 20, 2004
Faith, There can be many kinds of mineral deficiencies that can cause leg cramps so it is important o have all the basics checked out. Some of them would not normally be run, so don't assume everything has been checked out. Talk with your PCP and see what others it might make sense to have done. If all comes out fine, which is entirely possible then what I have found works is using Quinine Sulfate. I take it in pill form and it is prescription, but generic and cheap. I had suffered with severe leg cramps for about 2 years when finally my rheumatologist had me try this. For me it is literally a miracle cure. I oly use it when the nasty buggers start up, but within a few minutes at most after taking the pill, the cramps are starting to subside. It isn't a coated pill so it gets into your blood stream quick and starts working. He told me it works in about 50-60% of people and they really aren't sure why. You also can get Quinine from tonic water. However, I'm not sure how much one would have to drink in order to get enough to help. I've had every test imaginable and tried muscle relaxants etc. Nothing worked but a really frozen ice pack. Sometimes the cramps were so bad I had an awful time getting to the freezer as I was so bent over and could not straighten up due to the cramping. I would be crying loudly with pain as I tried to get there. Once I got there many times I slapped the ice pack right on the skin as that was the fastest way to get it to start to work, so consequently I occassionally got a little freezer burn on my skin. But at the time, truthfully I did not care. I just wanted relief. I can say that for me leg cramps are few and far between now but when they arise I hit the drugs quickly and start the relief. I'm so glad I found the Quinine Sulfate as otherwise I really don't know what I would have done these past 5 years.
   — zoedogcbr

November 20, 2004
All your friends are right! :) Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium are all help control the muscles and low levels can cause these symptoms. I used to have the same problems For a couple of weeks, try upping your vitamins. There can be an almost immediate turnaround. For me, I could eat a freaking banana or orange and half a glass of milk and feel it subsiding almost right away.I used to have terrible, ungodly leg cramps all the time. If that doesn't do it, go see your doctor as there are also other nuerological things that can cause it. It may be that your levels were low, j ust not so low as to cause an immediate concern. Good luck, hon! Christie
   — christied

November 21, 2004
When that happened to me, it WAS my potassium. If I forget to take it now, I will cramp in the middle of the night. Get it checked out, I heard if you're too low, you can have a heart attack.
   — linda3370

November 21, 2004
Hi Faith, It could be Potassium, but since your labs are fine I tend to think it's not that. When I get leg cramps I can always trace it back to dehydration. Big time! Drink Drink Drink!
   — RunTink

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