Has anyone had an abnormal ekg and still had the surgery?

   — cherby56 (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 10, 2003
Hi Cheryl, I haven't had wls yet but last year I ruptured my spine and had to have surgery and my EKG came back abnormal, so the neurologist sent me to a cardiologist for a cardiac stress test,it was nuclear and I they injected persatine and then cardiolite, to take pictures of my heart before and after the stresss test, and I also had an echo with dopplar to check flow of blood through my heart. Nothing was found, and he said that women often have abnormal EKG's but it is always best to check and make sure. Usually a stress test is ordered before surgery especialy when a person is overweight. Good luck in your journey I hope this helps.
   — wizz46

January 12, 2003
cheryl...rosemary is absolutely right. women have more false positives in cardiac testing then men do. they also do not suffer the same cardiac symptoms when experiencing angina or heart attack. i suffered from angina & my ekg also showed 'abnormal'. i was put thru all the same testing as rosemary. all came back abnormal,so my dr went one step further, he performed an angiogram as the last & final test so that ALL doubt was removed. extreme? maybe. but, with my family history of heart attacks, strokes & high blood pressure, he wasnt taking any chances before giving my surgery his stamp of approval. good luck & god bless u
   — sheryl titone

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