Experiencing daily fatigue 3 weeks post-op

I am three weeks out and am constantly tired. Some days I find it hard to do anything. I am not feeling depressed and am taking all the vitamins (other than the iron which makes me vomit). Anyone else have this experience or know how I can help overcome this? Thank you in advance....and my 2 boys (7 and 4) thank you too! :)    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 30, 2001
Often iron is the vitamin we are lacking when we are fatiqued. If you cannot stomache the iron they gave you talk with the dr. maybe he can find an alternative form and or kind that you can.
   — paula B.

July 30, 2001
There is a very easy answer to your fatigue.. and you mention it in your quesiton: You are 3 weeks post op!!!! You have had major abdominal surgery. In the "old days" before managed care, you would probably have only gotten out of the hospital recently. Your body needs time to recover. You are emotionally and physically pushing yourself too hard if you are fatigued right now. Many of us don't feel anywhere near "normal" until at least 6 weeks after surgery. Take care of yourself, and don't feel guilty for "doing nothing."
   — BethVBG

July 30, 2001
If is it the vitamin/iron issue you may want to have a look at the new Flintstones multivitamin for kids they have out now. There are several kinds but this one has extra <u><b>Calcium and Iron</u></b>...the same amount as the Centrum Vitamin I currently take. And of course Flintstones are totally chewable...and quite tasty.
   — Cindy G.

July 30, 2001
You did not say what kind of iron you are taking that is making you sick. I also did not see your protein supplement listed or how much water you are taking in. The vitamins will not replace the iron & calcium citrate you need, nor will they take the place of protein supps. And water, well, goes without saying. Boring, but there it is. Even 12 hours of low water intake can leave you feeling like a wet noodle.
   — vitalady

July 30, 2001
It was 6 weeks before I "started" to get a "tad" of energy. But I started protein drinks then. I'm 12 weeks post op (tomarrow) and I still don't have alot of energy, but I'm a heck of alot better than I was. ;) I am slightly anemic, have a pretty good B12 deficiancy and my potassium is VERY low. So perhaps you should get these kind of things checked out too. ;) It will only get worse with time as we can't get in alot of these things anymore. By the way, I ended up in the emergency room a few days ago having a couple bags of potassium pumped in intravenusly. Not fun at all. But better than a possible heart attack I might have had, had I not felt so "squirly" and went to the emergency room.
   — Danmark

July 30, 2001
i have to agree with beths response more than the others. altho i have not had my wls yet i have had numerous surgeries, & found the abdominal ones made me feel the worst post op. u must remember...u have been handled internally. all the organs around ur stomach have been handled, pushed, pulled & poked. they r now rebelling against such treatment & r insisting that they now be left alone & given time to rest. ur body is actually sending u a message by making u so tired. it is telling u...yoohoo! hey u out there! yeah im talking to u! we have been thru a BIG DEAL!!! lets get some rest ok? the only way the body can recover completely & insure that u do what u have to do is slow u down. by making u feel so tired it makes u either relax for a while thru out the day or periodically take a nap. when u feel drained, explain to the children...'mommy needs some time out. lets watch a video, read a story, play in ur room, take a nap' or any other excuse children of their ages can understand. u will soon feel like ur old self just give urself some time, at least another 3 or 4 weeks. good luck!
   — sheryl titone

July 31, 2001
Listen to your body. REST daily, take a nap in the afternoon. It takes a lot of energy to recover from this surgery -- its MAJOR. And, your body isn't getting the nutrition it normally gets so give it time to heal. Walk some here and there but don't overdue. Don't vacuum or mop or move furniture or lift anything over 10 pounds until 3 to 6 more weeks elapse (6 to 8 weeks postop) or you could get a hernia. Just kick back and enjoy this experience. The energy will slowly return and each day should be slightly better as long as you listen to your body and respond accordingly. And, take vitamin B12 -- it is essential to aid in healing (among other things).
   — Cindy H.

July 31, 2001
At the risk of sounding like a broken record....protein protein protein protein. Really. Use a supplement. It's easy and you will feel better immediately.
   — Anne G.

July 31, 2001
Each person is different. I am 5 1/2 months post op and am very tired by the end of a day. Have lost almost 85 pounds. Think it takes a while for recovery. Healing and building strength. Weight loss is very rapid and can rob us of necessary nutrients. Important to eat right and get sleep. Strength will gradually return. I feel stronger and lighter every day!!!! Hang in there!
   — Terri D.

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