Aaron G. Baggs

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.25 out of 5 with 75 ratings

Aaron G. Baggs Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

4 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

75 Reviews for Aaron G. Baggs
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Dr. Baggs is a great doctor. Explained himself well and made me feel at ease. Anyone who has Kaiser knows how the staff their can be but in the bariatric department everyone is very caring and helpful. We went to Pre-Op classes that were mandatory. Had to stop smoking, and loose 10% of our body weight before surgery would be scheduled. Now we go to Post-Op classes. They also offer support groups monthly. I would rate my overall experience as a 10. Great bedside manner.


Dr. Baggs is a great surgeon, who makes you feel very comfortable and gives you support. I look forward to my check ups with Dr. Baggs to hear what he has to say. The staff at Richmond Kaiser is great. You can't help buy smile when you are there with them. There is nothing I least liked about Dr. Baggs or the staff. Make sure you ask lots of questions, and not to worry if you think they are not that important. All questions are important to Dr. Baggs and the staff. Dr. Baggs and the staff emphasize a lot on the aftercare. The appointments with the surgeon and the 6 month support group you must attend to after really does help. Dr. Baggs makes sure you understand the risks of surgery and will answer any of your questions. Overall, I think anyone who gets Dr. Baggs as their surgeon is that much more better off. I couldn't have had a better surgeon. Dr. Baggs surgical competence and bedside manner are both great. Of course this is just my experience with Dr. Baggs and the staff.


First impression was excellent. He has been very encouraging, and while there have been some delays due to bureucratic snafus on Kaisers part, all has gone well so far.

Due to some cancellation of some of my appointments by Kaiser, I found myself 15 lbs. below my goal weight before I even got a date. Sometimes, my weigh-in appointments were delayed until the next month. I found that frustrating, because I really wanted a June surgery date.

Dr. Baggs has a good sense of humor, and you can tell right away that he cares about his patients.

I value surgical competance above bedside manner, but it's nice to have both with Dr. Baggs.

Had my surgery 7-19-04. Not all that bad. spent 27 hours in the hospital, and Dr. Baggs was great. By my surgery date I had lost even more.

My two week follow up was fine. Pulling out the sutures was no picnic, but the doctor was cool. Spent 25 mins. answering all my questions, and was so happy with my weight loss.


I was very impressed with Dr. Baggs. He seems serious and knowledgeable. The staff was nice, but not to friendly. Seemed to be extremely busy. Except for Lisa and she was very helpful. The Orientation was fast, not many questions could be ask because of time schedule. Hardly seemed fair for something as serious as this surgery. However they did a good job of presenting the facts. Apparently there was another use scheduled for the room and we had to do everything quickly, and get out.

My visit with Dr. Baggs went much better, he had a nice manner and confidence. He did however seem concerned about my age. I am 65yrs. and his oldest patient is 62yrs. I have had several surgeries in my life and have no fear of another one.

Dr. Baggs did go over the risks of this surgery, and clearly emphasized my age as a risk, along with the other possibilities of problems.

Kaiser is very good about aftercare, and requires monthly visits first 6 months. and less often the rest of the first year. They are on call 24/7.

I feel surgical compentence is by far the most important.. however its sure nice to have a surgeon with nice bedside manners. I have not had surgery yet, so can't comment on bedside manners... But I have a feeling Dr. Baggs will be good.


Okay, okay! I just hope my Surgeon doesn't scratch his head & decide to toss me from his office! Dr. Aaron Baggs reminded me (just on the glimpse from across the room) of MOBY! Hey Doc, hope you're a fan! No really, I was impressed with his frank details, the occasional joke (quite dry humor, Hawkeye!) brought some chuckles from the group.

I look forward to my consultation June 24, 2004 -- Hey Doc, got any room for a Fat Chick with attitude? I promise to work my ass off -- well, at least two-thirds of it!

I was very pleased to see the first 30 comments with regard to my Surgeon - he sounds well liked, well respected, and talented. My only worry now, WHEN...?!


I met with Dr. Baggs and he is very nice and down to earth. The office staff is very nice. I don't forsee any problems.


I just love Dr. Baggs and the entire staff at Richmond Kaiser. Dr. Baggs is very honest and lets you know EVERYTHING before and after your surgery. He was very understanding of my anxiety and took time to answer my questions and the questions my husband had about the surgery and what to expect when I got home. He is the best!

The support staff is also wonderful, from Renee who weights you in to Chris Powell the RN supporting the baratrics department. Every nurse in the hospital was wonderful and helpful and did all they could to keep me comfortable.


Dr. Baggs was great. I was going through a very rough patch in my life at the time of surgery and he was very suppotive and understanding.


I met Dr. Baggs on December 17, 2003. He is a very personable and confident man. He patiently answered all of my questions. He gave me pre op diet to follow and told me that I was doing well because I had already lost 15 pounds since my visit with the shrink. I am a candidate for the Lap, so that made me really happy!
I have completed my surgery and have had a chance to get to know Dr. Baggs a little better. He is the best! I consider myself very lucky to be a patient of Dr. Baggs.


First impression was of a quiet but confident person. He took all the time we wanted to answer questions from both my wife and myself. The office staff was also very nice to deal with, especially Susie the nurse practioner. After care is emphasized by way of a local support group which it looks like meets once a month. Surgery risks are addressed through the use of a handout listing the different types of risk and the percentages that they occur. After explaining the risks he then would answer any questions I had regarding them.

At 10 months out as I reflect on my surgery I would add that Dr. Baggs is nothing short of a fantastic surgeon. I have had not 1 single complication the entire time. I would use his services again anytime for a family member or myself. I am very happy he did my surgery while he was here in Idaho and the people of California are very fortunate to now have him back.

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