Aaron G. Baggs

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.25 out of 5 with 75 ratings

Aaron G. Baggs Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

4 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

75 Reviews for Aaron G. Baggs
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He is very skilled and informative.
Nobody in Richmond gets to have surgery without him present in the room including with other surgons. (o^_^o) So I feel very safe. His office staff are very kind and supportive and very friendly. They push the viatamins aftercare and protien and a fittness club. I don't know about bedside yet but will soon enough...


I met with Dr. Baggs today 1/8/04. My impression on him was that he was a very nice and positive man. I was pleased with his knowledge and confidence as a surgeon. Dr. Baggs answered all my question and concerns with knowledge which put me at ease. The bariatric staff was very friendly and made me feel comfortable. I feel Dr. Baggs has both surgical competence and great bedside manners.


My first impression of Dr. Baggs was excellent. He was very easy to talk to and answered all my questions completely. He is a straight forwarded no nonsense surgeon who is only going to give you proper medical advise - not always what one wants to hear but it IS what you need to hear.
Kaiser Richmond will make you loss 10% of your body fat prior to giving you a surgery date and now that I am post op I can tell you it is the best service you can do for yourself. I was released the day afer having lap surgery and that was due to me exercising. To date I feel wonderful thanks to Dr. Baggs! The man is absolutely wonderful - I even got pictures.


I have only great things to say about Dr. Baggs, he lets you know everything up front, but is very positive and makes you feel very comfortable with the whole process. One other thing is the entire staff at the Richmond Bariatric Department. Everyone of the wonderful individuals made me feel special and good about myself. Anyone that has Kaiser and gets to go to Richmond for the surgery should feel very lucky.


My appointment with Dr. Baggs is on Dec. 5, 2003. I am really looking forward to meeting him. I have read the other reviews and looks as if I have a good Dr.

I met Dr. Baggs on Friday. He is a very nice man, confident. You can tell this is nothing new to him. Since I had an 83 mile drive to my appointment, I had left earily to make sure I had enough time. They were able to see me before my appointment time. The staff we was friendly. He went over all the risk, the type of surgery that would be done. Gave me a pre-op 1200 calorie meal plan to lose 10 % of my weight before I get a surgery date and to get used to the new wating lifestyle for post op.


My first impression of Dr. Baggs was that he seemed to be interested in what was going on with me as a person not a patient, even though that is how it was, he makes you feel comfortable talking with him. It didn't change he is really a nice and caring guy and that shows when he talks about the surgery. The office staff was nice they started up conversations with you and they wanted you to be comfortable also. Everthing was fine I was seen in good fashion no long waiting. He likes it when you know things and are knowlegable. He does tell you the importance of diet and excerise after and coming in for visit. Dr. Baggs did talk about the risks of surgery that was the second thing he goes into after he asks you some questions about yourself. I rate him a very good, knowlegable, caring doctor. A combination of both surgical competence and bedside manner is important.


he is thorough and concered
Cheerful and helpful
Nothing so far
That he seems to know what he's doing
They have built a comprehensive program with both preop consultations and aftercare support
The aftercare program is structure to meet my needs
He talked about the risks first visit and everytime since then
both are great


I have my first consult with Dr. Baggs this wednesday (March 5th, '03). I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. Before you can make a consult with Dr. Baggs it is mandatory to attending a informative seminar. I did this, and am so anxious to get the ball rolling. The office staff he works with are incredible inviting and ever so willing to talk. After my actual one on one consult, I will have a more detailed account of who he is and how he makes me personally feel, but in the meantime, I'm very excited. My cousin was one of his patients when he was practicing down in California, and just seeing her, and hearing all the positive things she's had to tell me about her experience both with the surgery and with Dr. Baggs makes me feel confident that I've chosen the right man for the job. I'll keep you posted. : )
NEW ENTRY 3-6-03

Well, I finally met Dr. Baggs for my consult. WOW, what an overwhelming session of information!! There is so much to do and know.It will all be very much worth the end result I'm sure, but nonetheless, I find myself a little overwhelmed. As for Dr. Baggs personally, he seems a very caring and genuine man. I connected with him immediately. If I HAD to find something about the consult I didn't like it would have nothing to do with him or his staff. THEY ARE ALL WONDERFUL. The one thing that does have me stressing a bit though, is the fact that SBNW is not contracted with any insurance companies, and therefore everything is a "pay up-front" type of deal. I don't know about you but I don't just have thousands of dollars laying around. True, if your insurance decides to cover the procedure, you will be reimbursed for your costs, but that doesn't help much in the meantime. And my biggest worry is, what if I don find away to come up with all the $ needed to complete all the pre-op procedures (i/e: mental evaluation,meeting with the therapist & dietician) and then my insurance turns me down. Not only am I not getting the surgery, but I've spent $1600 on consults that are useless. I hope I'm not turning anyone off to the whole thing, it's just money is a real big concern. The surgery itself, I couldn't be more excited about. I have absalutely NO reservations as to Dr. Baggs competence in performing the surgery, or the surgery being a success. It really seems to be the answer I've been looking for. I'm really looking forward to the chance to fulfill my dream. To any of you that are thinking of following this same path... GO FOR IT... You have everything to gain...........EXCEPT WEIGHT. : )


From my first meeting with Dr. Baggs, he was professional and caring. Susan, the nurse practitioner with Dr. Baggs' office was wonderful. She helped to put me at ease on my first visit. Then Dr. Baggs came in for my consultation. Those two together are a great team. They listened too all my questions and concerns then answered any and all of them. We went over the risks and benefits of the surgery as well as everything that this procedure entails, such as nutrition, psychological challenges, fitness and aftercare. The aftercare programs consist of check up and support group meetings. The staff and Surgeons of Surgical Bariatrics Northwest invest so much into you as a patient; they really want you to be successful with this procedure.


My first impression of Dr. Baggs was a quiet but professinal physician. My impression has changed in that he remains quiet, professional but he is also caring and very knowledgeable.
The entire staff has been incredible. They are very caring people especially Susie the nurse practioner. I have appreciated her warm heart and going the extra mile in helping patients pre and post op!
Future patients should know Dr. Baggs is a little quiet at first but he is very helpful and wants patients to contact him if any questions or concerns.
Dr. Baggs as well as the entire office emphasizes aftercare and the importance of staying in the post-op support group.
Risks were addressed. I would rate Dr. Baggs and the entire Surgical Bariatrics N.W. office stellar. They have been very helpful in my journey.
Which is better, surgical competence or bedside manner? Yikes, what a question. I would off the top of my head say surgical competence but...bedside manner is important too. Patients want to be able to ask questions and receive emotional support from their docs without fear of getting cut down. I think the physician's attitude is important in the patient's recovery and success post-op. Dr. Baggs is extremely competent surgically and also has a warm bedside manner.

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