Michael Todd

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.375 out of 5 with 203 ratings

Michael Todd Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

3 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 72

203 Reviews for Michael Todd
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I spent more time with Dr. Todd on the operating table then I ever did while awake. In person, he is a kind, caring man and from my reports after surgery is a skilled surgeon. He prayed with us, both in the office and before surgery - although I don't subscribe to any particular religion I admire his conviction in his own.

His staff on the other hand are completely unorganized. They lost many of my forms and records. Almost all my testing had to be sent to them at least twice. I had carried in some of my test results to an appointment, and my next appointment they tried to tell me they hadn't received what I handed them myself!

It seems Dr. Todd has hired many of his patients, which while generous of him it's my opinion that they should be trained in office skills and customer service as well as charting before put to work there.

Many of his staff are kind, and an inspiration to the patients...but those that aren't make the assembly line process of getting surgery done with them a long and frustrating process.

I would choose him as a surgeon if I had to do it over, but I would be more prepared to keep the ball rolling and organized myself instead of depending on someone else.


Dr. Todd is a very, very kind man. He is efficient, funny, and fairly straight forward. When I was still debating between the band and RNY, he brought in two of his staffers who had two different surgeries, and had them debate it out for me, without telling them what I was interested in. He didn't let me leave the office until I'd heard two sides of each story.rnrnHis office staff is very nice, albeit a bit informal at times. That is, however, a personal preference and it may not bother you at all. They are supportive and kind, even when taking your money. LOLrnrnSo far so good. Will update after I go through the surgery.rnrn8/27/2009 - Okay, so my surgery was on the third, and I've had the chance to experience Todd's aftercare. I am happy to report that it's just as thorough as the pre-op care.rnrnI recently had a stricture and wound up getting fluids in the ER on base. The on call doc paged him to discuss the situation with him, and he told her to send me to his office at 8 am Monday morning, that it might be a stricture, and he wanted to see me himself. He could've just sent me to the endoscopy doc, but he wanted to check on me himself. Then, he told her, \"Please tell her I said hello.\" How nice is that?rnrnThat Monday morning, he was running a little late, but eventually rushed in, hugged me and said, \"What is going on with you, my dear? I'm sorry I'm late, this surgery took a little longer than I thought. Now let's get you fixed up.\" He proceeded to check me over, then call the endoscopy doc HIMSELF. How many doctors do that??rnrnI'm very satisfied with my bariatric surgeon. Plus, he sent me a coughing moose in the hospital whom I have since named \"Bari.\" LOL


Super. This doctor is really committed to saving lives. His staff is just as comitted. I am blessed to have them as my team.


Dr. Todd is a cutie and super sweet. I think this is going to be a great partnership!rnrn

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My first impression of Dr. Todd was that he was concerned with the health, and lofe long success of each one of his patients. My impression has never changed from my first time meeting him. In fact he has gone above and beyond what I epected from him as a surgeon. His staff was helpful with answering a lot of my post op questions, and giving me advice on my new eating habits, and exercise regimen. What I liked least about Dr. Todd..... hmmm..... there was nothing that I didn't really like about the guy. He even prayed with me before surgery which helped put me at ease. I had never had a major surgery before, but at that moment I felt that I was in good hands, and care. Dr. Todd is very upfront about his expectations of his pre-op, and post-op patients. He was informative about what we should expect from having the surgery, and that nothing is a magical solution. Dr. Todd has a very structured aftercare program, which includes internet, phone, weekly meetings, etc. At every meeting he would emphasize that this is considered as with any surgery requiring you to be under anesthesia a very serious surgery. While he and his staff will do all that they can to ensure nothing goes wrong during surgery, he'll need you to answer all medical questions honestly. His personable skills were imeasurable. But if I have to rate him overall he's at 100% in everything he does. His surgical competence, and bedside manner were impecable. Truely happy with my experience with Dr. Todd.


he is a suuuuper friendly, suuuper sweet older guy!
my impression of him has not changed!
his office staff is for the most part helpful and sweet!
he emphasizes on after care A LOT, and demands you do right by your self or dont do the surgery!!! he is a very thorough person, leaves no detail untouched!!!
I would Rate Dr. Todd at a 9.9 out of 10 and only because he is sooo popular and good that it took forever to get this done!!! but what do you expect for a COE
Surgical competence and bedside manner are both very important to me!!!


Dr. Todd on first impression didn't treat me like just another patient; I felt like there was sincerity in our conversation. My impression of Dr. todd has not changed over much; I still believe him to be sincere and very caring I value him all the more as a surgeon now that I'm post-op. There really isn't anything to dislike about Dr. Todd He does all he can with how hectic it is in his office.rn Aftercare is essential to our success in wls and our health. He ensures that before we set a surgery date. Dr. Todd was very upfront and foward with the risks of surgery, he doesn't beat around the bush and that's something to value there. After Meeting Dr. Todd I'm so glad that he did my surgery, He's so competent of the surgery, Any thing that might be wrong it seems like him or his staff know what's wrong with me with out even seeing me. They are a great group and I think they are Fantastic. I would reccomend them over and over.


Dr. Todd is a great guy. I feel blessed to have him for my surgeon. He cares about his patients. He is very up front about complications and about death. He makes sure you understand these things. He makes you go through a million hoops. But I would rather do all of that than go with a dr. who just whisks you through it. In that sense (and others) he is very competent. Thanks Dr. Todd.


Dr. Todd is a very kind, gentle, compassionate person. My faith in him and his abilities only grew stronger during my treatment.rnrnThe office staff is always busy, and how they manage to remain pleasant and friendly is beyond me. They were always upfront about delays.rnrnThere is simply nothing that I disliked about Dr Todd or his staff. The only downside is that bescause he is in demand, and Anchorage is center for medical treatment for the entire state, you will proably encounter a wait at each appointment. The end result is well worth the wait. Bring a book, catch up on your reading. Dr Todd does order alot, and I mean alot of pre op test, it can be time consuming to get them all done, but again worth it in the end.rnrnI would like future patients to understand that he is a Surgeon. If he has to leave the office tornperform emergency surgery, then it is best to understand that someone else needs his attention at the moment more than you do.rnLast summer there was a horrible plane crash in another part of the state. The injured were flow in to Anchorage and needed emergency surgery. Appointments had to be cancelled and moved, it happens. There were a few patients who were not very happy, and were rude to the office staff. rnrnDr Todd's office has a very structured pre op and post op program. He gives his patients his still, knowledge, and experience, he ask only that they follow the program.rnrnThe risk of surgery were covered by the nurses, the office staff, and Dr Todd, each and every visit, and every support meeting.rnIn addition, a handbook is given to each patient and the website is always up to date.rnrnOn a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, I give Dr Todd and his staff a 11.rnrnDr Todd's surgical competence and bedside manner are outstanding. The nurses and office staff are as wonderful as the good doctor. My experience with Dr Todd was wonderful, and my only regret is that I did not ask my PCM for the referral sooner.


He was wonder ful he answered all my questions. Eased any fears I had. He not only helped me but also helped my husband and answered any queastion he had. Dr. Todd and his staff are excellant.

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