P.k Bhatnagar

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 9 ratings

P.k Bhatnagar Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

10 yr Experience

1.5 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

1.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

5% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 21

Max Age of Patient is 70

9 Reviews for P.k Bhatnagar
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The first time I saw him he was about 45 minutes late for my appt. Seemed to be in a hurry(what Dr. isn't).
Now I am glad he's my Dr.
His staff is great answers all questions.
Puts a lot of emphasis on aftercare, and has told me what to expect. He explained things that could go wrong and how to fix them. I am happy with him(before surgery at least)
I have had good surgeons with bad bedside manners and poor surgeons with good bedside manners. I would much rather have a good surgeon and hope he relates well.


I met with Dr. Bhatnager once and my initial impression was that he was serious if I was serious about this. He seemed kind and compassionate. He wants me to lose about 20 pounds before surgery. His nurse Holly was very helpful and gave me some things to do to progress towards this goal of surgery. I had spoken to another patient of his and she had a lot of confidence in him as well. I think he is wise to emphasize the lifestyle change that has to be a part of the patient's life after surgery in order for things to go well.


My experience was positive with Dr. Bhatnagar at FHN. He was approachable with a good bedside manner. He would call me by my first name if he saw me in the community. The office staff was willing to answer all questions and made me feel at ease at office visits. He informs you of the need to be strict on your aftercare in order to be success. The FHN dietian has a scheduled menu to follow for 6 weeks.


Dr. Bhatnagar is a very talented and dedicated surgeon. He is very strict about the requirements for patients before and after surgery, but that leads to successful and safe outcomes. He expects a high level of patient committment and compliance, but again, that is, most definately, in the patient's best interest. I would recommend him without reservation. His nurse, Holly, is extremely compassionate and helpful.


Dr Bhatnagar is GREAT. His staff is wonderful and they all treated me so nice. I was on a waiting list for another hospital and then my insurance was not accepted there anymore. I was told about Dr Bhatnagar and called for an appointment. They got me in the next day. He told me everything looked good and started the testing for the surgery. Within a month I had a surgery date and we were all set. My insurance was preapproved. Dr Bhatnagar talked with me and me husband for a long time and made sure we both new what was in store for us and when the day of surgery came I was very comfortable with the decision I had made. After surgery he was there everyday checking to make sure everything was going well. It was close to the July holiday when I was set to go home, so he gave me his cell phone number and home number just in case I needed him over the holiday. He made me feel so calm and cared about. Thanks Dr Bhatnagar and Holly for everything.


At first I thought he was being arrogant and if I wanted him to do my surgery I would have to bow to his demands. Second visit showed his real caring side and eagerness to help me if I was motivated enough to want it. He expressed his liking of doing laproscopic surgery and his expertise at it. By then I was his. (His nurse is also very caring and helpful.) He was willing to work with me on my insurance needs and refused to compromise the surgery even when I pushed for an earlier date when his complete surgical staff would not have been there.

He has staff checking on me frequently to be sure I am OK and not just being quiet.

One day while I was in the hospital I was in tears and he refused to leave my room until I was feeling better and no longer crying.


Dr. Bhatnagar is an excellent surgeon and he cares about his patients.


Dr. Bhatnagar (PK) is very thorough. He is a perfectionist and gets you up and going after surgery. I recomend him. He's a wonderful Lap Surgeon. He talks straight to the point and straight at you. His office staff (Holly) is great! Anything you need....she's there. His surgical competence and his bedside manner are both great!


Dr.Bhatnager is a very pleasant,personable guy.He makes you feel very comfortable as soon as you meet him.What I liked most about him was that he is more concerned about you and your safety than anything else.He wasn't the type of DR that said " I am the best surgeon because....." or you should have this or that because thats what I do best" he is really interested in how you view things,and what you want out of the surgery.I can't wait to have him as my surgeon.

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