Tuesday Accountability

Lucy M.
on 9/5/06 9:53 pm - Conway, SC
Good morning everyone! I needed to start this post to be accountable to all of you. I hope that's okay with you Pam! As you know yesterday I started to cut way back because my eating got out of control for the past week or so So my plan for yesterday went well until dinner. I was still ok in terms of pouch rules! B - AchievOne Cappucino Protein Drink - 20 g pro L - Stallone Milk Chocolate Hi Protein Pudding - 20 g pro D - 2 soy schnitzels - 24 g pro and small serving peas, 4 oz. skim milk and 1/2 high protein cereal. Lots of water and my vitamins for the day. Didn't exercise though... Today I'm shooting for: B - Mocha Java AchievOne protein drink - 20 g pro L - Stallone Milk Chocolate High protein pudding - 20 g pro D - Cappucino AchievOne protein drink - 20 g pro Exercise 40 minutes on the gazelle. I did 20 minutes already this morning, with another 20 minutes when I get home from work. Lots of water and taking my vitamins. I'll be off to an early meeting this morning. Tonight I have a support meeting! Yeah!! Just what I need. OK, now I've confessed.. Now it's your turn. What's up?? Have a wonderful and pouch friendly day! Hugs and kisses, Lucy 484.8/383.4/163.4/160 pre-surg/surg day/current/goal
on 9/6/06 2:37 am - New Bern, NC
Hi Lucy and Everyone Else Jumping on board... Lucy, when I look at your accountability, I have to say, bravo , because you always look to me like you are doing so good, limited meals and snacks, never notice you grazing...but have to ask, doesn't seem like there is much "chew" protein in your day, is it because you don't tolerate meats/veggies well? Your protein counts sound good, how many calories do you average a day? I see you are almost at goal... When I look at what you eat and what I eat, WHOA... Anyway, I think you are doing great, keep it up... Tuesday: B - fruit protein smoothie S - kashi protein granola bar L - 2 1/2 oz london broil 1/2 oz slice havardi cheese 1/2 cup blackbean/corn salsa 1 oz serving tostitos (12 chips) S - 4 club crackers 1 oz dry roasted peanuts S - 2 protein balls D - 3 deviled egg 1/2's 2 bites pasta, bacon, pea and sundried tomato salad 1 oz grilled chicken 2 nestle crunch mini bars S - sf bluebunnie peanutbutter icecream bar And the usual liquids and vitamins Accountability has been keeping me on the track, I'm so glad Pam started up this post again...As long as I stay in my comfort scale range 121-125, I feel like I'm going well and don't panic about regaining EVERYTHING (the mind is a terrible thing to re-create) Alesia
Lucy M.
on 9/6/06 3:52 am - Conway, SC
Hi Alesia! Thanks for posting too! I like this accountability post. It helps me at least this week to keep in check. I'm choosing not to eat solid foods for a couple of days because my eating was way out of control last week. I can tolerate all foods; chewing is no problem. Last week I was eating the "no-no" foods like donuts and regular ice cream. Plus eating the right protein foods, and I was eating in between meals and not drinking enough fluids. All not good in terms of post WLS. I had to take drastic measures and cut the carbs. My problem is when I start eating solids, I want to eat more. I'm trying to shrink my pouch again. Eating solids is not a problem for me when I stay on track. Once I falter, then it is trouble. I do have emotional issues that I'm dealing with; plus the strain of my plastic surgery consults and upcoming gyne appointment. The image thing i****ting me hard! I'm having a hard time dealing with the attention from the opposite sex as well as the attention from my family. My way of dealing with this, has been eating to comfort me. I know that is not the answer and that is what got me to 485 pounds in the first place. I don't count calories as much as counting my proteins. Although I usually go under 600 calories during the week, on Saturdays I usually make up for the deficit by going out to eat for lunch - have whatever I want, but in the amount that my pouch is comfortable with. I will have bread and butter, salad dressing on my salad. I also may indulge in a dessert, like a small D**** cream cone or a small sundae without whip cream or nuts. My brain still thinks like a 485 pound person. I want to eat, whenever, whatever and how much that I want! I know that my pouch will limit me to an extent. I'm so scared at this point of gaining weight. Less weight means less intake. I know that I can't eat like I did in the beginning. To me, a gain means I failed. I don't want to fail. I want to have my plastic surgery as planned in November. So I have to lose the 3.4 pounds by then. I'm also afraid of having a plateau. Sorry to ramble on! I feel like I just bared my soul. Here it is! Thanks for asking! Lucy
on 9/6/06 4:32 am - New Bern, NC
Lucy, I repeat, I think you are doing awesome and deserve a ... Know what you mean about being afraid to start sliding on a few pounds here and there and then pow, I'll be back to 250 in a wink...Getting on the scale and seeing an increase can be really unnerving...Since I made it to goal and beyond its gotten a little better...I think I was becoming addicted to seeing the same or lower everyday for the many months it took to get to goal, then I surpassed goal and my Dr. was saying "you need to level off", I lost 13 more lbs past goal trying to get settled on a maintenance eating plan, then had a hernia repair and panni removal and lost 4 more, it was during this 3 month time period I finally realized that I could and would be okay if I just keep it in a 5 lb range up/down from my lowest post panni weight to my lowest pre panni weight...Now I'm doing okay and don't panic if I'm up 1 1/2 lb today, because the next day I'm down again...Eating all kinds of food definately contributes to the day to day fluctuation, if you look at my accountability, my food is all over the board, but do try to keep on track with 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day...I too still go for real salad dressing and real butter, do try to watch the carbs and still have problems dumping on too much real sugar so don't do much of that... Keep me posted on how you think the food adjustment does on re-shrinking/brainwashing your pouchie...You have a strong will, I can see it in your post...You've come such a long way, much further than me ...Congratulations and good luck with you're upcoming plastics Alesia
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