IT'S MONDAY - Accountability

on 9/11/06 11:21 pm - New Bern, NC
OK, Did better today... Except when we went to BINGO, snacked the whole time on these little rice cracker bites ...Resolution, back on track today, I can do it ... Monday: B - fruit protein smoothie S - 1 oz lf cheddar, 10 sm butter pretzels L - 1/4 c egg salad on 1 piece of WASA multi grain cracker-bread, 2 pieces tiger butter (p/b swirled with a little chocolate) S - 1/3 c avocado and tomato salad, 2 bites filet mignon D - protein coffee frappachino S - 3/4 c rice cracker bites (probably 3 servings of carbs ), handful of peanuts & cashew nut mix Hope everyone is trying to stay on the track...I know I'm struggling, was up an extra lb from the weekend on Monday morning, still in my 5 lb comfort zone, but pushing the edge...Back on track today, promise, promise, promise... Alesia
Lucy M.
on 9/12/06 3:10 am - Conway, SC
Hi Alesia and everyone else I finally got my head together after a support meeting last night I realized that I was eating to push down and numb my painful feelings about the man I was going to date. Whatever I ate, it nevers satisfied me or numbed my pain like the old days when I could eat and eat! I would feel sick from eating the wrong foods and amounts and was headed in the wrong direction. I am in the process of resolving this painful memory and put closure to it. Nothing I eat will take the pain away. Nothing! I've been going through this for the past two and a half weeks. This could lead me into big time trouble. I have to find another way to deal with my emotional pains. My pouchie can't take it anymore. I can't take it anymore! I've denied, I've grieved, I've realized, I've been depressed and now I'm in the 5th stage, resolution. I've got to get through this stage and will by tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm feeling very good this morning, eating the right way and the right foods. I'm following pouch rules. Say to myself: I am eating properly to feel healthy and I am following pouch rules no matter what happens today!! Thanks for starting this post Alesia! Hugs, Lucy
on 9/12/06 5:09 am - New Bern, NC
Lucy, I have to say, the 2nd most amazing thing about this surgery is realization...1st at least for me is the greatly improved body image/physical health...but really amazing to me is the other thing this surgery brought, it was totally unexpected - realization...The last year has made me look, I mean really LOOK!!! at the whats and why's of my eating past...Its hard to put into words everything I feel about what has changed in me - better self esteem/self-worth...better understanding of what the food I eat is made of...better physical health & mental health...better understanding of myself and what drives me...These words don't begin to touch everything I feel and know is different - I rejoice in these differences, I cannot say too many times how AMAZING it is or how GREATFUL I am that I finally found the courage to ask for this surgery, it has changed my life beyond measure Alesia
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