YEAH for me!

(deactivated member)
on 9/20/06 11:04 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~ I am 158.5 as of this morning and I am no longer OBESE just Overweight!! My BMI is now: 29.9.... Just an update on my 10 day Plateau Breaking Diet, it is day 3 today and all is well. I have lost a total of 3.5 lbs in 2 days... I got to see a new numbers on the scale so that is good. I never thought saying I am happy to be Overweight would feel so good. but it DOES!!! the next section is NORMAL..... I have never been Normal in my life. Well I just wanted to share with you all.... Debra P 285/158.5/125
on 9/20/06 11:55 pm - Columbus, OH
Hey Debra You look great!! Congrats on the new numbers Sharyn
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 3:46 am - MT
Sharyn, Thanks so much hun... Debra P
Wendy Kipp
on 9/21/06 1:23 am - MI
Yeah Debra! I have thought about doing the Plateau Buster, but wasn't sure I could eat the meat. I am soooo not a meat eater. Just a little meat in my diet and lots of protein supplements. Keep up the good work! Wendy
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 3:48 am - MT
Wendy, YES it really is a lot of meat and I was worried about it but all has been fine so far. It took me a while to make this choice but the weight was not moving on the scale so I have to make this change! I know I have to keep the carbs low from now on and that will always be a struggle but so be it. Thanks again hun Debra P
on 9/21/06 11:50 am - Hillsboro, OH
Hi Debra! I haven't posted in quite awhile, but couldn't help being motivated by your success!!! How is the plateau buster diet going? I, too, have been contemplating this as my scale seems to be stuck at anywhere between 160 & 164 lbs. AND, I seem to have allowed too many carbs back in my life (as they are starting to control me once again!). Has it been hard to go with the plateau buster???? Are you craving carbs at this point???? Or, have you had to experience "withdrawal" symptoms???? Anything you can share on this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks bunches... Karen 320/164/150
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 10:14 pm - MT
Karen, Thanks hun, it is going good. I do not feel hungry at all with the exception of yesterday when I had the cottage cheese for breakfast! I should know better not to use that for a meal but rather just a snack. I have lost 4.5 lbs as of this moring and going on my 4th day. I was hanging around 160-162 for about 2 months and it was driving me crazy so that is why I went on this. The hardest thing once I said I was going to do it was not to have fruit and other things in the house! I carb cravings are not here right now but the metal carb cravings are still around and I bet they always will be. I had some withdrawal systems yetsterday as I was crazy with wanting to eat something that was crunchy! I am going to get me some beef jerky so maybe that might help that. I have to say that I am NOT hungry while eating all protein! You have to be creative with the meals though and I have some hard boiled eggs and I pre-grilled some chicken and pork chops, also some ground beef and turkey as I knew there would be a time that I was SOOOO hungry and wanted to just pick so I made it so it is easy for me to prepair my protein meals. I hope that helps hun. Debra P
on 9/21/06 6:29 am - Lone Pine, CA
Congratulations Debra! Keep up the good work and is contagious! Diane
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/06 10:15 pm - MT
Diane, Thanks hun, I am really jazzed about this and know I will have to revisit this plan every now and again to get my body back on track. Take care Debra P
Scrappin Gal
on 9/21/06 3:15 pm - Corona, CA
Congratulations Debra!! Good for you! Overweight is grand, isn't it? Hugs, Kerri
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