Worst month yet!

Wendy Kipp
on 9/25/06 4:27 am - MI
Good grief! I have had the worst menth since surgery! I haven't lost a pound and I keep fluxing up and down 2 lbs! This is crazy! I think since they cured my H pylori they fixed my stomach up and now I can actually eat! I think I want my H pylori back! LOL! Well I am gonna go walking this afternoon and go buy some turkey jerky to keep away from those godawful M&M's that I have been grazing on! How are you all doing? It has been quiet here on the board lately! Did everybody get so sexy they actually have a life and don't spend all day sitting at the computer! God forbid! LOL! Wendy
Lucy M.
on 9/25/06 4:45 am - Conway, SC
Hi Wendy! Sorry to hear about your WL struggles. I think many of us here are going through the same thing. I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks. My eating got out of control. I'm still struggling day by day and have to get serious with myself. I'm so close to goal and blowing it. I've been testing my pouchie too much this past month. I'm scared because I know what I am doing and having a hard time stopping myself. I always find an excuse and then wake up the next morning hating myself for over indulging from the previous day. Now I'm only 65 days away from plastic surgery too. So I have to get my head into gear and stop this nonsense. I am happy that I can fit into small clothes; some are a size 8 and extra small. Shopping is a pleasure now. I'm doing the walk from obesity this Saturday in my area and my surgeon is going to be there... so I better follow the rules of the pouch. I plan on weighing myself this Wednesday before I go to the plastic surgeon to get more explanations on my procedures and cost..... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Wendy. I miss everyone here too... I'm probably a lot more sexy now then ever but am shying away from men until after my plastics. I've got so much on my plate now.. no time for men or a relationship although I would love to have one for the holidays. I'm so tired of being alone. Oh well, that my two cents worth for today. So far, I'm at 100% pouch rules. Now to get through the evening after work today... HELP!!! Hugs, Lucy
Wendy Kipp
on 9/26/06 1:25 am - MI
It is hard! I know that gaining is harder now and sometimes I use that as an excuse to say it is ok to indulge in some thing I shouldn't. But I still want to meet my goal weight, which is about 20 more lbs and I really only need 10 off from me. So I wonder if that is not some mental subterfuge going on with myself. 10 should be the plastic surgeon and 10 from me. I need to get up off my a** and move more, but I keep finding excuses not to. I am gonna quit whining and get moving! I did go canoeing Saturday. That was good excersize. Good luck with everything Lucy, you have been a great friend to me. I would love to meet you someday. I believe you will find someone when you are ready. Don't settle, you deserve the best! Wendy
Lucy M.
on 9/26/06 3:58 am - Conway, SC
Hi Wendy. I just got back from a meeting at another hospital. Ah, yes it would be great to meet you too. Perhaps we can plan on somethng for the next spring or summer season. I wish we could get a lot of us Junebugs 2005 together in a central location and have a blast! At least today I found out that I haven't gained any more weight in the past two weeks. I can lose what I gained - I don't feel like it's impossible. I can do it! Take care, Lucy
Scrappin Gal
on 9/25/06 2:50 pm - Corona, CA
Hi Wendy~ I'm so sorry that you're frustrated with the weight loss. I have been there, too, so many times as you well know. I lost almost 7 lbs this last month, which was incredibly abnormal for me post 1 year. I had been averaging 5 lbs., which usually came off all at one time and the rest of the month nothing. I, too, am struggling with the sugar and carb intake just like everyone else. I think the only thing saving me is the amount of exercise that I'm doing. Ya all know about the 1/2 marathon, but I'm doing several other 5K walks, playing racquetball and volleyball on a weekly basis. All of these things are going to stop if I get pregnant, but for now, I'm going to take advantage of them. Hang in there...we all knew that the 12-18 months were going to be tough. I know how badly you want to be in Onederland. I really believe that you're going to make it. It just wasn't under the timeline that you wanted. But you CAN do it. Take care, Kerri
Lucy M.
on 9/25/06 9:49 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Kerri! I just wanted to let you know that I weighed myself today and at least I didn't gain anymore in the last two weeks. I was so surprised because I've been eating like no time - too much and too often. So at least I have some good news. I can recover from this slip! I've been active but haven't been faithful with exercise. That stops TODAY! I'm going to exercise when I get home. I'm taking control back into my life! I, too think that many of us are struggling at this point in our WLS journey. We've come so far, look and feel better. So it's easier to make excuses to eat and people don't give us another look when we buy the not so healthy foods and eat them... Thanks for your post to Wendy! It lifted my spirits Take care and have a wonderful day. Your friend, Lucy
Scrappin Gal
on 9/27/06 1:48 pm - Corona, CA
Hi Lucy~ How did your exercise go last night? Has today been a better day for ya? Good for you in taking control back!! Keep up the great work! Hugs, Kerri
Lucy M.
on 9/27/06 10:34 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Kerri! YES, I've had a great two days. Following the pouch rules and exercising... Finally! Today marks day 3! Thanks, Lucy
Wendy Kipp
on 9/26/06 1:30 am - MI
Kerri, You are definitely doing great with the excersize! I have never been athletic. I have always had a sedated personality. I have no real motivation to get up and do things just to move. I usually move with a reason LOL! I guess getting to Onederland is my new reason. Tonite I am going to walk 2 miles. I will check in here tonite or tomorrow and be accountable to you all if I don't!! My son is starting to get quite plump and I always swore my kids would not be fat. I feel like it is my fault, for not being a good example to him. I will take him with me. Thanks Kerri, You will be a great MOM!!!!!!! Wendy
Scrappin Gal
on 9/27/06 1:46 pm - Corona, CA
How did your 2 miles go last night? Were they brutal? I think it's a wonderful idea to take your son with you. I'm challenging my students to "walk across America"~ as a class we're trying to do 2,300 miles which is from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic during the school year. As an incentive for each kid, they get to earn color shoelaces for each highlight~ 25 miles they get blue, at 50 they get gold, etc. These seem to be quite a motivator. This is the first year I'm trying this, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure you've been an absolute inspiration to your family! Hang in there and don't give up. You don't have to walk a bunch of 5K's to get to Onederland. Just a little bit each day. I do them because the competitive juices kick in for me, and unless I have some type of goal, I flake out. Hugs, Kerri
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