Calling all Junebugs!

Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 1:44 am - Conway, SC
OK, I know that we all have a life and are busy but I miss hearing from you! Even if you don't have much or anything to say, please acknowledge your presence here!!! You are missed! I for one have been struggling with emotional eating. So far, I've gotten myself back on track and it feels so good I'm so close to my goal that I don't want to blow it! My news is that I'm preparing myself for my upcoming plastic surgery on November 29th and am anxiously waiting for the day... only 56 days away! YAY!!! People have told me that they wouldn't recognize me on the street. Hey, I don't recognize myself either when I see myself in the mirror or a reflection in the glass That's my update. I'm here and going strong! Shopping is way to much fun and costly. Take care! Hugs, Lucy
on 10/4/06 2:44 am - New Bern, NC
Hi Lucy, This is Alesia, I'm still out here ...I've always been pretty much of a lurker, with a few responses here and there...Also I've notice alot of Junies on the WLS grad board, especially Mary Jo... I know you are excited about your plastics...I really started to feel "thin" after I had my panni removed in May...Its amazing how matching the scale # and body without the extra skin works on the mental ability to finally "see" the new me...I too still am struggling with emotional eating and think this will be my ongoing challange with maintaining the loss...I'm working constantly on the mental challanges, I am determined to never see the fat me again... Good luck to you, will keep posting once and a while just to touch base... Alesia
Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 4:00 am - Conway, SC
Hi Alesia! Good to hear from you. I, too am determined to never see the fat me again. I wasn't happy with myself or life in general. I pretty much existed living day to day - working and eating. I had family outings, a few friends but didn't go out. Now my life is full and busy all the time. I enjoy vacations and meeting with friends. Of course, my favorite is shopping. Now, it's hard to find the small sizes! Go figure that one. I think we all have some issues with food. I know I used it to numb my feelings. Now I can't do that anymore. I have to find something productive. Yes, I am excited about my plastic surgery. I've had the big apron for all of my adult life and it's time to say farewell! Thanks for your post! Wishing you the best on this WLS journey. Hugs Lucy
Shelley S.
on 10/4/06 3:03 am - Granite City, IL
Hi Lucy.... sorry to hear about you issue with eating. I think we all are having an issue with it to some point. I finally decided no more out of control eating for me around mid September. I was stuck at 188 forever. I started eating right again and upped my protein and water and I have lost 13lbs! I am really excited about that. I went shopping last weekend and bought my first pair of size 10 jeans. I have never ever ever worn that size. That now makes me a 10 on bottom and small or medium on top. Its amazing! Good luck with your plastics. I went to a consult not too long ago and am looking at having LBL done the early part of next year. I am still trying to hit my goal weight first. Hugs, Shelley 313/175/140(oh so close, I can taste it!!!!)
Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 4:07 am - Conway, SC
Hi Shelley! See, there are some of us out there lurking. Sometimes I think that others are going through the same things I am. Wow, when the appetite comes back it comes back something fierce! I'm holding to no snacking! My problem is once I get the taste of something, then I want to eat more and more of it. I have only 3.4 pounds to goal. I've never been so close; it's scary to me. I have to learn how to maintain, a brand new concept for me. I 've struggled all my life with obesity, as I've been fat since 8. I'm sick and tired of my belly apron. That's why I can't wait for plastic surgery. Get rid of it once and for all. I've lost over 300 pounds. I still can't believe it! But, I still mourn over the loss of my friend (or so I thought) food. Food was my comfort. I vow never to be fat again! Life is so good now. I can't imagine living life like I used to. Thank you for your post! Wishing you every success. Hugs, Lucy 484.8/383.4/163.4/160 pre-surg/surg day/current/goal
Mary Jo P.
on 10/4/06 8:40 am - Rochester, NY
dropping in to say hi!!!! well, i guess i am doing ok and not so ok. i skipped my follow up appt with surgeons office last week because i didn't want to hear what they have to say about my weight loss. i lost 7 more lbs since i was there in june and they told me in june they wanted me to gain. i did go to my pcp today and he also wants me to gain. he said a lot of things that i really need to think about. i weighed 106 for 3 days and went back to 107 this morning, so maybe i will put a few lbs on. while i truly can appreciate the struggles some have with food, mine appears to be the opposite. i don't eat much, hardly ever eat a "meal". today i probably ate 6 donut holes over the course of the day at work. then of course i feel guilty, so i don't want to eat much of anything else! i did buy myself a meximelt from TB. but that will be it for today. not good, i know it, but can't seem to change it. i have been fighting a nasty cold for almost a week now. my doc says my immune system probably can't fight it off. i believe it, i feel like crap. i am constantly exhausted. i have to get it together. my only goal right now is to get healthy. love u all! hugs~mary jo
Wendy Kipp
on 10/4/06 9:45 am - MI
Miss you lots MJ! Sorry to hear your not doing well. I have issues too. Still occasionally gagging myself over guilty eating and dealing with some physical stuff too. I can kind of relate. It is hard to deal with life in general. Don't forget us here though, it is good support. Wendy
Mary Jo P.
on 10/4/06 10:39 am - Rochester, NY
(((wendy))))) i miss you too! i sometimes feel like i dont have much to contribute or just nothing to say. but i will try to be on here more, post more, liven up this slowly dying board! sorry to hear you are dealing with some same issues. yes, life in general is tough to deal with! on a better note, i did finally get a job. i just started this week and i am a one-on-one aide for a 5 yr old boy with autism. the pay is CRAP, but i love it already and love this child already too! the cool thing is, i found out yesterday that i used to work with his mom at my old job! working for the school district, i will be off when the kids are off and off summers! hope to hear from pam and lisa, too. miss u!!!
Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 10:17 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Mary Jo! I knew there were a lot of us out there. I had to read your post a second time because I couldn't get over your weight, 106-107 pounds. OMG! In one way I wish I would be the same way but I know that wouldn't be healthy for me. This WLS journey is definitely individualistic, meaning that no one has the same total experience. I know about eating the not so good foods too. I've been there and done that; more times than I want to admit. For me, I like the fact that no one would ever question what food I buy or eat in public. Before, I would get the nasty glares and faces along with remarks. It's a good feeling but that in itself could lead me back down the wrong path. I want to be healthy too. I think that I'm about there with the weight loss. I have so much excess skin from the many years of being SBO. I'm down to a size 6 in most clothes and also in extra small. I would have never thought that I would get down so far. I would have been happy in a size 12-14. I hope your cold resolves itself soon and that you will be able to eat more nutritiously. Gain some weight too! Isn't that a strange concept? Take care and thanks for posting. It was good to hear from you! Hugs, Lucy
Shelley S.
on 10/4/06 10:57 pm - Granite City, IL
Sorry to hear you're not doing so well Mary Jo. It is really important that you try to start getting in your protein and eat. You don't want to end up very sick and not able to take care of your kids. Hugs. I really hope you can find someway to get healty again. I see you do have some good news for all of us! You're working!!!! I know that has to lift your spirits some. Congrats on the new job. Keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Shelley 313/175/140
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